Just jaw-dropping corruption: the Queen's cousin, Prince Michael of Kent, filmed at business meeting where clients were told he could be hired for £10,000 a day to make representations to Putin's inner circle. via @JCalvertST@Arbuthnott@tomhcalverthetimes.co.uk/article/facf79…
Enthusiastically corrupt?
Prince Michael of Kent was willing to push the boat out to help the fake gold-trading company House of Haedong gain access to the Russia market via his contact with Vladimir Putin.
Interesting descriptor for Prince Michael of Kent on Google.
prospective clients were informed that Prince Michael of Kent could be hired for around £50,000 to make personal representations to key decision-makers in the Kremlin. bbc.com/news/av/uk-570…
Prince Michael of Kent's friend and business partner Simon Isaacs Marquess of Reading makes clear the Prince would be happy to exploit his role as “Her Majesty’s Unofficial Ambassador to Russia” to influence Kremlin decision makers in exchange for $70,000
The joint @thesundaytimes and @C4Dispatches investigation raises important questions about members of the Queen's family using their royal status for personal profit. Watch 'Royals For Hire' on Monday at 7.30pm on Channel 4. #Dispatches
. @Liam4Orkney holds Orkney Islands for the Liberal Democrats.
Turnout 65%
SNP's @KarenAdamSNP holds Banffshire and Buchan, with 45.2% of the vote. The Tories' @MarkFindlater came close with 42.9% of the vote. Turnout was 56%.
Dutch cargo ship Eemslift Hendrika adrift off Norway after crew evacuate. Footage from Norwegian search & rescue shows some of the 12 crew jumping into the sea from the badly-listing vessel before being rescued by helicopter 🇳🇴
The owners of the abandoned Eemslift Hendrika have hired Boskalis / Smit to attempt to salvage the drifting and dangerously-listing Dutch-flagged vessel. Two tugboats have been despatched from Bergen and Kristiansand tonight. maritime-executive.com/article/salvag…
The Dutch-registered Eemslift Hendrika has been abandoned about 60 miles west of Ålesund, Norway. The 112-metre ship specialises in yacht-transport, offering regular services between Norway and Turkey. reuters.com/article/us-nor…
. @BaronessKramer: "We have to put iron in the spine of the FCA. Whistleblowers are a citizens army that demand respect. They should be protected and not be the victims of retaliation. What they currently go through is frankly shocking". Great session of @TransparencyTF
Ex Lloyds staffer @Carlier_J87 doing a superb presentation of the uselessness of the FCA - and how it failed to meet its statutory objectives - in mini-bond scandal LC&F and Blackmore Bond. @TransparencyTF event
Blackmore Bond raised millions from investors to fund property developments in 2016-18, but the firm went bust in April 2020 owing £46 million. Now the FCA is trying to wash its hands of any responsibility despite investors' losses. @Carlier_J87@TransparencyTF
Julie Burchill forced to drop new publisher of her book 'Welcome to the Woke Trials' after its Edinburgh-based owner Tabatha Stirling was outed as a supporter of white nationalist group, Patriotic Alternative theguardian.com/books/2021/mar…
Tabatha Stirling, director of Stirling Publishing, was last December outed as having pseudonymously written articles for the website of the far-right group Patriotic Alternative. Julie Burchill subsequently dropped Stirling as WTTWT's publisher. standard.co.uk/news/londoners…
A disturbing listen. Tabatha Stirling, director of Edinburgh-based @StirlingPublish seeks to persuade far-right group Patriotic Alternative of her white supremacist credentials. Until today Stirling was @BoozeAndFagz's publisher.
NatWest faces criminal action over money laundering offences. FCA launches criminal action against the former RBS over allegations it failed to detect suspicious activity by a customer who deposited £264 million in cash. via @tomwilson1983@iainwithersreuters.com/article/us-nat…
Money laundering charges: The FCA alleges NatWest allowed “increasingly large cash deposits” to be paid into a UK-based customer's accounts between November 2011 and October 2016. It's alleged £365m was paid in, including £264m in cash. via @JuliaKollewetheguardian.com/business/2021/…
Prem Sikka suggests the criminal charges against RBS/NatWest could be a ploy to divert attention from FCA's failures, including the fact its former CEO presided over a whitewash of RBS/NatWest GRG after failing to disclose a major conflict-of-interest.
You've simply got to watch this meeting of #Handforth Parish Council planning committee. Kudos to Jackie Weaver for not losing her cool in the face of astonishing rudeness. Who needs Netflix?
Handforth Parish Council owes it's unlikely fame to teenager Shaan, a 17-year-old from London, who found the @zoom_us meeting footage, and 16-year-old Janine Mason, from Stoke-on-Trent, who launched it onto the world stage. cheshire-live.co.uk/news/chester-c…
The person who unearthed the extraordinary Handforth Parish Council zoom meeting footage is on Twitter - as @shaanthepenguin!