Gayatri Mantra, also known as the Savitri Mantra, is a deeply worshiped mantra from the Rig Veda (Mandala 3.62.10), one of the highest spiritual texts of the Sanatan Dharma, dedicated to Savitr. Savitr in Vedas is an Aditya, offspring of the mother goddess Aditi.
The sun before sunrise is mentioned as “Savitr” in Rig Veda, and “Surya” after sunrise. Gayatri, the name of the Goddess of the Vedic Mantra in which the verse, made up of 24 syllables, is contrived. They produce intense Physical and Psychological effects on the human body.
The Mantra precedes with #om . When we chant the Mantra, its recitation activates the vibrations that start from your lips and moves along with the tongue, palate, back of the skull, and throat makes our body release relaxing hormones and helps to calm our mind.
Regular Recitation of the Mantra makes you more focused by improving your concentration and peace to the mind.
An International Journal of Yoga recently revealed that people who regularly chanted the #gayatrimantra had better memory and concentration.
Lord Surya has a great significance in Sanatan Dharma. He is considered one of the most significant gods with exceptional capabilities and divine powers. Also, he is the principal source of light on earth and is a supporter of life. Apart from Sanatan dharma Lord Surya is also
preached around the world for his gifts to humankind. There are many advantages of offering water to Lord Surya and various other aspects of worshipping him, with the benefits being scientifically proven. Offering Water to the sun during the early morning promotes the absorption
of Vitamin D in our body that keeps us healthy. When we offer water to the sun with a copper vessel, the lights pass through the water and splits into seven rays of the sun (also known as Seven horses of Surya Bhagwan) and are absorbed by our body and balances the seven colors
This map was translated from a verse from Mahabharata where Dhrithrashtra asks Sanjay, how world looks like from space. The verses are from ‘Jamvu-khanda Nirmana Parva’, which in turn is within the Bhishma Parva book of the Mahabharata. Sanjay says, O son of Kuru’s race, I will,
however, describe to thee the island called Sudarsana. This island, O king, is circular and of the form of a wheel. It is covered with rivers and other pieces of water and with mountains looking like masses of clouds, and with cities and many delightful provinces. It is also full
of trees furnished with flowers and fruits, and with crops of diverse kinds and other wealth. And it is surrounded on all sides with the salt ocean. As a person can see his own face in a mirror, even so is the island called Sudarsana seen in the lunar disc.
मोहिनी भगवान विष्णु का एकमात्र स्त्री रूप अवतार है। इसमें उन्हें ऐसे स्त्री रूप में दिखाया गया है जो सभी को मोहित कर ले। उसके प्रेम में वशीभूत होकर कोई भी सब भूल जाता है। समुद्र मंथन के समय जब देवताओं व असुरों को सागर से अमृत मिल चुका था, तब देवताओं को यह डर था कि असुर कहीं अमृत
पीकर अमर न हो जायें। तब वे भगवान विष्णु के पास गये व प्रार्थना की कि ऐसा होने से रोकें। तब भगवान विष्णु ने मोहिनी अवतार लेकर अमृत देवताओं को पिलाया व असुरों को मोहित कर अमर होने से रोका।
भस्मासुर पौराणिक कथाओं में ऐसा राक्षस था जिसे वरदान था कि वो जिसके सिर पर हाथ रखेगा, वह भस्म हो जाएगा। कथा के अनुसार भस्मासुर ने इस शक्ति का गलत प्रयोग शुरू किया और स्वयं शिव जी को भस्म करने चला। शिव जी ने विष्णु जी से सहायता माँगी। विष्णु जी ने एक सुन्दर स्त्री का रूप धारण किया
Fasting in Sanatan Dharma is a moral and spiritual practice that aims to clean body, mind, and attain divine grace. There is a lot of science indulged in Vedic scriptures of Sanatan dharma. Fasting has greater significance rather than some cultural beliefs. India is said to be a
country with many cultural beliefs. Customs practiced throughout the nation hold greater meaning in life. Fasting is one of such rituals. It is a practice of Santana Dharma that can range from little restrictions to heavy customs. The choice of days and methods of fasting depends
on the community or the individual. Fast is a self-restriction on food and behavior to enlighten our inner being. No priest or person is required to practice fasting. We should fast regularly to keep our minds and body free of toxins that are growing in our lives every day.
Did you know: Maharshi Kanad was an ancient Indian scientist, sage, and philosopher who founded the philosophical school of Vaisesika and authored the text Vaisesika Sutras or Aphorisms. He pioneered the atomic theory, described the dimension, motion, chemical reactions of atoms
Vaisesika Sutras are a blend of science, philosophy, and religion. The essence of these Sutras is the atomic theory of matter. It was Kanada who originated the idea that anu (atom) was an indestructible particle of matter. An interesting story states that this theory occurred to
him while he was walking with food in his hand. As he nibbled at the food in his hand, throwing away the small particles, it occurred to him that he could not divide the food into further parts and thus the idea of a matter which cannot be divided further came into existence.
The shankh originated during the Churning of the ocean (Samudra Manthan) and Shri Vishnu can be seen holding it in his hand in many pictures and sculptures. Blowing a conch shell enhances the positive psychological vibrations such as courage, determination, hope, optimism,
willpower, and bliss that can be felt by all people assembled and also by the blower. Conch blowing can provide a great exercise for, urinary tract, bladder, lower abdomen, diaphragm, chest, and neck muscles. You exercise the rectal muscles in the process of blowing a shankh thus
strengthening the rectal muscles and preventing problems that occur due to the gradual weakening of the rectal muscles. It is believed that the sound emerging from the conch helps in sanitizing the nearby environment from various types of germs and harmful insects like mosquitoes