Lot of confusion here and the cause is - Product is defined as one of these:
- Role (what to accomplish)
- Job (day to day work)
- Title (official title)
Who is a PM? (a right answer)
Define product and coordinate actions across org to get success.
Success is defined as user adoption and business impact.
Q2 - How does a PM grow?
There are 2 ways to grow:
- Keep getting better at the work we do. (80%-90%)
- Spend time outside of work on learning. (10%-20%)
Try to maintain this ratio to keep growing while making impact.
You grow as a PM (in fact every role) by
- Being able to focus on the task at hand.
- Learn cognitive empathy.
Q3 - PM in a startup vs a big company
For a startup, be clear with the founder - what you are expected to do, and what founder will do w.r.t product.
Adapt to the stage of the product and have a rigorous conversation on expectations.
Follow the 3X framework.
eXplore - finding the right product to build Prod-Market fit (early-stage)
eXpand - take the product through fast growth
eXtract - from maturity think how to monetize further (large company)
What works in a large company won't work in an early-stage company.
Q4 - How do I discover what kind of PM I am?
Think on what aspects of the PM work puts you in a flow. (Be very honest about it)
Two frameworks : 3 Essential Senses: Execution, Analytical and Product