Purchased this last night, have been looking for something like this for quite awhile. There was a French historian named de Rougemont that wrote a book like this with the same name. Tony Judt also has something similar and there other essays on the subject (and other books).
Padgen is just the editor, this is a collection of essays digging into to antiquity, middle ages, but primarily the last 300-400 years documenting different ways Europe as a single entity, political unit, civilization, or culture has been conceptualized. I know from Judt, Padgen,
and some of these other people you might be getting modern cosmopolitan EU propaganda. However, I am kind of obsessed with trying to understand why Europe develops in a decentralized manner and why it ultimately resisted the temptation in such a small geographical location
(essentially a large peninsula or subcontinent like India or Arabia) to centralize power in one of its many regimes, dynasties, nation-states and politically integrate. There are obviously a ton of genuine cultural, political, economic upsides that have come from this
decentralization (I believe a conservative/libertarian writer I read once referred to this phenomena as the "miracle of Europe"). However, I dont know of a single Euro nationalist, identarian, etc that thinks Europe can survive without some sort of broad unity or specific
political integration, creation of geo-political bloc, EU federalism, etc.
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This is a great thread of, to my knowledge, one of the better single volume US economic histories. This issue of the development of "Sunbelt" and south's post-war economic and political modernization is an important body of literature that many probably aren't aware of.
A number of good books, but Schulman’s “From Cotton-Belt to Sunbelt” is the best. What initially spurred this was Roosevelt's insistence on “modernizing” the south, referring to it in 1938 as Americas “economic problem no.1”. The primary way the federal govt accomplished this
was by awarding disproportionate number of military contracts to southern states which spurred development of heavier industry as well as growth of white-collar jobs related to science, engineering, technology,etc.
For any southern/SC history buffs, this definately would be worth your time looking into. Written by by an amateur historian who looks like he was able to write something that rivaled anything coming out of academia, without the PC constraints of course. amazon.com/Wade-Hampton-C…
I found it looking over my Clyde Wilson books ("Defending Dixie" and "From Union to Empire") two collections of his shorter writings done throughout his career. Certainly some of the more prized books I own that I hope I never lose. For those of you who do not know who Wilson is,
then do yourself a favor and look into his writings. He was one of the last outspoken, unreconstructed conservative southerners in Academia (history prof at U. of SC).His original study "Carolina Cavalier" is one of the greatest pieces of Southern/civil war history/biography and
There are alot of mainstream histories focusing on specific anti-Jewish blood libels throughout history. There are a few on the Beilis trial in Russia at turn of century and one on William of Norwich (I think there was an English theologian/monk that wrote
about it to, but not sure if he comments on his suspected killers). Of course, unlike the "Passovers" book, these books stay away from the messy details (or choose an event that is more clearly a matter of anti-Jewish persecution) and use the specific case study to understand
larger historical themes/patterns as well the backlash against Jews and pogroms. I have never got around to reading any of these, the only one I have read is Smith's "The Butchers Tale" which as a micro-history and piece of literature is quite good and reads as a true crime
This is an important point. Enzo Traverso wrote a book called "Fire and Blood" in which he argues that WWII is best understood as a civil war (not just because it takes place inside a system that had at times been understood as an integrated system of states or even a )
civilization) but because it was a war in which both sides understood the other as illegitimate, normal rules did not apply because various powers are not competing within an integrated Westphalian order, they have fundamentally different ideas of what that order should be, what
their culture is , what their morality is. Traverso frames the entire period between 1914 to1945 as a extended civil war,a total and an absolute war between the forces of modernity and transcendence, with the forces of modernity ultimately succeeding.
It depends on the specific book/academic you are talking about. In the case of Nazis, it has alot to do with that. There was more of an openness to asses the Italian fascists accurately. But Arendts work and the work of Adorno and others completely enveloped initial studies of
Nazism. It has changed in recent years though. Although, off top of my head, I cant think of any studies that demonstrate an openess to look at Nazism outside paradigm of totalitarianism.
To go back to your initial question, Cold war was essential because they had to do a
"both sidesism" for Soviets (a regime that could actually be described as slightly totalitarian given their definition)and Nazis (certainly not nearly as politically or socially totalizing as the other, although I think this use of totalitarianism is not actually helpful and I am
This is a great extended essay I was sent by (also written by) @Jargon_0 on the history of right populism in the last 150 or so years of American history. I have always been conflicted in trying to understand the history of conservative/rightist politics
(I use these terms as a stand in for the the healthier aspects of American political life, they dont always necessarily match with traditional poly sci definitions of these things). For example, in my lectures as a student teacher in grad school on the history of the conservative
movement, I presented it as essentially a material issue. Earlier conservative politics were funded by more domestic, even regional business types(think of extractive resource based industries) and the inclusion of more high finance types in the 70's and 80's changed the