Congratulations to Laura Avis @Funbrarian, winner of the 2021 JCASL Collaboration Award.
Avis won for her role leading a digital eBook library collaboration project with Donna Johnson from Coral Ridge Elem & Theresa Mayer @FarmerLibrary, utilizing KYVL resources.
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Laura Avis learned about an idea for virtual bookshelves at a professional development and connected that new knowledge to her students’ need for easier access to electronic reading resources during the pandemic and #remotelearning. 2/13
For the Digital eBook Library project, Laura used @myKYVL eBooks to create virtual Google slide bookshelves of different genres and topics. The library slides were shared with students and teachers to encourage self-selected reading. 3/13
When students click on the cover of the book, it opens for them to read. By eliminating unnecessary steps and clicks, students get eBooks quickly and without frustration, increasing the likelihood of students reading. 4/13
By collaborating with librarians @CRCubsLibrary & @FarmerLibrary, as well as Farmer’s library clerk, Laura Elliott, Laura was quickly able to curate/share the Digital eBook Library (28 shelves) for intermediate Ss & a second Digital eBook Library (52 shelves) for primary Ss. 5/13
@Kyvl resources are provided to all students enabling Laura to collaborate & share this valuable resource with librarians across the District.
Laura’s leadership to ensuring students have access to digital reading materials was very evident in this collaboration.
Laura Avis @Funbrarian presented the Digital eBook Library project in her Librarians Professional Learning Community, shared the resource for others to use, and instructed other librarians on how to make their own digital eBook bookshelves.
The Digital eBook Library project was so successful at engaging readers, Laura Avis @Funbrarian and her team were interviewed for their work by JCPS Communications Manager @markhebert502.
@wave3news, @WHAS11, and @WDRBNews also interviewed Laura and included the Digital eBook Library project in stories featuring JCPS librarians making a difference during remote learning.
Due to the project's effectiveness, Enid Wohlstein at @myKYVL asked Laura & her team to co-present the KYVL Digital Collections on a Virtual Shelf at the Kentucky Public Library Association (KPLA) 2021 Virtual Conference.
Last Thursday, JCASL was so blessed to host author @jewell_p_rhodes as its Spring Program co-host & keynote. What a phenomenal evening. She was empowering, charming, inspiring - all of the things. If you couldn't make it, you missed out. A few JPR quotes from the evening...
"Story is everywhere. Just give it its due. And it is the most profound thing we can do." @jewell_p_rhodes
"I’m so delighted to be here, in particular teachers and librarians kept me alive when I was growing up because they kept me feeding me books at a time when my spirit was very low... So thank you very much."
@lmsjanlan "has personally mentored almost 100 new librarians, but that is just the tip of the iceberg... because on top of that, she continues to mentor the over 150 librarians in JCPS."
@lmsjanlan "is always available for support. This can be as small as a phone call or as significant as... leading the annual JC Librarians Institute. [She] puts together a varied & relevant schedule of fantastic sessions & urges librarians to share their own expertise."
Under @LibraryDunn, "she has inspired @dunn_jcps by modeling responsive teaching, advocating for student agency, facilitating new approaches to literacy, technology, and encouraged user-centered spaces for engagement."
@LibraryDunn "understands the sense of urgency needed for our students to learn how to formulate meaningful questions, appreciate multiple viewpoints, use a wide variety of resources in their research, and show them how to..."