one of the most interesting anecdotes I remember reading years ago was from a lady who said something like, I paraphrase, "the moment I got diagnosed with terminal cancer, all my stress and anxiety melted away. it suddenly became clear to me that I did not have to give a fuck."
it's such a juicy anecdote. it's so delicious. a common assumption is that suddenly having a timer appear over your head is supposed to be terrifying. but for this lady it was like, "oh, so that's how much time I have left. well that makes things quite a bit clearer, then."
I keep an eye out for similar anecdotes & I found them in several unlikely places. Gotta be careful not to over-romanticize this, but there is something to the idea that high stakes can have a sort of "cleansing" effect. They clarify what's important
I am once again reminded that one of the great psychic divides is between people who’ve made/sold stuff in the open marketplace, and people who haven’t
I think even the cliche tropes of lemonade stands and Girl Scout cookies etc teach you very powerful things that you cannot really learn any other way. Busking for tips, selling t-shirts at a pop-up booth, looking at people’s faces while they decide whether or not to give you $
my sense is that lots of people’s model of reality is informed by authority and structure - parents, teachers, bosses. but the boss is just a proxy for the market. you can go straight to the market. I feel everyone should at least try some version of it even if it’s not for them,
a thing that I think is somewhat revealing about me is, when I was a kid/teenager etc people always told me that I should get into Debate because I'm good with words, but the idea of formal debate always icked me out
having had 20 years to think about it, it think it has to do with framing. I don't like playing in rigid frames. no disrespect to debaters, but to me it's like being a dance monkey. whether I win or lose a debate, in my mind I've lost because I've chosen to play a rigged game
i'm similarly very glad that I am not a lawyer, which is another thing people tried to steer me towards. and I have friends who are lawyers who I respect and adore! I have friends who are teachers too who I admire, and I simultaneously despise school as an institution, personally
i feel like somebody might've done this thread before but there's something funny about how like the nolan batmobile aesthetic went on to reverberate thru so much of product design FOR MEN, just like how zimmer's inception Bwongggg is in all movie trailers now
my casual instinct/guess is that this was sort of influenced by the stealth bomber. you know, the... [googles] Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk.
very distinctive, looks like it's from a video game with low polygon count
as people are saying, the blocky aesthetic of the F117 was a consequence of the limitations of the hardware – much like Lara Croft's ol' blocky titties