“Testing the gatekeepers of real estate.” @BillDedman Disparate treatment, steering, unequal treatment of #poc especially Black vs. White customers/clients, inappropriate comments...
An example of steering: an agent telling a client that it is a wonderful home and place while telling another client that it is a dangerous place. Knowing or unconscious biases? However, it is the Law so it doesn’t matter re motivation.
It’s illegal to assume buyers want a segregated neighborhood. What check and balances do we have in our individual offices? -@BillDedman
Racism and unequal treatment/steering hurts. The tester of color actually cried when she saw how she was treated differently. Imagine if you were the clients/buyers. This is my third time watching this video. I learn something new every time & its impact still extremely powerful.
Talking about schools: school test scores do not tell you how good the schools ares. It tells you how wealthy the parents are. @nardotrealtor will come out with the video later this year to give more guidance to agents...stay tuned.
All the Brokers found that all their agents did nothing wrong during the hearings. However, state laws were changed. Adding fees, more training, damages for victims, demographic tracking, enforcement policies.
@nardotrealtor helping companies and board association self-testing. @Realogy taking the lead. Kudos.
How do you regulate an industry where agents are all independent contractors? We need rigorous standards with a checklist. Diversity the workforce is not just the cure-all. Do Brokers check on their agents on their best practices?
Home sizes not vague comments on “good neighborhood.” Stop steering at all. WATCH @Newsday#longislanddivided
Love Letters? Do not pass those letters on! Choosing to do so would break the #FairHousingAct . Why are agents not getting it? In a Seller’s market, agents are scrambling to get an edge for buyers. However, if they take shortcuts, they are putting clients/themselves at risk.