"Nayirah Testimony" refers to a witness account given before the US Congressional Human Rights Caucus on 1990 by a girl that went only by Nayirah.
She claimed that she had witnessed Iraqi soldiers take babies out of incubators, taken the incubators, and left babies to die.
Her story was initially corroborated by Amnesty International, a still-famous and "prestigious" British NGO.
Executive director John Healey subsequently accused the Bush administration of "opportunistic manipulation of the international human rights movement." 😄
In reality, Nayirah was the daughter of Saud Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States.
Her testimony was organized as part of the "Citizens for a Free Kuwait" PR campaign, run by the American public relations firm Hill & Knowlton for the Kuwaiti government.
The testimony aired on ABC and NBC, reaching 35-53 million Americans.
Seven senators cited Nayirah's testimony in their speeches backing the use of force.
Bush repeated the story at least ten times in the following weeks to rally enthusiasm for the 1990-91 Invasion of Iraq.
So, what about today? Who's "Nury Turkel"?
Commissioner for the US's Commision on International Religious Freedom, appointed by Nancy Pelosi and trained in Washington DC.
He usually just gets meekly introduced as a "Human Rights Activist," though.
I always remember Nury Turkel because he went on to @theintercept for a nasty little softball interview with Mehdi Hasan, where none of his shady associations where revelead but they did gush about his totally-not-suspicious bipartisan DC consensus!
Once again the BBC tried to weave a heart-tugging sob story, cynically trying drawing parallels between the strife of Black people in the US and the Uyghur propaganda hackjob, but even the most cursory investigations gave the game up:
This is how "Academics" in the business of regime change work. They're not smart or scrupulous, pretty skittish and cowardly in fact, so they spill the beans when pressed.
They get away with this to the extent that people are too scared to question them.
We finally get to the testimony of Tursunay Ziyawudun. It's changed quite a bit over the last year or so!
February 2020: "Freedom of speech was infringed." buzzfeednews.com/article/meghar…
February 2021: "Gang rape and torture of women."
China apparently has the most iron-tight information lock-down in history, with not a single old-fashioned camera capturing a non-digital screenshot of the atrocities... but they keep making silly mistakes like giving atrocity witnesses visas!
Anyway, I hope anyone who reads this thread feels confident challenging and scrutinizing it no matter how good of a performance they all give up there.
If you haven't read this, please take the time to do so:
Read literally two paragraphs after the quoted excerpt.
As I keep pointing out:
"Ultra" leftists are literally just anarchists, the exact kind of Utopian Socialists that Engels is denouncing in this exact work. marxists.org/archive/marx/w…
It was literally invented by McKenzie Wark, radlib academic that teaches at the anti-communist "New School" in NYC, author of radlib works like "Gamer Theory" and "A Hacker Manifesto."
Some people are taken aback that I call the New School anti-communist.
I use the word in the sense used by Michael Parenti in "Left Anticommunism: the unkindest cut," of utopian western "socialists" building careers out of denouncing Stalin and China. greanvillepost.com/2018/10/06/lef…
I'm looking at the Wikiquote page for Deng Xiaoping.
There's only a handful of quotes! Let's see how they aged.
"It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice." (1977)
Definitely a classic. Not much to say here.
"The United States brags about its political system, but the [American] President says one thing during the election, something else when he takes office, something else at midterm and something else when he leaves." (1987)
Every newcomer to Marxism and communist history needs to understand that many of the current "gatekeepers" of Marxism in the West — historians, professors, and university students — are completely worthless careerists.
Check out this garbage on Wikipedia by Tristram Hunt:
Marxism, or whatever else we call it, simply doesn't belong to these ghouls. It never has and it never will.
If you work — if you don't live off of rents — Marx and Engels and others were writing for *you*, and you don't need these anti-communist "interpreters."
People like Hunt and Bessner go around embedding themselves into the conversation as middle-men, as ventriloquists and sheepdogs.
They de-fang the work or, worse, use it to smash international solidarity.
They are, frankly speaking, vicious counter-revolutionary pieces of shit.
Some people seem to believe that the US wouldn't dress up right wing propaganda points in Marxist terminology to push them onto communist circles, as if it a magic spell stopped them from lying this way.
Why? What's the logic here?
There's this strange reticence, as if someone writing down "capitalism bad" was a binding covenant, after which everything else written had to be sincere.
As if being a communist had magical properties one simply couldn't lie about (unless Chinese).
A slew of radlibs has tried to defend Byler on the basis that they absolutely love what he wrote for Chuang.
Can someone explain to me the appeal of regurgitating Falun Gong propaganda like this?