No, you're not. You're dedicated to saving the stacks of cash your biased advertisers are giving you in exchange for your virtue-signaling.
Every time you see a corporation breathlessly telling you how much they care about saving the earth by switching to plant-based meat substitutes over actual meat, do a little digging and you'll find the plant-based meat substitute corporation behind it pushing the buttons.
"Contrary to some cynical pundits, Biden was not “lucky” to win in 2020. He is not a gaffe machine; indeed, he is religiously on-message and often eloquent."
With someone so "religiously on-message and often eloquent," @JRubinBlogger, any logical explanation why he hasn't done any press conferences or spoken to the American public for more than just a few minutes once or twice now?
I mean, c'mon man! This man just exudes eloquence!
In our brave new world, human contact is shunned. Humans must grow up learning to fear the touch of another human's skin, keeping everyone at a distance of a double arm's length for fear of contamination from any foreign virus, disease, filth, bile, or compassion.
All Jim ever wanted to be was an astronaut. It was his lifelong dream. And now, thanks to the kind role players at the local Society for Creative Anachronism, he was one! He hadn't been this excited since teacher had given him the box of 64 crayons to replace the ones he'd eaten!
It had finally happened. She'd talked back to the TSA agent. In this brave new world one couldn't just say what they wanted. One bad word and it was right to the trash bin. Now there was nothing to do but wait for the sanitation crews to arrive and transport them to the landfill.