All Ancestors are collectively constantly working together, this is why it is possible for you to be told to go to the ocean or a river at say 04:00 AM to go collect izinto zakho even though you do not have abaLozi
as part of your Ancestral entourage.
How this would work is that you would phahla to acknowledge receiving the dream instructing you to go & inform your Ancestors that you will go to the river say on Friday.
Once you confirm that you will go to eManzini (put the day out via speech [which is auditory vibrational confirmation]), they begin working in the spiritual realm & ask abaLozi to assist with the transportation of whichever item you need to receive from them🙏🧜
(these could be beads, a walking stick, ihiya/ibhayi etc. that they need you to have) on their behalf, so that on the day you go to the river or sea, you receive it.
You may dream of what the object is & where it will be, or your intuition on that day may point you to it.✊
If you are lucky enough, you may see the object emerge from the middle of the water & float out to you.
How this system works for people who do not have abaLozi is that your Nguni & Water Ancestors will solicit the help of aBaLozi baseManzini in order for them to move things
either from one place of the world to you, or from their spiritual realm to our physical realm on their behalf.🙏🧜
aBaLozi would then liaise with abanikazi (the guardians) of the various water bodies (rivers/dams/oceans) as well as abaNtu baseManzini &
inform them that a certain object will be passing through their territories, so that they are not alarmed when they see it or do not take the item/s for themselves🤭
abaLozi do not only operate through the waters for their transportation of items, but through air & land too.✊
If a patient comes & requires certain herbs from a healer with abaLozi & said medicine is not available at that moment, they are able to go to the Great House (the ocean) & bring the medicine(s) to the healer instantly.✊
aBaLozi may also teach the art of travel to the healer they guide, imparting the skill of teleportation/the ability to move to & fro places not only in spirit, but physically too. A lot of Ascended Masters have been taught this too. Camagu Bahlekazi! Ndiyanibona!!🕯️🙏
It takes a tremendous amount of energy to navigate the realm eyaseThongweni. This is the reason why abaLozi do not always stay with the person they work with & will visit only occasionally or when summoned.
They often opt to send messengers on their behalf (usually birds/bee's)
if they are tired (recouping their energy) or do not wish to physically come.🤭
Having abaLozi requires excellent conduct & an ability for one to exercise restraint. A person with aBaLozi hears everything that is being said about him/her - the good & the bad.🤗
Self restraint comes into play because it then becomes your responsibility to not act out on whatever it is you hear.
They also can travel much more into the past & future, making them excellent at prophecy work (abaLozi & iziThunywa are best friends-
and they are both a lot to deal with(handfull) because the one is sassy and the other is moody).
Healers with abaLozi are brilliant at umhlahlo (they can tell a client who did what, on which day & with whom).
aBaLozi spirits are unmatched when it comes to spiritual warfare as they command regiments of warriors & generals (amaButho) & are great in the banishing of imimoya emdaka (amafufunyane etc) through prayer & holy water.
Ingoma yabeLozi is old but is there for anyone with ears to hear. Their whistles are filled with unwavering knowledge. They are wise but playful, young (amaNono) but old, powerful but gentle. They are understanding but misunderstood.
Ukuthwala for riches, is a dangerous thing, before you consider ukuthwala for success have you ever searched for understanding the meaning of ukuthwala for money? Ukuthwala means to carry, abide or convey,
so in the case of ukuthwala for money/ wealth one will have been made to carry the spirit of the dead, water spirits that have rebelled their humble services or have become Goblins & Tikoloshes.
Summary for the Article
Ukuthwala is a system of getting rich fast using bad muthi,
bad spirits & human lives. The bad spiritualists have the ability to raise some spirits from the rivers, mountains & forests & give them magic bodies from the people they kill, some target young ones & others old. Others target males others females.
When she learnt that her son had failed his matric, Slindile Zwane blamed it all on a witchcraft spell she believed was cast by a jealous relative to derail her son’s fortunes.
“My son was bewitched, that’s all!” said Zwane,😲😲
whose son Tsholofelo failed his exams in the matric class of 2020. Although the belief in witchcraft & its ability to be used to bring bad luck upon people remains entrenched in many societies, cultural experts, academics & religious leaders remain divided
on whether witchcraft exists at all.😲😲
“I don’t understand why he [my son] could have failed because he used to study day & night & even cross night [burning the midnight oil]. There are many people who were jealous that he was doing matric in the first place.
ab6aLozi are by far the most misunderstood spirits. Their methods of operation are secretive as they are guides that do not like a lot of fuss.
There is a vast transport network in the realm of eThongweni.
aBaLozi favour that of the water channels & thus are able to bend the laws of time & space.
All water bodies are connected. The oceans, rivers, dams, waterfalls & streams share this connection as they originate from the same source.🌊🧜
A person with aBaLozi has an ability to tap into this water transportation system through their teachings & move things from one place to another or from one water body to another. In the same way the spirits are able to travel to & fro places to gather news or insights.
How do you know that your Healer is a Lightworker or not?
Can you see witches are no longer in hiding? They too are wearing Sangoma Attire parading as Healers & this is why the evolution of Afrikan Spirituality has been slowed down because as we do good others are busy
strategizing about doing harm on others.
A few months ago a 'Healer' that I don't know called me while I was in someone's office.. confessing that He Kills People!! Imagine someone in Traditional Regalia openly talking about killing people &
requesting my prayers for him to repent from his ways😥
I see now people are also parading their pet snakes & money rats, feeding into the old narrative about Afrikan Healers being witches. Is this not why people are scared of izinto zedlozi?😥😪
There Are So Many False Prophets Lana Emhlabeni. There Are Too Many To Count.
If You Knew The Real Name Of God. You Would Have Many Sleepless Nights. There Are People Lana Emhlabeni Who Are Shown Things Other People Will Never Know.
At Night When You Are Asleep. Some People Travel To Other Dimensions. Some People Go Inside Mountains & Caves. There Are Many Secrets I'm Not Even Allowed To Tell My Own Family. If You Knew The True Name Of God. If You Were Chosen To Recieve The Truth About Creation.
Your Life Would Be Very Different. There Are Wars Being Fought Day & Night But Your Eyes & Ears Were Closed. People That Are Gifted Live Very Hectic Lives. That's Why Their Relationships Almost Never Last. They Are Shown What Their Partner Is Up To.😲
This hit home. We invite souls that are troubled in our homes as AboGhobela. We take risks exposing our kids & families to amathwasane whom are bad mannered etc
People see the glamor of Gogo Dikeledi having many thwasane😲😲
It is not easy. Some even tarnish our names. Some have tried to poison us, some steal from us. But it comes with the chair we sit in.😥😪
All we have to do is trust in our guides that we were given this with trust. I often hear about how AboGhobela mistreat Mathwasane👀
but our Struggles with them as BoGhobela isn't discussed.
I was ithwasane once & I know what I put my ghobela through BUT her love & care for me was & is still beyond. Hence I say you are born to be ighobela, you don't invite amathwasane to you.✊