Lets start off with a quick story for some foundation as I always do.
"There’s a tradeoff between doing the work that pays most and the work that forces you to grow:
Person A chooses money at every turn. Person B chooses growth at every turn.
After 3 years: A is comfortably ahead.
After 9 years: they’re even.
After 10 years: Person B is on another planet – “overnight success”
What has happened here? How on Earth did this happen?
Let's get into it then.
The explanation is this:
The person that chooses growth is exposed to more information & adversity which sets him up to win bigger later than the one who is cultivated by comfort.
Exposure to multiple problems to solve is a major key because it gives material for your mind.
The more thinking material you have to work with based on your levels of exposure, the more you can form new connections.
Think of person B having WAAAAY more Lego pieces than person A.
Person B:
Person A sadly doesn't have as much Lego pieces but money & thus grows very slowly. Whereas Person B makes new connections & the knowledge he gains compounds as he solves more problems.
Person A:
The easy path is only easy in the short term & the long path is only hard in the short term.
If you stick with them over time, the paths switch. The short game becomes a headwind (resistance) & the long game becomes a tailwind (automatic support).
The longer you do something difficult, the easier it gets, you build a reputation & respect of people who merely spectate.
After some years you have access, networks, skills, wisdom backed by experience & new ideas based on gaps you see so you put some into action.
People who play long term who had a major aim, look back in life and see growth, whereas people who didn't have the major definite aim, look back and see bad years and good years.
It's your point of perspective backed by what you chose.
This is why if you want to be person B, what you must avoid with everything is great paying jobs that hook you on prestige, these are the ones that take your time but pay the most, making it more difficult to leave.
As life goes people get more responsibilities & submit to life.
Person B grows more with his powers and all of a sudden as principle goes:
Opportunities beget more opportunities.
They multiply as they are seized.
"To him who has, more shall be given unto him."
In the end this is what happens & how person B ends up on another planet.
Person A, consistently complains about "adulting" on Twitter because he neglected to learn.
"My people perish because of a lack of knowledge."
Conclusion: You have to have a major definite aim that you're gunning for in the long term that you really want & obsess over that allows you breach the phase that will force logic to make you quit.
Then go into the fire and be built & burnt by it for years. Suffer for it.
Decide what you want to do, get clear & stick with it. Do NOT give up. If you do then you lose. That's all,
Endurance wins the game.
To do what you love is a PRIVILEGE.
I did a video about "how to do what you love" which is what people always say to you. The video goes deeper into what I said above. Enjoy
Why women must not date potential. Rather wait for the winners and compete for them.
Do NOT shoot in the gym!! 🙃😅
I've seen alot of talk on Twitter regarding women making their monetary demands on men and how men tend to come back with arguments so I figured I'd do some thinking regarding it.
My book for men will be coming out in the first quarter and it largely covers intersexual dynamics, to help improve men to deal with the brutal reality we face but don't talk about.
The world is promoting and developing women but very little is being done to develop men. A
Why women struggle in the dating game in modern day society.
I was doing research for next book for men. In that I had to draw from my many experiences with women but also looked at published articles to make my points.
This thread is for reflection & not exact as exeptions do occur. But indulge me.
Let's go.
The premise that I've seen as to why women are struggling is built on 3 points:
1.Increasing female achievement.
2. Growing variability in male status & competence.
3. An evolutionary desire among females to date up.
Before we get into it I just want to say that this is a collection of my lessons/mistakes & years experiences.
This is not to be used as a copy & paste, but more of a guideline & game that you must contextualize for your situation.
Extract the principles in the text.
1. This is key. The first step is accepting that you're going to be in this for the long haul. This is why it doesn't help selling fads unless finding new fads is your strategy.
Know alot about the market but more importantly the [Psychology] of how people in it consume.
For men reading this understand the the masculine grows through challenges whereas the feminine grows through praise.
This is why when we dare each other as men or call each other "chicken" it actually spurs us into action whereas with women, not so much.
Furthermore, the masculine energy always needs to be directed because its main purpose is to create order in chaos which is why men always like fixing things. We need problems to to solve in order for us to grow.
The bigger the problem, the more it builds the man who solves it.