2/9 Graphene is almost transparent and quenches fluorescence in a range of ~40 nm. Fluorescence intensity or fluorescence lifetime of single molecules directly tell you the distance of a molecule to the surface. Differences in the z-direction as small as 2.9 nm are resolved.
3/9 Dynamics with graphene energy transfer (GET). We use GET to visualize motion on top of a graphene surface and determine the timescale of fluctuations via autocorrelation analysis.
4/9 Ever wondered whether one can determine the orientation of a FRET-pair in space? By combining #FRET with GET, we determine the orientation of FRET-pairs with respect to the surface!
5/9 Graphene energy transfer for single-molecule #biosensing. We show a nucleic acid bioassay on graphene coverslips in a novel unquenching format. With the combination of DNA origami nanostructures and graphene, we could stepwise increase our signal contrast upon target binding.
6/9 GET for tracking and superresolution. We track the position of a flexible DNA origami linker between three binding positions in 3D, with a precision of ~ 1nm in axial directions.
7/9 GET for superresolution. With GET-DNA PAINT we resolve a square whose neighbouring sides differ by only 2.7 nm in the z-direction. Unspecific surface binding of imagers is no problem anymore due to fluorescence quenching on graphene!
tinyurl.com/8xxe8jem 8/9 How to get single-molecule grade graphene on glass coverslips? In our article in @acsnano, we use DNA origami to place a fluorescent dye and perform #FLIM imaging. We show comparisons between data from Light microscopy, #AFM and #Raman spectroscopy.