I'm just fascinated with these huge right-wing outrage machines that can turn one paragraph in one opinion piece in one blog into a raging controversy. As I read the comments - which reinforce that "the Woke mob" is both ridiculous and dangerous - I wonder what the goal is 1/
The millions of articles building fake controversies out of nonexistent "cancellations" can't just be after clicks. This is coordinated, and used to drive a culture war wedge deeper. Distraction is a useful function, as are political wedges. But what's the end goal?
There's such a strong trend of catastrophizing tiny non-events into evidence of a "woke mob" that - what? Is dangerous to tradition? Is physically dangerous? Is (((Globalist)))? Needs to be stopped? Is the reason the reader will never vote Dem/Lib/etc? 3/
I think I'm wondering: is this just wedge politics, or is this outrage meant to prime the audience for violence (institutional or physical) against the "woke", or apathy toward that violence? /4
Also these panics have such a short memory (as do many of us). I went searching for the perfect-storm @yourewrongabout comments on the Snow White "controversy" and found them... YEARS in the past. @RottenInDenmark wouldn't be surprised by this, I expect. /5