Latest Art-Eater article is up! This time we take a deep dive into the very striking and unusual color theory going on in one of my fav fighting game stages of all time, "Red Thirst" from Vampire Savior aka Darkstalkers 3!… #ArtEaterArticle#Darkstalkers
This was originally a thread on Twitter that you can read here.
This is some WILD stuff! It's one thing to understand this kind of optical illusion as theory. But it takes even more skill to apply it so successfully on a practical level (and in sprite art to boot!)
Combatants for Peace (@cfpeace ) is an organization made up of people who used to devote their lives to killing each other, but who have laid down their arms and seek lasting peace and reconciliation.
If you feel that after decades of war and inhumanity that peace isn't possible between Israel and Palestine, I urge you to listen to this story.…
I happened to catch this story years ago while driving home from work. It was so powerful that I had to park my car and weep for these people who lost so much, but still seek peace instead of revenge. And for how difficult it is for them to simply TALK.…
What a loss. My heart goes out to his family and friends. And the millions around the world who cherished his work. Rest in peace 三浦 建太郎 (Kentaro Miura).
Berserk was one of my favorite stories ever. In any medium. Miura has been, not just an inspiration--it's so much deeper and more basic than that. I've never stopped enjoying his work as a fan plain and simple. Miura's stories always take me to other worlds. I already miss him
I feel totally comfortable saying that I think Berserk is one of the best stories of all time. It checks every box I can think of. It's full of drama, intrigue, triumph, betrayal, sex, violence, magic all wrapped in a very human heart. It covers the full spectrum of human emotion
Companies have been throwing around this idea of "console quality on mobile" for a while now. But it's Chinese devs like miHoYo that are actually delivering on that promise. The amount of polish going into Chinese mobile games is exploding now. This One Piece game looks amazing!
The effect of Genshin Impact on the Chinese games industry isn't going to be a bunch of Genshin clones. It's going to be increased expectations of polish on ALL mobile games across the board. Better graphics, better story, full voice acting and of course better gameplay too!
I always have so many mixed feelings after posting a long bottled up hot take. On the one hand it's reassuring to see I'm not alone in these frustrations. OTOH hand I feel bad for putting so much negativity out there and making others feel bad (even when I disagree with em)
Thanks for your kind responses. And also, to all the people who disagreed with me in good faith, thank you you too!
I'm a middle child (from a large family of many VERY AGGRESSIVE A-types) so it's my natural inclination to always look for the path of least resistance. It's deeply uncomfortable for me to deal with direct conflict. But that's an important life skill!
The original Nier came out in 2010, at the height of the "Japanese games are bad!" meme in the Anglosphere. I'm so glad that awkward (and frankly xenophobic) phase of games discourse is over!
I know I sound like I'm beating a dead horse here, but you gotta understand, during those ten years or so of US gaming press (and industry folks!) shitting on JPN games, I was constantly told I was being overly sensitive and crazy for having such an intense reaction against it.
Do you love Streets of Rage 2? You know, one of the greatest beat-em-ups of all time? Well Ayano Koshiro was the art director on it, and pretty much the chief game designer too!