The MAIN reason why the UK and USA have higher death rates from the rona is because both countries have very high obesity rates.
And both are so consumed by 'political correctness' they'd rather people die or be hospitalised than suggest they lose weight.
It has been obvious for a while now that policies have a minimal impact at best.
Age + fatness of the population are likely up to 90% of the issue. No mask fixes that.
If pointing this out makes me the 'bad guy' I don't care.
It's unbelievable what we now consider taboo.
The fact that various US cities and states are giving out free cheeseburgers, fries, donuts & hot dogs to incentivise people to 'get the jab' is a PERFECT summary of where society is...
Always looking for a quick, easy fix, with max comfort & minimal personal responsibility.
The word 'science' will not fully recover from the past year.
Once people started being called 'science deniers' and 'conspiracy theorists' for merely asking questions and pointing out logical inconsistencies, I was like
"It's a wrap..." 😂
RIP science.
It's also compounded by the fact that many people who use phrases like 'I believe in science' and 'follow the science', also will tell you that men can menstruate, and women can have penises.
The most basic of science is rejected when it does not conform to their ideology.
I'm never going to forgive the politicians and media outlets responsible for brainwashing most of the population, lying to everybody daily for over a year, and turning families, friends & neighbours against each other.
They should be tried for crimes against humanity.
It's hard to overstate the impact of instilling huge amounts of fear into millions of people, for an extended period.
I'm ever the optimist, but some will never recover from this.
Their minds are baked now and they will forever have an irrational fear of other human beings.
Humans have a natural aversion to anything known to cause infection or disease (disgust response).
Propagandists have used this in the past to divide, enslave, and even trigger genocide.
It's very powerful and people are being trained to see each other as inherently diseased.
Nobody wants to admit that most of the measures we've taken over the past 14 months in the name of 'saving lives' and 'stopping the spread' likely made very little difference.
And possibly led to a worse overall outcome.
The ego is too fragile to even consider this.
If you compare places that locked down businesses for months, mandated stay at home policies, mandated masks, etc. vs those that didn't, then you'll find no clear correlation with these policies and death rates.
Hard truth.
I am absolutely opposed to lockdowns and mask mandates, and was from day one, but the fact that it's hard to prove they even significantly 'worked' is an extra kick in the cojones.