Sudden flashback to 7th grade when my best friend NEEDS TO TALK.
“A lot of us have been saying you are only into the Doors because of me.”
“Oh my God I’m so—“
“So I was thinking maybe you should get into Air Supply”
Deep moral failing at the time was not to have your own THING.
Is this still the case?
Also the devastation of those words, still hurts today:
Air Supply
I thiiink I might have taken away the wrong lesson, that the only legitimate response to someone else’s passion is complete indifference to it
Sorry to work this out on Twitter but I think I owe my ex husband and a few other guys an apology
You’d almost think sharing interests was actually the Air Supply of a good relationship
PS Now lost in a new AS playlist and I gotta say the message is I love you Virginia and will never let you go and evidently I was more drawn to Jim Morrison’s S-ck my c-ck & the GTFO lyrics so once again wrong lesson
Getting a little Chelsea Handler here sry
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Zero people need my opinion on mask use but what the hay:
My sole purpose in life these days is to proselytize for the vax.
So I have to think like Ned Flanders or a Jehovah’s Witness or Mormon or Scientologist on commission for how many appointments I book.
But like any good salesman or evangelist my techniques change depending on who I am trying to bend to my will.
Hippie antivaxers are a whole different kettle of fish from Trump antivaxers. People who think it’s expensive to get the (free) vax—they’re their own thing.
Sometimes not wearing a mask & telling people it’s bc I got the vax and feel so free finally, right? — that’s the best way. Other times, wearing one & bonding hating anti-mask assholes & how you definitely got the vax, right? No? Oh well lemme sign you up. Sometimes that does it
My lemon 2019
Mac is in the shop & I am using a loaner iPad, my least favorite of all devices.
I just spent 20 minutes digging around for the right combo of USBs, USB-cs, “lightning” thingamabob, and good old 2-pronged plug to get things into the wall.
Mediating among cables and cords and apps that represent competition among tech companies AND planned obsolescence is a huge waste of anyone’s executive brain.
To Facebook, democratically elected public servants have authority only insofar as they are “influencers” in its rigged rapacious game.…
At this point the authority of the Grand Theft Auto leaderboard seems more legitimate.
GTA is less hackable & not primarily a data-gouging enterprise.
One the most striking things about @davidmweissman’s story is how much his political transformation improved his mental & physical health, relationships & prospects in life.
It’s American pragmatism at its best: Worldviews take hold when they come with practical rewards.
In pragmatic terms, a sign of a short shelflife for current far-right views is that they’re highly inelegant (see: the gibberish of QAnon), risky & lawless (see: the Big Lie), and potentially deadly (see: anti-mask/vax).
Even if they’re initially exciting, they’re unsustainable
And, of course, it’s an enormous cognitive strain to believe and circulate lies.