We are invoking our Bundist history, because the anti-capitalist and internationalist class struggle remains just as relevant today as it did in 1897. The Jewish Bund is one of many examples of a proud history of revolutionary Jewish socialist, feminist and anti-colonial politics
This radical tradition has shaped much of our Jewish history, wherever we were based: from Russia to Iraq, from Germany to Morocco, and in Palestine, too — be it the revolutionaries of Matzpen or the Mizrahi Black Panthers.
Wherever we live — is our homeland: our histories and lived experiences don’t exist simply to conform to the narratives and agendas of the nations and states we live in.
From our anti-colonial position, we reject the idea by which our right to freedom, safety, and self-determination is mutually exclusive with that of Palestinians or any other oppressed group.
From our anti-racist position, we are certain that the struggle against antisemitism is inseparable from the struggle against all forms of racism. The attacks in Hanau and Halle only underscore the need for co-resistance against a racist, imperialist, perpetrating German state.
From our feminist position, we honor the unpaid and devalued work women and genderqueer folks continue to do to sustain our societies and our revolutionary movements. Down with cis-hetero-patriarchy, capitalism, and white supremacy.
On International Workers Day #b0105, we will be marching together as part of the Revolutionäre Bündnis, and we warmly invite you to join us!
Der Bund ist zentraler Teil unserer Geschichte, auf die wir uns berufen, da der anikapitalistische und internationalistische Klassenkampf heute genauso aktuell ist wie damals, im Jahr 1897.
Der Bund ist eines von vielen Beispielen stolzer revolutionärer jüdischer Geschichte und ihrer sozialistischen, feministischen und antikolonialen politischen Praxis.
Diese radikale Tradition hat einen Großteil unserer jüdischen Geschichte geprägt, wo auch immer wir uns befanden: von Russland bis zum Irak von Deutschland bis Marokko und auch in Palästina - seien es die Revolutionäre von Matzpen oder die Mizrahi Black Panthers.