Leonardo DiCaprio unrecognisable in new Martin Scorcese film
Gangs of New Pork
Rolling Thunder Revewe
Raging Bull
Raging Bull
Reportedly, to really get into the role, DiCaprio has been taking method classes from Daniel Day-Lewis, and he's been spotted on several occasions frolicking about covered in wool in a Leicestershire field
apparently it's a mob heist epic, and DiCaprio's performance masterfully redefines the concept of 'going on the lamb'
We don't have enough mob heist epics in the archive of The Museum of English Rural Life. Those are best served by The Museum of Mob Heist Epics. But we do have lots of wonderful sheep, such as this beautiful Border Leicester.
This extravagantly square pig, a portent of squareness, lives rent-free in the mind of each and every LEGO brick. Even the bravest Bionicles tremble in awe at the thought of it
After this pig was done striking the sublime into LEGO, it used its extremely crisp angles to single-handedly invent Minecraft
You bet we do. And if you have it, we gots quite the challenge for ya.
Across rural history, people have worn all kinds of fancy outfits. Because while you're cultivating the land, you may as well also cultivate a fantastic look, to dazzle your peers and harvests.
These are both smocks: a beautiful use of sound and cloth.
We're the museum of the countryside™, and in our collections there are wardrobes upon wardrobes of cool rural garms.
In fact, here's an online exhibition we curated last year featuring some highlights.
This was snapped in the 1970s by John Tarlton (collections number PH1/3/4/1/1-12). It's of a lovely Cotswold lamb held by a shepherd, Jack Bond. The better of the Bond brothers.