Khutbah Topic By Sheikh Salaah Al Budair: 01/01/21
'Warning from Busying yourself with others Faults'
O Muslims:
People of intellect and sound mind protect and guard themselves from falsehood and their honor from anything which may harm it by following the path of virtue and good and avoiding what causes suspicion.
There is no virtue except for the one who protects his honor and tries to increase in good. I swear that there is no dishonor for a person in death, if he is not afflicted in life with what is shameful.
Dear Muslims, through all the difficulties of this life and adversities in this world, there is something that continues to remain clear. It is the fact that the pristine and brilliant teachings we have in Islaam aim to uplift people's conduct and purify their souls.
My dear brothers who have eemaan (i.e. those who hold sound beliefs and perform righteous deeds), more than fourteen centuries have elapsed since that final Messenger was sent by Allaah, yet his graceful qualities still have a pleasant presence in all regions.
Allaah blessed his Prophet Muhammad by favouring him and endowing him with many unique traits and virtues, to the point that no written or spoken words can fully encompass those traits despite them being continually mentioned in various settings including the minbar.