Long time readers may have noticed that I've got of backed off my usual schtick about Amish communities on the on hand, and developee societies evolving forward to animal and sail power.
The reason is,.almost everybody sees what I write and thinks, "White America, 1859."
No. Not.
For Dr. Hans-Martin, and anyone else who benefits:
I speak of low energy transportation and power. Many to most who respond to me object based on things that were bad in US culture before automobiles and airplanes and modernity. It appears that I am advocating for an historic way
3. Women write to me and say, life was terrible for women then.
Yeah, it was. I don't want to live then.
Black people write to me.
Obviously, they see a flaw. Slavery and all that it meant. Then Jim Crow / near slavery as sharecropping farmers.
No, not that either.
What I'm doing, with my writing, is I'm dreaming.
I'm a repairman. I don't do any original research or anything, I just gather up trouble reports and from them form a hypothesis of the nature of the system failure, and how to correct it.
When you're a system repairman, you don't view trouble reports as discrete events, you view them as data points defining a cause event.
You compare the report items to a properly functioning system, and observe the difference.
Action sequences radiate through the system.
3. Where those action sequences come together, is your failure point.
To see that you have to understand the flows of energy through the system, how the thing works, where energy goes in, how it travels, where it comes out, where it missed the failure point.
Understand Enough.
There is an outfit called The Savanna Institute that pushes agro-forestry as a climate solution. They had a seminar last year and are having another this year. savannainstitute.org
3. I attended last year.
Nearly every presentation included a pitch to add energy to the production methods.
Of course, they didn't say, "Add energy."
They said, "Mechanize," and "Automate."
Both of these are based on adding energy. Higher energy production methods.
"Add energy."
In all of geologic time, the only thing which has removed significant quantities of carbon from the atmosphere is photosynthesis.
This is a scientific fact, not a wild-ass guess.
2. All human food, including meat and mushrooms, has its roots in the primary production of photosynthesis.
3. Therefore, the developed country plan to solve climate change is to replace photosynthesizing life forms with machinery because we think we have a better use for sunshine.
I got this very courteous DM today. In response I told this gentleman that I would write a thread. Here it is.
First I'm going to explain the objective point, and afterwards some thoughts on how to get there.
I have written an essay which gives an overview. It is on my blog, where there is no advertising and no tracking or data collection that I know of. walkingpace.life/why-this-site/
3. All the things I recommend are available to humankind today with no lead time to build, no installation, little to no resource extraction, and no additional energy required to implement them.
They are, unfortunately, while easily doable, totally unthinkable.