The term “Istikharah” generally means to look for Allah’s guidance, support and supervision in the easiness or removal of any confusion in any matter before making any crucial decision or taking up any critical task.
It requires absolute faith in the Almighty as the ultimate Knower of things (both seen and unseen, and whatever lies in the entire universe) to be able to seek His direction for the successful execution of a matter.
Jabir Ibn Abdullah Al Salami (R.A) narrated that “The Messenger (PBUH) of Allah used to teach His companions to make istikharah in all things, just as He used to teach them surahs from the Quran. He said: ‘If any one of you is concerned about a decision he has to make,
Alhamdulillah we ve made progress in following the accurate sighting of the moon in Nigeria since the forming of the National moonsighting commitee @moonsightingng by H.E the Sultan of Sokoto.
In Nigeria we used to celebrate Eid el Fitr before the conjunction of
the Shawwal crescent.
A conjunction is the event when the earth, moon and sun, in that order, are approximately in a straight line. It is referred to as an astronomical new moon, as the continue to orbit we can see a tiny crescent with our eyes some hours after conjunction.
Here’s a detailed compilation of the dates we celebrated Eid el Fitr in Nigeria form the year 2000 to date with the date and time of the conjunction of Shawwal crescent .
It’s clear and evident from the details compiled that alhamdulillah we have corrected the past mistakes.
Usually on the 30th the crescent should be easily visible and should appear big. Moonset is mostly more than an hour after sunset if the conjunction occurred before sunset the previous day.
InshaAllah this evening because conjunction occurred 8pm after sunset last night, by sunset tonight the crescent will be about 22hrs plus old and will set about 42 mins after sunset inshaAllah but it will not be easily visible. This will further confirm that conjunction occurred
This will further confirm that conjunction occurred last night and will also confirm that the sighting claims of last night were errors. We are in contact with most of the people that claimed sighting it, it’s important to mention that all the sighting claims were received
A brief note on the size of crescent when first sighted. #Thread by Prof @uanafaty
Assalamu Alaikum,
Islam is a simple religion yet it is also a religion of knowledge, wisdom, guidance and practice. Nothing is left for people to guess or decide simply based on personal opinions
From time immemorial and every now and then, the issue of the size of the crescent on the first day of the lunar month keeps on coming up again and again. Many people in the Muslim communities raise objections that the crescent appears too big to be counted as 1st of the month,
and that it must be more than one day old. Here in Nigeria, such people often argue that the National Moon Sighting Committee or the Sultanate Council was in error by counting such a big crescent as the first day of the lunar month.