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7 Apr, 176 tweets, 65 min read
Some thoughts on episode 66 of #Hercai

Sometimes endless trouble rain down on you. But remember, a rainbow of colors appears after the rain.
~ Hz. Mevlana

If last week Ebru made me cry so much, this week she made me cry even more. The way Ebru portrayed the happiness of a young mother who’s happiness was taken away from her only a few hours after she escaped death.
Reyyan’s desperate screaming and crying for Hazar will probably haunt me the same way the morning after the wedding haunts me. Ebru delivered masterfully!
Also Akın made me cry especially in the opening scene, the burial scene when kneeling at H’s grave and the moment Reyyan held Umut for the first time. The constant tears in his eyes showed happiness for R. and Umut and contemporarily devastation for Hazar’s death.
Miran seemed to walk on a tightrope of which he fell off in the last scene! Bravo Akın!
Ali Ilhan and Erhan Kozan
Kudos to our two directors! I loved how they continued to mingle the scenes between Istanbul and Midyat especially in the scenes of Reyyan vs. Azize.
Doc: “The one who leaves, does not know. Death is more difficult for those who remain. I know.”
➡️Truer words have never been spoken.
Azize: “How many times can a person burn in the same spot? How many times can a person lose their child?”
➡️History repeating itself: Azize buried her last child (this time for real) and yet she hasn’t died out of grief.
Zehra: “Curses eventually turn against u.”
Mahfuz: “Waiting will only make it harder.”
➡️I agree and disagree here with Mahfuz. I think Miran did the right thing with telling Reyyan only once they were back near to their home.
Otherwise her memory of Istanbul and her mucize would have been destroyed right away and she deserved to leave the city at least “happy”. We always remember how and where we are when bad news hit us. And these news broke Reyyan in a way we never saw her before.
Reyyan: “The name of our dear is from our dearest.”
- Why was Zeynep missing at the burial?
- How is it explained that Mahfuz was suddenly in IST?
➡️I still ask myself, and hope for it, that we get a flashback scene in which we see how Miran and Zehra found out about Hazar’s death.
How wasn’t it strange to R. that Mah.was there but not H.? I mean she was in a coma after all, wouldn't her “real” dad come 1st or at least they would come together, like Mahfuz said?In the summary they gave us was written: Miran will get help from an unexpected side”
The opening scene was once more Akın giving some masterclass in acting. Something I understood for the first time actively in this episode is that Miran’s aggressiveness and hitting things/stuff happens out of fear.
We saw this in the opening scene when he smashes his fist down on the hospital desk and in the last ReyMir fight scene when he hits the door of ReyMir’s room. It's because he is scared, not because he is angry.
Well I guess I am not alone if I say that the dream sequence was super confusing to me. I get that they wanted to show us that the moment Reyyan’s heart stopped she followed Yildiz to paradise, yet I didn’t understand the ending.
They walk in this beautiful surrounding and get to stop in front of an abyss. Reyyan is letting go of Yildiz’s hand, Miran calls for her, Yildiz disappears and Reyyan jumps, although Miran screams for her. In that moment she jumped but without Yildiz and +
+ although Miran screamed for her. I can’t make any sense out of this. Her jumping meant she was dying, I get that, but it seemed to me that she did it intentionally and then the ending was open and we just have to assume that her heart started to beat again+
+ and that they put her in an artificial coma afterwards? Hummm, so many questions here.
The burial scene, together with the scenes when Reyyan finds out, were the heaviest ones for me. I found it an interesting detail on how Miran took some earth from the grave and I liked the way he took it:
He wasn’t angry or revengeful, he was simply heart-broken. It was emotional because that little amount of earth is the only thing he has from Hazar. He has no physical “object” that belonged to Hazar.
The way Akın/Miran really seemed to stumble/having lost his balance followed by the need of being stabilized by Firat and Ali, bravo Akın!!!! I couldn’t help but to think about the many times Miran repeated “You are my enemy, Hazar Shadolgu!
I will kill you Hazar Shadolgu” and now that we see that this man, his biological father, is dead, what it really means for him. I was in awe of the frozen state of Miran, unable to react in any kind of way when Cihan arrived at the grave too.
The way Akın’s only spoke with his eyes was incredible to watch. I think Akın portrayed the numbness of a person grieving perfectly in this scene, Miran’s silent tears for someone who otherwise is always loud.
And who truly scared me too was Azize’s silence. The way she was not looking at anyone and her only words to Miran: “Bring Reyyan and Umut, I am waiting for you.” The way she did not shed a single tear during the whole burial scene. I was so scared ….
M: “If something happened to Reyyan, I entrust my son to you, okay?
F: “Miran, don't you dare, don't you dare.”
M: “If there is not Reyyan, there is no Miran. If something happens to Reyyan….”
F: “It won’t. You got, take your wife and son and come back, Miran.
You will grief for your father. You will raise your child together, ok?”
➡️Can we say that we need to stan Firat once more? The way he took Miran into his arms outside the hospital room shortly after the delivery, the way he let Miran break down +
+ in his arms and now also the way he kept telling him everything will be fine. Firat is and was a true soul and brother to Miran all this time.
Z: “I saw it, but I thought it was for Reyyan. The day he became a grandfather, not knowing that he would die, he died. My children are orphans, I am without a root. He wanted to come too, I prevented him from coming. If I hadn’t interfered.”
➡️My heart broke here so much for Zehra. She is blaming herself for having prevented Hazar from coming with them. Did you see how Mahfuz wanted to confort Zehra by touching her shoulder but didn’t have the courage to do so?
- Did you notice how Azize kept avoiding Nashu’s touch? As if Ayse’s body had left her once and for all and now only Azize remained? As if Azize (re)-possessed the body and thus the woman who would take revenge is back?
The way Azize screamed “son” into that jumper… Ayda was phenomenal as always!!!
#Hercai #AydaAksel
D: “We decided to wake up Reyyan. Reyyan slept for two days, we are afraid that the drugs will affect her body and locomotive system. We stopped giving medicine, Miran.”
➡️So from this conversation I understood that, once Reyyan’s heartbeat was back, the doctors decided to put her into an artificial coma. I wished we had seen how Reyyan came back to life. How, when and why her heart started beating again.
We just have to assume it did at some point and that the doctors then decided, in order to give her body more time to deal with the high stress and the pain she had gone through, to put her into an artificial coma.
We don’t know how and when Reyyan’s “surviving mucize” happened and I found this very much anticlimactic as several episodes and her inner struggle were build up on the words “I will die by giving birth”. In the end we don’t know why and how she survived all of this.
She didn’t start treatment, she gave natural birth and Umut was born at 6 months. In the end it seemed as if her pregnancy was never a problem and Umut being perfectly fine and in no need to stay in the incubator for another 3 months.
There was even no problem for Umut to board an airplane being only 4 days old ...
Z: “Is this why Reyyan is fighting death?You made my daughter believe in a dream that will never come true. (...) Don't you even take your child in your arms?”
M: “I will take it, I will take it when Reyyan wakes up.”
Z: “Are you making a tiny kid pay for it now? Keep your word. And give life to my daughter’s hope. Also if Reyyan doesn’t live, you will let Umut live.”
M: “Reyyan will live, Reyyan will not leave. Will not go away, mother Zehra.”
Z: “It's my fault. It's all my fault, I cursed you so that your face will never smile. I cursed you from the start. it's all my fault. it's all happened because of the curses that I uttered from the very beginning. But I have long... I have forgiven you long ago.
My daughter loves you. U are the son of Hazar, I forgave you. I fell in love with u as my son. How was I to know that curses are returning. That my bloody tears that flow from my eyes will flow because of my daughter and my husband? It's my fault, it's all my fault.
Z: "Through my fault - everything.”
M: “This is not your fault.”
➡️I liked it very much that finally the “curse scene” came up again and that Miran and Zehra talked about it. The way Miran was the mountain Zehra could lean on in this scene.
Feride and Akın have such a good mother-son chemistry, I love watching them together. And I also loved that Miran only took Umut into his arms once this curse was finally and “officially” lifted by Zehra saying it out loud that she had forgiven him.
M: “I ask for forgiveness, my son. The absence of your mother is very difficult for me. If you worry about your mum, mum is sleeping because she was very tired when she gave birth to you. So that we live this moment with you, she will come back.
She will not leave us alone. I brought ur cap, so that mom can smell you.”
➡️One of the most tender&emotional scenes of the episode. I loved the fact that Miran “re-assured” Umut that his mom did not abandon him but that she needed time to regain back her strength.
I loved it that he brought the cap and held it onto Umut in order to bring it to Reyyan. Her only and sole wish during labor was to not be put under anesthesia because she wanted to smell her child at least once.
For Miran to bring Reyyan’s Umut scent with this “trick” was beyond thoughtful and cute. And did you notice that all the other babies were crying but only our mucize baby was perfectly ok and even curious to meet his daddy?
M: “Umut is fine, he is very fine. I am not good at all. I am not okay at all. Because it doesn’t work without u. Nothing works. Come on, open your eyes, please get up, Reyyan. For us. Get up. Let heaven miss u. I miss u very much, I miss u so much.
I can't stand it. U entrusted Umut to me, but I can’t even become a father without you. Open your beautiful eyes, stand up. I want to tell you a lot. We'll have a lot to go through. Don't you ... let me hear your voice and bring me back to life? Now you hear me.
Get on your feet. So that we can make everyone believe in miracles again.”
[Reyyan squeezes Miran’s hand]
“You took my hand. You took my hand. I know you hear me. Open your eyes my angel, let this separation end. Come to us, come. (...) What are you? You are my miracle. You made me believe in miracles again, again. You are my miracle. You are my everything.”
➡️In this scene we had the full closure of “You are my miracle” that was uttered in the very first episode by Reyyan: “he will be my miracle and I will be his miracle too.”
Reyyan said it to Miran in episode 65 in the hospital corridor “Miran will come and save us, a miracle will happen” and now in episode 66 Miran says to Reyyan: “You are my miracle.”
R: “You are not saying it, something happened, my heart sank.”
R: “My Umut, here you are in my arms, son. You were an impossible dream. At first, dream became reality, then you became life. You were born.
Everything that I said to you while saying goodbye has turned upside down now. I breathe your scent, everything that bothered me was left behind, thanks to you. You were born and I was born again, with you. Your father did everything for our lives.
Turn a small chance into a hope that the three of us held onto. The almighty helped and you held on. I did not refuse any of you. Welcome son. Look, look, we have become a big family. You came, my Umut came. We now have real hope.”
➡️I loved that we heard Reyyan say “I breathe your scent, everything that bothered me was left behind, thanks to you. You were born and I was born again, with you.
Your father did everything for our lives” (ep. 66) vs. “I would erase everything bad that is in my memory, I would be reborn” (ep. 64). I love that we got the shadowing of these words, I loved that Umut brought back Reyyan to life again in a double sense:
She was reborn because she held onto her umut and Umut being the miracle who made her forget everything that she went through before having him.
What I didn’t quite understand is why Umut wasn’t brought to her room in the first place+
+but of course like this it was more dramatic-yet her panicking was completely understandable: as U. wasn’t there, she thought sth happened to him. Her feeling of “my heart breaks” was though not for U., but for H. She felt something was wrong but couldn’t pin it down.
And we get again a scene in which we see the mingling of two mothers “core” moments: Reyyan finally being able to hold and smell her baby, having him close to her heartbeat vs. Azize laying on Hazar’s bed, caressing a lifeless pillow of her dead son.
Did you see how Azize took off her gloves in that moment? A goosebump moment because “everything those hands touched, eventually dies” turns out to be true: the revenge and its consequences that was started by Azize’s own hands killed her beloved son.
Azize gave the silent treatment to Nashu until she spoke up and said: “your son killed my son”, but always avoiding Nashu’s face. This scene showed once more what seemed to be clearer and clearer with every episode:
For Azize/Ayse Nashu is/was only important as long as he “served” her as a link to Hazar - in the sense: she was ready to leave the city when Hazar asked her to do so, she even didn’t say goodbye to Nashu but she simply left.
Also now she doesn’t talk to Nashu, avoids his face and touch and in the final scene she decided for herself she would first let Füsun/Cihan pay for their sins and then kill herself.
Delusional N.really thought they could go back to where they had left,whereas Azize/Ayse probably always knew there was no way of “truly” going back to where they left. Too deep were the wounds she lived through,too deep was the hate she nourished for N.all this time.
And for everyone who hasn’t spotted this detail yet and to make you cry some more: Hazar saved a ReyMir selfie as Reyyan’s contact image.
It was heartbreaking to see how Reyyan tried to call Hazar and how Miran had to hold back his tears. To witness Zehra and Miran’s faces hurt and despair when Reyyan asked Mahfuz:
“Dad, would you like to hold Umut?” knowing that Reyyan will never be able to ask the same question to Hazar.
M: “If I say it now, this road will be endless for Reyyan.”
➡️I agreed and supported 100000% Miran’s choice to not tell Reyyan about Hazar back in Istanbul.
The agony that awaited her was enough for the simple five minutes until she reached Shadoglu mansion and saw the shoes at the doorstep and Reyyan finding Hazar’s room empty with only his jumper left on the bed.
R: “You are my first baby, Umut is my second baby.”
➡️Truer words have never been spoken. :)
M: “We lost, we lost our dad, Reyyan.”
➡️Although this was the moment I started to cry with and for Reyyan, I was glad it was Miran to tell her, using “gentle” words to break it down to her.
Reyyan got to know many heartbreaking news while someone told it to her in the most mean and evil way. So, I was glad she got to know this in the most “delicate” way that there was. And R’s reaction that followed was exactly what I was expecting: she started running.
She couldn’t believe what Miran said and to mingle the two flashbacks with 1) Hazar saying Umut will first say mum and 2) her remembering how the praying beans broke the moment Umut was born, was even more painful to watch.
To see how Reyyan reached Shadoglu mansion running just to find the shoes in front of the house, her starting to desperately scream “baba” like in the rain scene after Hazar’s fall, hearing Esma utter “my condolences” and Reyyan storming off +
+ to Hazar’s room to collapse in front of the jumper. I cried so much in this scene and Ebru delivered so beautifully and heartbreakingly. Reyyan uttered before: “If my father dies, I die too” and in that very moment we saw how Reyyan truly died a bit.
What gave me goosebumps even more in that scene was to see the frame of Reyyan breaking down on that bed and Azize and Nashu at each side of it. It was a visual representation once more that everything that happened to ReyMir
+ every tear they cried, every heart pain they went through was because of these two people. And again because of the wrong decision of these two people they are crying again and again and this time both lost their beloved father.
And here the frame 😭
I cried this whole scene long but when Reyyan wrapped Umut in Hazar’s jumper to make him smell his grandfather at least once, was really heavy on my heart.
To wrap Umut in it was as if this jumper gave Umut a first and last embrace of his grandfather.
I found it incredibly powerful how we got to see Azize’s silent tears only once ReyMir and Umut were safe and sound back at Shadoglu mansion. She didn’t break her promise to Hazar to watch out for his children.
She was only able to cry once they were all back.
R: “We arrived, dad. Your children, your grandson. As they said, we arrived as you expected. I couldn’t make it. I couldn’t show you my grandson even once. Thanks to your prayers I am alive, dad. I became a mother, dad.
Became a mother but I was left without a father. I did not know. I did not know. An orphan who was not even your blood… for being such a wonderful father. May the Almighty be pleased with you. I am sorry about everything, dad. Forgive me for all.”
➡️R’s words here reminded me so much also of the words she told M. outside the hospital in ep. 20: “a person remains a child until his father dies and becomes an adult only then. I don’t want to grow up Miran.” She had to become an adult the day she became a mother.
Azize changing her clothes from blue to black, leaving Hazar’s mother Ayse on the bed was a very powerful image. It was as if Azize left Ayse once and for all on that bed, changing her “skin” of being Ayse back to +
+ being Azize and ready and determined to die as Azize. And it was later confirmed with the mini dialogue:
Azize: “It was Ayse who was chasing Hazar.”
Esma: “Do not become Azize again.”
In all this, I remember episode 3, in which Azize calls Nashu and Hazar to the town square. Back then she lifted her black veil because she thought that she finally took revenge on Nashu/Shadoglu family for what they did to her.
Veil coming off
And now she puts back on the black veil because Hazar, whom she wanted dead for 27 years, is dead for real and she returns to revenge.
All I can say: bravo to Erhan 👏👏 for directing this scene with Azize, Miran and Cihan.
M: “Dad was shot in the back not in the heart. Cihan’s weapon is nowhere to be found.”
➡️Honestly I was a bit surprised that Azize needed to hear these words from Miran. It was quite clear that Hazar was shot in the back, I mean she held dying Hazar in her arms yet she made a very surprised face when she heard Miran’s words.
M: “I miss him every second, Reyyan. And I missed you every second Reyyan. Now I miss you both every second.”
➡️Finally we got a mini glimpse of Reyyan’s words: “very soon our son will be lying on this bed between the two of us”. ❤️
F:“I found the family we are looking for. Miran I am afraid you will be the same again.”
M:“What does it mean?”
F:“M., look, everything has changed a lot. U are now a father, you have a son. There is a beloved wife whom you are afraid of losing like crazy.
(...) I don’t want you chasing revenge again, Miran.”
M: “My father was shot. My father didn’t pick up his grandson. What should I do, should they get away with it? Don’t know who did it? And who ordered it to be done? I don’t understand you.”
F: “Find out. But what will you do after?”
M: “I will give them death, damn it. Don’t block my way. I’ll figure it out myself, clear!”
➡️I found this conversation very meaningful in the sense that also Firat, who knows Miran very well, is afraid that he will return to revenge. It’s important to bear this in mind for the ReyMir fight that followed by the end of the episode.
Firat, like Reyyan, reminds him that he is now a father and that there were enough moments in which Miran thought he would lose Reyyan and vice versa. Now also his son’s life and future is at stake.
R: “We have a doctor appointment.”
M: “I know, I will come back and pick you up in 1 hour max. 2 hours.”
R: “Don’t be late.”
M: “I won’t be, my one and only.”
➡️Although I understood the need for Miran to go and investigate Hazar's death, it was just not ok for him to miss Umut’s first doctor appointment. They have a four days old son who was born premature and a doctor who told Miran: “Only one thing, I warn you again.
I don’t know how you will tell her about her father’s death, but R. is not in the state to handle this. Stress and frustration can cause illness to recur. Keep ur road open.” ➡️So, stress and frustration could be dangerous for Reyyan&Miran simply neglects this fact.
Off voice: “Everyone thinks I ambushed you and killed you. How could I do this to you? You were my hands and my feet. Instead of a mother you were my brother, father, what would I do to you? What will I do without you?”
C: “Don’t you recognize me? You were my father.”
N: “You saw nothing, listened to nothing.”
C: “Then I shot my brother?”
N: “Ayse said you shot.”
C: “You never asked if I have done it. Said I was a murderer and that was it. (...) You called me “my brother’s killer”. You are right: both of your sons are dead.”
What can I say then just: bravo to #SerdarÖzer for this amazing delivery! I loved the way how raw, cruel and realistically this scene was shot. I loved how Serdar was able to express such a loss and grief.
His eyes and face looked like someone who hadn’t slept for days, the saliva as a consequence of heavy crying was so heartfelt because “real and deep grief” never looks “good”.
It transforms us, it makes us temporarily even “ugly” and we get to a state in which we watch ourselves in the mirror and we cannot recognize ourselves from the grief our soul is going through.
And a great discrepancy was also seen in this scene: whereas Cihan was heartbroken and devastated, Nashu seemed nearly indifferent.
After all his “favorite” son died, the one he kept living for after Ayse presumably died, yet we didn’t see him share tears. Nashu made a sad face and that was it...
Mah: “While you were away, Reyyan was very angry with u.”
M: “I know, I will compensate. Thanks again.”
Mah: “Miran, Hazar would not want you to do something that could leave Umut&Reyyan alone. Don’t forget about it.”
M: “I won’t.”
➡️Whereas some may have thought that Mahfuz overstepped some boundaries, I was glad that Mahfuz held back Miran to give him a first warning.
Reyyan went through enough in such a short amount of time and Mahfuz rightfully interferes and speaks up his mind, as he has to do the job now for two dads.🤧🤧
M: “I am just investigating.”
R: “We are not the people we were one week ago. We became mother and father, do you know.”
M: “I know, I’m not doing anything extra, trust me.”
R: “Will you hold your son with these bloody hands?”
M: “Ok, I have nothing in my hands. All I do is to protect us. I am trying this. Yes, today I could not be with u, but I give u my word, I'll compensate.”
M: “Cihan wants to talk.”
R: “Don’t go.”
M: “I'll be away half an hour, then I’ll be next to u&our son.”
➡️Reyyan giving her first warning to Miran: “we became mother and father” meaning = whatever you do from now on, will not only concern my life or your life, but also the life of our son and the future he will be living in.
And although Reyyan asked Miran not to go and meet Cihan, he went without having had the decency to at least check later on Reyyan.
A: “I say as the mother of Hazar, I will punish those who killed him. I will not leave this blood shed without revenge.”
R: “I am telling you to stop Miran so that he doesn’t get hurt, and you … You are doing again what you did years ago.
+ You set up again Miran, right? Did you tell him to take revenge?”
A: “Miran said something like that? You are the memory of my son. It is my duty to give you peace of mind. When this business is over, there will be no one left to disturb your peace.”
R: “Listen to me well, Ms. Azize. I don’t know what you will do, but I will not leave Miran in your hands. I have done it before, and I will do it again. I will take Miran from you. Umut will not grow up without a father.”
➡️To have heard these words “as the mother of Hazar, I will punish those who killed him. I will not leave this blood shed without revenge” rightfully made Reyyan panicking because if you exchange the name “Hazar” with “Mehmet” we are back to square one.
The biggest mistake of Azize, which made me so angry here, was that she didn’t tranquilize Reyyan by telling her: “No, I don't set up Miran again, it’s not him who will take revenge, don’t worry, I give you my word”.
The day before she waited for Reyyan to come back with Umut and now she does nothing for Hazar’s daughter to stay calm who just nearly died giving birth a few days ago.
M: “U saw who shot my father.”
E: “I don’t know anything.”
M: “U have nothing more to say to me, right? Cihan says he didn’t do it. So, you killed.”
E: “I didn’t. I need to go.”
M: “Where to catch. Who are u afraid of? What is ur problem?”
E: “Let me go.”
Phone conversation
M: “Reyyan, my angel. How is Umut?”
R: “You said u were gone for half an hour. We need to talk.”
M: “Reyyan, I might be a little late. But don’t worry.”
E: “I need to go, it’s not my fault.”
M: “My father is dead, I tell you. Where are you supposed to be in time?”
➡️So first of all, I laughed in this scene because Miran is mashing up people yet answers the phone with a: “my angel”. What I didn’t like was that he told Reyyan once again he would go home and then left her alone with Umut the whole night.
Of course when he spoke on the phone he probably had real intentions to go back home but his plans changed because of what Erkan told him later in front of Azize, yet, he should have called her or checked on her in some way.
I liked that Mahfuz is able to be a support in such a difficult time and that he is keeping his word 100%.
So, we see Miran coming back to the Umut konak in the morning after we have left him in the middle of the night when Erkan told him something secretly to his ear. What did Miran do during the whole night up until the morning?
Did he go and rescue Erkan’s family? He tells Azize over the phone: “Tell Erkan I did what he asked. Let him not worry. I will see my son and Reyyan and then I will come to you.”
M: “I understand, you are very angry. Listen …”
R: “You left us alone when we needed you so badly, Miran. I trembled all night over my son with fear. Where have you been? Is this your fatherhood?”
M: “Reyyan, I didn’t know. How can I leave you alone? What can I do for you and my son? I’ll do everything.”
R: “You tried when I was pregnant, now that he was born, no need. You have changed Miran. Your eyes filled with vengeance.”
M: “Changed because my father was killed. Don’t expect me to act like it’s okay, ok?”
➡️Very harsh words of course yet I think Reyyan came to this state because she thinks that darkness has crept back into Miran’s heart because of Hazar’s death.
Reyyan even went to Azize for help, but, instead of tranquilizing her, she did the contrary. Miran missed the first doctor appointment then he was out all night, of course she is afraid Miran goes back to revenge.
R:He was more my father than urs.I grew up in his arms. I don’t want revenge.I don’t want u to take revenge.
M:R.,he is the father of both of us.U don’t know where u are going.
R:I know perfectly well where I'm heading.But u don’t see, u don’t know where we are going.
M: “Who am I trying for? I am trying for us. You don’t think that since they killed my father … will they not touch you now, my son? Will it be your turn? What do you expect? Wait? I will not. I can’t wait.”
➡️Again, as harsh as “he was more my father than yours” sounds, it’s the brutal truth. I don’t think Reyyan meant it as “I got more love than you, or, I am more his child than you”, rather she lost her beloved father on who’s knees she grew up, a feeling that Miran +
+unfortunately, did not get to experience (without being his fault, of course). So, although her pain is immense, she doesn’t want them to go: an eye-for-an-eye. The same way she stopped herself from attacking Füsun when she found out about the poisoning,
+ the same way she wants Miran to stop in this case too. Because the vicious circle will only be broken if they don’t react the way their enemy expects them to react.
R: “You will do everything or choose us, your family and leave it. The guilty person will be punished by the law. Or lose your family for revenge, Miran.”
M: “I will not make any choice.”
R: “I am very tired. I am very tired of fighting alone for you to choose me. When it was all right, we went back to the beginning, Miran.”
➡️Miran’s words “I will not make any choice” should have been followed by the words: “because I am not seeking revenge, Reyyan because I always chose you and our family.” Of course Reyyan assumes that Miran is back for revenge, if he keeps secrets from her +
+ if he stays out all night without calling, if he says “I will not make any choice”. Even Firat thinks Miran is going back to revenge. Her words “I am tired of fighting alone for you to choose me” was a huge red flag to which he should respond.
M: “Reyyan, I was a bad person. I was a bad person. Having fallen in love with you, I corrected myself. This is completely different. We didn’t go back to the beginning.”
R: “Despite everything you have done to me, I have forgiven you. Fell in love, fell in love.
Was against everything when I walked with you. It turns out that love is not enough, Miran. It turns out that love is not enough to make you change.”
➡️Again I didn’t understand why Miran didn’t talk clearer to Reyyan at his point. The only explanation I can find is:
1)Communication is still a problem between ReyMir
2)M. is mentally and emotionally so tired&drained that at the moment he is unable to react accordingly to R’s words
3)He should have said that he's investigating the murdering but that he's not going to take revenge.
M: “I love you so much. Most of all I love. Don’t do that. You unjustifiably accuse me. Dad… our dad.”
R: “Your dad … what to do? Take up arms and punish those responsible? Somehow Umut will grow up, won’t he? Someone will take care.
If you’re lucky, you will become a good person. “If not, then someone like you. I already wrote about this particular scene here:

R: “Is that life? I became a mother. But you couldn't become a father, Miran. Go away. Go away. I will not raise my son amid quarrels, revenge and bullets. Once you leave one day, leave now.”
➡️I understood R’s words “you couldn’t become a father” as:
In Miran’s head he didn’t understand yet that with every of his actions, not only the lives of herself&Miran’s are at stake, but also Umut’s life. She already told him the day before “We're not the people we were 1 week ago. We became mother and father, do u know?”
meaning they are both responsible for the life of their son&it’s not only about them anymore.
Her “once u leave one day, leave now” translates for me to: 1 day u will die because of revenge, meaning that our child is the one who has to live with the consequences.
And with these words translate back to: children pay for the sins of their fathers.
M:“What are u talking about? What do u mean, go away? What are u talking about?”
R:“Go away. Since u are going to run for revenge… I'll become a mother&a father to my son. Go away M.”
M: “R! What do u mean, go away? What are u saying? Open the door, open the door.”
➡️Reyyan sees no other way than making Miran leave as a final way of giving him a “wake up call”. She practically says: leave now because when you are dead we/I also have to live with the consequences on my own.
Let’s end it here. Very, very, very harsh words as I said but I think they were necessary. I also think that they came out so raw because Reyyan never “learned” to modulate her words. All her life she was “shut up”.
Communication has to be learned too and here both, Reyyan and Miran, still have a lot of work to do. Yet, it was all the time fear that was speaking out of Reyyan’s mouth and Miran was unable to calm her down with his words.
A: “I gave the floor to R., I'll get rid of all your enemies, do u understand? But u won’t be here. Get out of here. Go to ur wife&ur son.”
M: “I will not let u. I won’t let that happen grandmother. I will not let you lose Ayse, I'm not going anywhere.”
➡️So A. thinks that she promised R.a life without enemies&thinks to achieve it by killing F.& C,yet, A. still hasn’t learned the lesson that “an eye for an eye” isn't the right way to go&that children will pay for the sins of their father until the circle isn't broken
A: “What did your son give my son and my grandchildren, except evil? Do you think I leave him behind?”
N: “You really became Azize. Let my son go, I tell you.”
➡️Showdown for lovey dovey Nashu-Azize relationship: Azize is ready to kill Cihan&with it she shows her true face to Nashu: Ayse was hurt too much&metaphorically died in that fire so many years ago&the maybe “surviving parts” were definitely killed with H’s death.
R: “Miran, come quickly, they will take Umut.”
M: “What do you mean they take Umut.”
R: “Please come save my son, please.”
M: “Wait, don’t be afraid, wait.”
➡️Can I say how we need to stan M. once more? He left the apocalypse right in front of his eyes: Azize pointed a gun to herself and in a hut two people were ready to be burnt alive, yet all M. needed to hear was R’s voice begging for help and he started running.
Not that I was expecting any other reaction from Miran, yet, it showed there is no one and nothing more important than Reyyan, also after a hurtful fight.
M: “I am on my way, my angel. Don’t be afraid, ok? (...) What is going on. Say something. Umut, son!”
R: “Umut, Umut.”
M: “Umut, son.”
➡️I was surprised at first, like many of you too, why Miran broke down and why he didn’t run towards the house. I think it “finally” showed a very human reaction of Miran: he simply froze and broke down. He was able to hold it together for such a long time.
The last days he only “functioned”: he brought Reyyan to Istanbul, Umut was born and Reyyan went into coma, he buried his father, he came back to Istanbul and Reyyan woke up, he brought all of them back to Midyat, he told Reyyan the truth about their father +
+ he held it together for her all this time, he was sleep deprived for several days, he most probably didn’t sleep the whole night before and now the two people who mean the most to him are once more in danger although he was working so hard in protecting them.
His breakdown was only a matter of time and we got it in the final scene.
And I officially exceeded my longest thread ever.
Thank you all for reading and making it down here.
Let me hug you all 💜

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31 Mar
Some thoughts on episode 65 of #Hercai

Wait a moment, turn around and remember what you forgot.
Call if you are lost, ask forgiveness if you broke it, forgive if you broke.
Because life is too short.
~ Şems’s Tebriz

My praise goes like every week to Ebru and Akin. The way they make us dream ReyMir’s dream with our eyes open even after 65 episodes is simply admirable and incredible. Thank you!
And of course special praise goes to Ebru for interpreting a labor scene in probably one of the most realistic ways I have ever seen it and this at her young age and first leading role. Kudos Ebru!💜
#EbruŞahin #Hercai
Read 152 tweets
24 Mar
Some thoughts on E.64 of #Hercai
If coincidence hadn’t brought u in front of me, I’d have lived in the same way, but oblivious to everything
U taught me that there’s another kind of life in the world,that I also have a soul
Every week I think that #EbruŞahin and #AkınAkınözü can’t surpass themselves but I think we all agree that they did in episode 64. I have no words left to say but only that I will forever love #ReyMir and the feelings these two can evoc together on screen.
The way they both execute their work and role with love, dedication and respect will never cease to amaze me. And the best summary for episode 64 is: watch and feel it. 💘
Read 157 tweets
17 Mar
Some thoughts on ep. 63 of #Hercai

“And know that, on this heart which I dressed with love, I made a promise,
I have not sacrificed any letter or a sentence without you.
~ Şemsi Tabrizi

I guess I'm not bothering you if I talk about the special ReyMir beauty Ebru&Akin had in episode 63. What keeps me in awe and amaze is how they are still able after 63 episode to make it look like that ReyMir fall in love with each other every day more&more.
I lost count on how many times I replayed the solo ReyMir scenes in this epi. It’s so visible on the screen how much they love their characters&this is projected onto the tv screen&what they deliver to us week after week. Thank u for this magic, thank u for ur devotion.
Read 119 tweets
10 Mar
Some thoughts on ep. 62 of #Hercai

You are what u are looking for.
If u aren’t looking for the mansion of life, let it be.
If u are looking for a bite of bread, be bread.
If u are looking for a drop of water, be silent
~ Rumi
If you are after persecution, you are cruel.
If you are looking for love, you are love.
You are whatever your heart is drawn to.
~ Rumi
My praise goes to Ebru and Akin like every week.
I loved Ebru in the dramatic scenes, I loved Ebru in the funny scenes, I loved Ebru the way she was one of the most beautiful and breathtaking brides I ever have seen.
Read 117 tweets
3 Mar
Some thoughts on ep. 61 of #Hercai

When love fights for life, it cannot love to the fullest.
The lover who doesn’t give up his life, cannot reach his beloved.
~ Yunus Emre

Ebru and Akın
Like last week my heart cried with Reyyan and this is thanks to Ebru’s performance also in this episode. The way she perfectly shows what a mother is capable of doing for her child really left me speechless once again.
I loved Miran also in this episode and it amazes me how Akın is able to portray Miran as a man who falls in love every day more and more with his wife. What he said: “I fall in love with you every day more and more”, was truly displayed by Akın’s interpretation.
Read 101 tweets
2 Mar
Mini-thread on the recurrent symbol of the BRIDGE in #Hercai ✨✨

#Miran #Reyyan #ReyMir #EbruŞahin #AkınAkınözü
Let’s begin with asking ourselves, what is a bridge in the firsr place? A bridge connects to riversides that would otherwise run parallel to each other for hundreds and hundreds of kilometers but never touch. They would never touch, if they were not connected by a bridge.
Everything important that happened to ReyMir, happened on a bridge, even the first tantim was shot on a bridge.

Read 10 tweets

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