- Thinking: the action of using ones mind to create a thought.
- Your mind can never be empty; something is always going on in your mind.
The mind is the engine room of our thought. Colossians 3:1-2
- What goes into the mind have total control over your well being. Proverbs 4:23; Matthew 15:11-20
What comes from your mind is what defiles you.
- You need your mind to be productive and progressive; you need a settled mind to make progress.
- Your thought processes determines the products and the outcomes you have in life.
- Every action is inspired by a thought, either right or wrong.
- We are created with the capacity to control our thought and thought flow. Romans 12:2
Phillipians 4:8
Thoughts worth thinking about. 1. Thought of wellness
- Wellness: being in good state; physically, spiritually, mentally and so on.
- Do not allow the devil sell you lies. Job 3:25
Be intentional in entertaining thoughts of wellness. Think peace and good health.
John 14:27; 2Kings 4:26-27
Whatever controls your mind controls your life.
Ensure that your thoughts are regulated, aligned and in line with the promises of God.
2. Thoughts of Winning. Romans 8:28
- Never accommodate failure in your thoughts. You are configured to win.
- There will be battles, there will be challenges but you will have victory through Christ. John 16:33; 1John 4:4; 2:13; Ephesians 1:16-22
Do not allow thoughts of defeat. Romans 8:37; 2Kings 6:16-17
Though you may not see it, know that those who are on your side are more than those against you.
When you meditate on God's word, it helps you to display wisdom. Joshua 1:8
- It is wise not to be anxious. Philippians 4:6
- Be careful of fake alternatives. Proverbs 14:12; 26:4-5
- Wisdom helps you to know when to talk. Proverbs 26:5
- Live above praise, allow wisdom thoughts. 1Corinthians 2:13
When your thoughts are governed by the word of God, you'll have the right result.
Radical is a very new way from what is original. You have to be deliberate about constantly renewing your mind.
Enjoying #Radicalmindshift starts from renewing your mind in the word of God.
Excellence is costly.
Areas to establish #Radicalmindshift: 1) Faith (Esther 4:11-16, 5:1-3) 2) Focus (Nehemiah 1:11, 2:4,19-20) 3) Free giving