A #ShortSqueeze signal was generated based on the recent price increase and the high shorting level in $AMC
The mean return for this signal is 44.53%
ORTEX Trading Signals are based on historical performance and are not investment advice.
#ORTEX Trading Signals are based on historical statistics and machine learning. #ShortSqueeze signals, in particular, are rare, and the duration of the price momentum is particularly hard to estimate.
#ORTEX#ShortSqueeze Trading signals identifies Squeeze events with a high conviction, but may trigger too late, or recommend a holding period that would result in a significant loss.
Historically, #ORTEX's best performing trading signal is the EPS family of signals. #AMC had an EPS signal triggered yesterday.
You can read more about our trading signals here public.ortex.com/trading-signal…
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We have had a lot of questions after yesterday's tweet about the #ShortSqueeze Signal in #AMC.
Below are some answers to the most common ones.
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"44.53% mean return" refers to the history of this trading signal in $AMC. The signal has happened 12 times in the past, the average % change in the share price 6 trading days after the signal has been +44.53%
#ORTEX generate many different types of trading signals. you can read more about them here - public.ortex.com/trading-signal…
as well as on the help section on the platform.