Great @carmichaelstack@OCCRP story on Poroshenko's secret control of offshore firms that banked at Austria’s Raiffeisen
Thread on more Raiffeisen customers: Trump Toronto, Firtash, Deripaska, RZB was reputed front for Russian mafia boss Semion Mogilevich…
In March 2007 the $310 million construction loan for Trump Toronto’s developer Talon (led by Alex Shnaider & Val Levitan) came from Raiffeisen Bank/RZB
A non-interest-bearing loan was extended a dozen times & in 2015 Talon defaulted on the loan.
In 2004 Russia’s Gazprom formed a 50/50 partnership with RosUkrEnergo (RUE) controlled by Raiffeisen to sell gas from Turkmenistan to Ukraine’s Naftogaz.
In 2006 NYT reported that RUE was owned by Centregas, Dmitry Firtash owned 90% and Ivan Fursin 10%
US diplomatic cables from 2005-2006 released by Wikileaks revealed concerns Raiffeisen Bank “was probably “a front to provide legitimacy to the gas company that we suspect he [U.S.-indicted Russian crime boss Semyon Mogilevich] controls, RosUkrEnergo”
Here’s the 2006 U.S. state department cable about concerns over Raiffeisen Bank operations and possible bribes of Raiffeisen executives by Russian organized crime boss Semion Mogilevich through gas company RosUkrEnergo/RUE…
In 2008 Dmitry Firtash was involved in a failed deal with Paul Manafort and his business associates to buy the Drake Hotel in New York City
Firtash wired a $25 million deposit from Raiffeisen to Manafort’s company CMZ
Here’s chart I did showing the Drake Hotel deal which involved many associates close to Trump including Paul Manafort who worked on the failed deal which received initial funding from Dmitry Firtash, Oleg Deripaska was also involved in funding discussions…
Oleg Deripaska has been a large customer of Raiffeisen Bank. In 2008 Deripaska refinanced his holding in Austrian construction company Strabag with a 500 billion euro loan from Raiffeisen Bank, which held off a possible seizure of Strabag by Deutsche Bank
When Deripaska refinanced Strabag, Raiffeisen was run by Herbert Stepic a close associate of the Chairman of Strabag's Supervisory board Alfred Gusenbauer
Gusenbauer was part of the Hapsburg Group that was mentioned in the indictment of Paul Manafort
In 2018 Raiffeisen Bank was fined 2.7 million euro for its lack of money laundering controls, the biggest fine in Austrian history came 2yrs after Panama Papers leak showed loans from the bank to companies affiliated with ex-Ukrainian President Poroshenko
In 2019 during House Intel committee hearings on Putin’s playbook @RepSpeier asked about Austria's Raiffeisen Bank & Russia - and described how Raiffeisen had funded the Trump Toronto deal w/$310 million but never pursued repayment
An Ex-Blackwater Employee Tied To Erik Prince Provided Security For Rudy Giuliani In Ukraine - The newly surfaced connection between Prince and Giuliani comes as feds are investigating the Giuliani’s dealings in Ukraine by @ChristopherJM HT @SandySkipper1…
Per sources in late 2019/early 2020, Prince was looking into purchasing 3 aviation companies: Motor Sich, a privately owned jet & helicopter engine maker, and the Kharkiv State Aircraft Manufacturing Company and Antonov - both state-run aircraft producers…
Here's 2019 WSJ story about Erik Prince's interest in Motor Sich
Judge rules Kushner Companies violated multiple laws in massive tenant dispute - Kushner-owned company Westminster Management charged deceptive fees to thousands of MD tenants, lawsuit filed after @propublica found widespread problems, by @AlecMacGillis…
Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh brought the consumer-protection case against Kushner Co's Westminster Management in 2019 following a 2017 article by ProPublica and The NYT Magazine on treatment of tenants in 15 housing complexes in the Baltimore area…
Judge Daneker's ruling on Kushner Cos Westminster Management described over 15,000 instances of charging more than the state-maximum $25 rental application fee and over 28,000 instances assessing "spurious" $12 "agent fee" on court filings against tenants…
A few weeks ago Erik Prince resigned as Executive Director and Deputy Chairman of Frontier Services Group Limited - the majority Chinese-state owned company he founded
Turns out a few days later his close associate Dorian Barak became an FSG director
NEW: Did Cambridge Analytica Collude With Russia's Intelligence Services to interfere in US elections? New details & ?s about CA/SCL contractor Sam Patten & Konstantin Kilimnik who shared campaign data with Russian intelligence, my latest via @BylineTimes…
Patten & Kilimnik's financial links & communications during the 2016 election have new significance with news that Kilimnik communicated with Russian intelligence
They earned $1,000,000 & Patten knew extensive details on Kilimnik's discussions w/Manafort
2014 Cambridge Analytica hired Kogan to harvest FB data & in 2015 he received grants from Russian govt. In 2014 Patten started contracting for CA/SCL, Kilimnik reportedly advised CA/SCL on focus groups on Putin/Russia, Patten & Kilimnik launched co in 2015…
With renewed focus on Kilimnik sharing polling data from Manafort and Gates with Russian intelligence - reminder of @imthemadridista scoop that in 2015 Kilimnik set up a company with Cambridge Analytica contractor Sam Patten
Kilimnik worked for Sam Patten in Russia from 2001-2003 before Kilimnik went to work for Manafort
here’s Sam Patten I’m 2006 with Rinat Akhmetshin who attended the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower with Veselnitskaya and Don Jr, Manafort, Kushner etc
Erik Prince has resigned as Executive Director and Deputy Chairman of Frontier Services Group Limited - the majority Chinese-state owned company he founded
Per this announcement Prince resigned "due to his other business engagements"