Next time I land at an Indian airport and go to the washroom, I'm fully expecting to need an OTP to relieve myself.
Whatsapp university is so starved of things to celebrate under Modi that they are sending random long forwards extolling the technological achievement that is an OTP based system for getting vaccines. A vaccine everyone has to get, they are treating like a bank login. 😑😑
The fascist needs to keep boasting about his leader in newer reverential terms everyday to internally justify being a fascist. It is fundamental to the mindset of the fascist, for fascist governments don't actually do anything good. So the daily praise dose is necessary.
The only real beneficiaries of the system are the tech companies who got nice ₹₹₹₹₹ contracts to build a tech system that favors the elites by erecting barriers for vaccination.
This fast lane system is integral to Indian public life. And it's way worse than in the West. Amtrak business class or Acela are definitely nicer than economy, but like this much nicer.
Difference bw 1st class what is literally STILL called "Second Class" on indian railways 🙄🙄
Just think about this for a minute. In the middle of THE deadliest covid surge yet, which is dominating world headlines, the Indian government put in place a 2 Factor Authentication system just to check vaccination availability. It's not oversight. It's by design.
Meanwhile, oxygen cylinders are going for $300-900 per day in India. In a country that officially puts its poverty line at an income of $62 per month.
This whole thread is horrifying. I wish there was a way for me to help.
So after making a few phone calls and sending a few aggrieved emails to people I know close to powers that be about the patent protection thing, here's a gist of the explanation I got. Which is at least a nuanced and thoughtful one, not the least "profiteering" related. ...
Whether you agree or disagree, this is the gist.
This is very much like a choice between a horrible situation and an even more horrible situation. And they're going with the decision, for now, that they think is the less horrible situation. Which is protecting patents.
These mRNA vaccines are a miracle of sorts. Their effectiveness as well as the speed with which they were put out. But that was made possible in large part by a massive behind the scenes effort by the CDC, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, and the Biden admin's experienced Klain team.
If India had a government which, officially and through its social media arm, wasn't denying the scale of the horror and tragedy, I would feel queasy sharing this video. It'd feel like tragedy porn. With the government mainstreaming denialism and making "positivity" a virtue...
If you have relatives or friends in india still on the modi bandwagon, send this video on all whatsapp groups. It's very difficult to watch. And so transparent. Maybe this will change their minds? At least it'll disturb them somewhat. That's worth the forward.
All over the world, literally the only differentiating factor between what places got badly hit by covid and what places got REALLY badly hit by covid - governments. Progressive/liberal/left governments have minimized the fallout. Right wing ones have messed it up.
Immediately added a couple of paragraphs to my "Mutation of Modi Mavens" draft. Like I said last week, have been invited by an American publication to write a 3000 word piece on the sanghi propaganda machine. Decided to make Abhishek Asthana the main narrative hook for it.
Like my WSJ profile last month, I can't reveal the name of the media outlet this will be appearing in until it actually appears. It's a work in progress with a flexible deadline. Meant to be a longform. Plan to finish it in a couple of weeks.
People still fighting or debating the efficacy of masks? Kansas ended up conducting a quasi field trial by leaving it up to counties. This CDC report is as crystal clear as it gets. Infections declined in mask counties, doubled in no mask ones.
As I've been tweeting, NYC is still mostly masking up. WITHOUT a mandate. And I hear the same logic from many others as mine - "I don't wear it for me. I'm vaccinated. I wear it to not be a carrier."
Crisis time New Yorkers are bae. Other times too. 😍
NYC officially fully reopens sans capacity restrictions on May 19th. It's been about 75% back to normal in terms of crowds and socializing for a couple of months. But curve declining. Combination of rapid vaccination and uniform mask wearing. Becomes a peer pressure thing too.
R3volver Rani putting out some really desperate #factcheckbait today. She knows oxygen production won't affect the environment. She is counting on your ridicule and fact check to draw fire away from leaders. Resist. It's blatant baiting counting on your need to call her dumb.
She only stays relevant because of the QTs and screenshots. Cut off that oxygen to her twitter account and see her fade away.
Chances are she is setting it up for an "lol obviously I was kidding...U libs have no sense of humor" type punchline. She's done that before. Just block her.