Right-wing media is a perpetual bullshit machine that whips itself into a frenzy about a new lie every day, with Republican officials acting as an accelerant.
We're basically dealing with @SimonMaloy's Fox cycle except a) GOP politicians play a bigger role than in the past b) the stuff is so dumb it's getting debunked by MSM much faster. mediamatters.org/fox-news/fox-n…
Last night, Tucker Carlson said Joe Biden "has no active role in running the U.S. government," promised his show would call it "the Kamala Harris administration" from now on, and added that the (fake) Harris book story suggests we live in North Korea.
Tammy Bruce: "Migrant children get to read Kamala Harris's kid's book, it's included in what can only be called a welcome pack, given to unaccompanied minors at the border, propaganda aimed even to children."
The thing about that op-ed about how Disney is too woke is that the ride changes the guy is describing are extremely normal corporate synergy stuff -- they're making the rides more like their recent movies!
"Is Song of the South too racist to be the backdrop of a Disney ride?" seems less likely to be the proximate cause of the change than "Can Disney make more money promoting a princess film from 2009 than a film from 1946?"
Of course they changed Pirates, they made a series of hugely profitable films and wanted to align the ride with the film! There's a Jungle Cruise movie out this year starring The Rock, so of course they're changing the ride!
I took a deep dive into Fox News' pattern of hosting Naomi Wolf -- seven appearances since mid-February, most recently last night -- who has spent the last 15 years pushing increasingly bonkers conspiracy theories, most recently related to the coronavirus. mediamatters.org/fox-news/fox-k…
Tucker Carlson's Strange New Respect for Naomi Wolf in four images -- from kook whose book was debunked during a live radio interview, to useful coronavirus guest. mediamatters.org/fox-news/fox-k…
Wolf's social media is absolutely unhinged and paranoid stuff. This is not someone a credible news outlet would host in inform its viewers.
Tucker Carlson spent several months inculcating doubt in his audience over vaccines he now says he “never for a minute doubted,” and it worked. mediamatters.org/fox-news/devas…
As I've been saying for months, Fox News has a unique responsibility to get their viewers vaccinated. Their failure to try -- and in fact, to mock people who suggest they should bother -- is a moral abomination. mediamatters.org/fox-news/fox-n…