It was connection that got Joseph into the palace.
It was connection that got David into the palace
God used "mere servants" in the palace.
He can use anyone.
Daniel 1:3 KJV
And the king spake unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king's seed, and of the princes;
Ashpenaz was a master servant In the king's palace.
He represents men that are
strategically positioned.
1. Ashpenaz, was a eunuch and a scout too
2 . He had access to the corridors of power. 3. He had the king's ears. 4. His job was to identify talents, groom talents and then, open doors for them. 5. If you found favour in the eyes of Ashpenaz, you were
almost 100% certain, you will find favour before the king. 6. Ashpenaz's are major players. 7. Gifts and callings aren't enough, your need a SAMUEL, an ASHPENAZ. 8. You will meet your Ashpenaz and your Samuel this week 9. . Some have been playing at the rung of the ladder,
because, there was no man to connect them. (1 Samuel 9:17 The moment Samuel laid eyes on Saul...)
God will bring people into your life that will bring you into the palace
God will bring people into your space, that will turn your life around.
God will do it.
They may even look
They may even be influential.
In any case, God will bring people into your life that will turn your life around.
Acts 13:17 MSG
God took a special interest in our ancestors, pulled our people who were beaten down in Egyptian exile to their feet, *and led them out of there in grand style.
👉🏼You may have been beaten down by the economic weather, with no chance of coming out strong.
👉🏼You may have been beaten down by circumstances and sicknesses, with no hope of coming out alive
*You were only down.*
But, you were not out.
*The Enemies rejoiced too quickly.*
*Micah 7:8a MSG*
Don't, enemy, crow over me. I'm down, but I'm not out.
👉🏼 *You are coming out in grand style* .
👉🏼You are rising up in grand style.
👉🏼The Lord will make it happen in grand style.
You are not coming out empty.
Acts 13:17 MSG
God took a special interest in our ancestors, pulled our people who were beaten down in Egyptian exile to their feet, and led them out of there in grand style.
God has always had SPECIAL INTEREST IN YOU.
He did it
before, He will do it again tonight upon this Altar of Prayer.
You may have been beaten blueblack by the economic weather.
You may have been beaten down by circumstances.
You were only down. You are not out.
The Enemies rejoiced too quickly.
Micah 7:8 MSG
Don't, enemy, crow
over me. I'm down, but I'm not out. I'm sitting in the dark right now, but God is my light.
Acts 13V17b
and led them out of there in grand style.
One thing we are all agreed on, is that insecurity does not favour a mass majority of the populace, save for those benefitting from it.
As part of the majority, we MUST all be concerned about peace in our land. Nothing thrives, flourishes or blossoms in times of crises...
only we can all spare at least 5mins to pray for our nation...
To those benefitting from insecurity; God says..
Nahum 2:13 MSG
"Assyria, I'm your enemy," says God-of-the-Angel-Armies. "I'll torch your chariots. They'll go up in smoke. 'Lion Country' will be strewn with
carcasses. The war business is over - you're out of work: You'll have no more wars to report, No more victories to announce. You're out of war work forever."
And for our nation, we pray;
Psalms 107:7 MSG
He put your feet on a wonderful road that took you straight to a good
#A different kind of people thrive a lot when they are pushed into a disadvantaged position.
The fear mode button on their keypad has long been deactivated.
They are fearless.
They are go getters
Hebrews 11:33 MSG
Through acts of faith, they toppled kingdoms, made justice
work, took the promises for themselves. They were protected from lions,
Hebrews 11:34 fires, and sword thrusts, turned disadvantage to advantage, won battles, routed alien armies.
Joseph turned his disadvantage to advantage. In prison, he did not sit sulking, he was busy
interpreting dreams.
Jephthah too did not sit down sulking when he was abruptly thrown out of his father's house through no fault of his.
He lost his inheritance.
Lost his heritage, but never lost his identity.
He was a man of valour.
Even in the land where he ran to, he did