A mix of other green midrange, UWx control, and general piles of cards...
@GobbinSte The aggro mirrors mostly come down to - 1. Can we race? 2. Can we disrupt?
I don't want many sideboard cards for these matchups because you don't want to dilute your main plan too much. Sometimes I'll bring Shock here if it kills some of their stuff.
@GobbinSte The combo matchup almost always comes down to - 1. Can we race?
I like Infuriate for these because you really need to kill them on turn 4 if you can. This is especially true for the Neoform decks. Tainted Pact will occasionally give you a little bit more time.
@GobbinSte Control is the one that's hardest to sideboard for because there is no one way to trump control as the aggro deck. Try to slow roll and protect your threats. Gods Willing and Valorous Stance are helpful to this plan.
@GobbinSte Other random notes...
Don't play Shock against Rogues and probably don't play it against RB Pyromancer. You really want Shock for the Elves/Goblins matchup where it's good on the play and the draw.
Guiding Voice is technically "sideboarding," so pay attention to your choices