☑️Diagnosis and management approach of GIB & LVAD🩸🩸🆎🅰️🅱️🅾️
☑️Primary and Secondary prevention of recurrent GIB
I feel comfortable in diagnosing, treating, and preventing #GIB in patients with #LVAD.
Patient-reported dizziness and blood in 💩 for the last 1 month
Lab work revealed a drop in Hb from 8 to 6 🩸(3 months ago), INR has been therapeutic since LVAD implant.🫀
So what do we do next?
First off, what defines GIB in LVAD patients❓
Any clinically suspected or documented bleeding from the GI tract, which can be indicated by new drop-in hgb and/or the appearance of melena, hematochezia, hematemesis, or guaiac-positive 💩
What is your institution's endoscopic algorithm for GIB in CF-LVAD patients? Leave in the comments below!
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(Important considerations – a/c reversal, VAD speed adjustments if needed)
In terms of preventive strategies: ACEi/ARB, Digoxin, Omega-3-Fatty acids have all been retrospectively studied.
Our group performed network meta-analysis comparing these 3 meds, found Omega-3-FA is beneficial in primary prevention. bit.ly/3svQmq0 #GIB#CardioTwitter
Our patient had an extensive w/up for Obscure overt bleeding with no identifiable etiology. After 5 days, the patient Hb continued to drop but remained stable and we focused on preventive strategies🪧.
The following is one a/c strategy in CF-LVAD and recurrent GIB