These bills are incomprehensibly hateful and evil. I’ve been reading them all. And it’s right there in the text.
TW csa
Fucking Ohio’s version of the sports bills allows NOT ONLY forcible genital exams of children but ALSO literally makes it illegal for sports orgs to investigate claims of abuse related to those exams
Like. I am a person who tries to believe that true hatred is rare in the world, and most people do hateful things out of fear or misplaced anger.
But these bills are shaking that core belief of my person.
They’re all targeting KIDS. They’re just KIDS. Trying to live their lives. Harming no one.
Even the bills we stop — I can’t stop thinking about the collective trauma of all these kids having to truly understand how violent certain ADULTS are towards them.
Jfc I’m only 24 and I’m doing more rn than most adults in charge, with actual money and power and influence. And I’m fucking shaken to my core by this level of hatred. I’m breaking down. These are KIDS.
There’s a certain rage building in me, looking at pages and pages and pages of people who have voted to kill, who are smiling for the camera in their expensive clothes and the complete, blissful knowledge that the hate they’re weaponizing won’t hurt THEM.
Please, help me make it hurt them. Hurt their careers. Keep them from furthering anything like this ever again. Keep KIDS safe.
And don’t believe for a second that this is ignorance. They have all the possible resources available to be educated. This is purposeful.
Fuck. Does anyone have the thread handy that I made that was comfort for trans kids? I don’t have the energy to remake it rn and I appear to have lost the link, but I’ll retweet that 5 times a day if that would help even a little
This is the cat I brought in in August last year in a trap because she’d never been touched. She would hurt herself trying to escape if I got too close to her cage. The orgs I took her to said she was likely unadoptable (too much rehab time) and that euthanization would be best.
She is now happy, healthy and sloooowly learning to trust. She purrs at me and does slow-blinks, and every day recently she’s been coming a little bit closer and being a little more vocal.
I’m so proud of my tiny void girl! But also, I genuinely believe in the healing power (in humans too) of simply... providing a stable and safe environment and then not forcing a traumatized being to acclimate at your pace rather than theirs.
"Five states have passed laws or implemented executive orders this year limiting the ability of transgender youths to play sports or receive certain medical treatment... but little in the way of tangible repercussions for those states."…
"It’s a striking contrast to the fate of North Carolina a few years ago. When its Legislature passed a bill in March 2016 limiting which public restrooms transgender people could use, there was a swift and powerful backlash. The NBA and NCAA relocated events; some companies...
...scrapped expansion plans. By March 2017, the bill’s bathroom provisions were repealed. So far this year, there’s been nothing comparable. Not even lawsuits, although activists predict some of the measures eventually will be challenged in court." @NBA@NCAA
For those who may believe trans women’s hyper visibility is in any way a benefit or a privilege; many of these anti-trans bills very specifically legislate against trans women. Being made into a cultural bogeyman is in no way a privilege.
These bills will be weaponized to hurt all trans people (and cis people as well), make no mistake. But the face that transphobes put on the “trans issue” is the face of a trans woman. We, as a broader community, need to do more to #ProtectTransWomen.
I don’t personally talk a lot about trans feminine people or trans women not because their experiences aren’t important or relevant to trans discussion, but because I am not a transfemme and the last thing they need is to be spoken over about their own experiences.
We as a society don’t talk nearly enough about the body horror that is watching your own functions degenerate due to disability
This tweet brought to you in incredible frustration over trying to use a small screwdriver for a very minor task, but my wrist being unable to take any pressure at that specific angle today I guess and just buckling every time
Oh and also the crippling guilt and feeling like a burden of having to ask my partner to do it for me
Twitter is a public forum. The conversations had here aren’t for the advantage of the person you’re directly speaking to; they’re for an audience. There are limitations and advantages to this.
On one hand, the words a person says here are broadcast, sometimes to a wide audience. This allows people to have reach they would not otherwise have! But it also makes it impossible to avoid all misinterpretation of your words.
It also allows for your audience to give you direct feedback. Sometimes this is hurtful, and sometimes it is validating, but it is informative either way.
So Hemingway is actually a fascinating example. He was actually raised by his mother as a girl for the early part of his life, until around age 5. He later wrote in his life that he despised his mother for this, and blamed his issues with women on it.
Hemingway struggled with gender identity and reclaiming his masculinity for most of his life. He had many wives and extreme marriage troubles for most of his life. His books are dominated with a sense of “lost masculinity” and he was obsessed with toxic masculine ideals.
It’s entirely possible this was influenced by his time as a soldier in WWI, where trauma suppression and self-sacrifice were encouraged through appealing to soldier’s desires to be masculine. He showed a notable disdain for women throughout his life and in his writing.