2/Consider these statements
Answer each of the following quickly as True/False or Yes/No
And I can 100% tell you your zodiac
And 100% tell how you are likely to respond in most (but not all situations)
And who would be best career path and best life partner for you...
•You often have a need for other people to like and admire you.
•You have a great deal of unused capacity, which you have not turned to your advantage
•Disciplined outside, you sometimes can be worrisome and insecure inside.
•You are sometimes overly critical of yourself.
•You prefer a bit of change and variety and become unhappy with too many restrictions or limits.
•You are an independent thinker and dont accept others statements without satisfactory proof.
•You sometimes have big doubts whether you made the right decision or did the right thing
•Sometimes youre extroverted + social, while other times you’re introverted, wary, reserved
•While you have some personality weaknesses, you find ways to compensate for them
Watch these quick clips of @DerrenBrown create AWE in total strangers by PERFECTLY revealing their personalities with nothing more than their
-time of birth
-tracing of their hand
GENIUS. (part 1)...
Part 2 — on how easy it is to dupe innocent willing believers....
8/ The entire astrology, cold-reading, tarot cards and other pseudoscience exploit phenomena like “Barnum Effect” (named in 1950s after the great showman huckster)—that describes people easily FOOLED to think something is about them that is pure general that applies to anyone...
9/ As a reminder we are novelty seeking primates and are easily duped by FLAPDOODLE.
Timelessly predictable. From “The Secret” to any content recommended by Deepak Chopra...
2/ Competitive intellects love finding
correct answers quicker
truths not yet discovered
better explanations (for pleasure + sport)
Some compete to be ‘smarter’ than others
Motivated intrinsically for self or extrinsically—
they like to OUTSMART people—
and/or get STATUS for it.
3/ Frauds/hucksters/ tricksters also try to OUTSMART others
but in contrast don’t want STATUS for their cleverness—
they cloak it + dont want to be detected
Bad smart people are source of worlds conflicts
One cant be compelled to call out FRAUD
unless intellectually competitive
2/ Led by Lux partner @AGoulburn around the Nobel prize winning work of Eric Betzig who looked to the far reaches of the solar system and discovered a breakthrough imaging technique for INNER SPACE to see in REAL-TIME what is happening in cells...
3/ I mean this technique of adaptive optics x lattice light sheet microscopy gives subcellular resolution. INSANE what this means for drug discovery when you can see how drugs work inside cells!
If we invent edible Flubber, there may come a day when we can survive by eating Flubber and also create a sustainably green economy building breathing Flubber buildings or entire towns out of it and even one day give Flubber consciousness too and expand it to a multiverse.
If we invent teleportation, there may come a day when real estate no longer matters as the majority of our time will be in the 'etherverse' and we will have solved the 'distance problem' and will need to rethink time. Something to think about.
If civilization is able to connect itself to itself via neuralinks, into a global consciousness we would be able to anticipate each others needs even before they are communicated and make life peaceful and stress-free. As so much pain comes from not being understood.