Intriguing power shifts. Is concept of "Society" becoming extinct?
Author of Sunday cover story is widow of former editor of Wash. Post during Watergate era. It has sadly devolved since then.
Sally Quinn on old days: "What I had once thought was [exciting]...filled with power and celebrity [did not appeal]....We almost lost our democracy, and many even lost our lives."
Sally Quinn: White House Corrrespondents Assoc. Dinner [first] "stultifyingly boring," [next] "a...circus" [gawking at third-rate celebrities, then turning back to boring with Trump a no-show].
"Mr. Davidson’s Opus"
An “ABC” Poetic Appreciation of the Oxford Companion to Food
From Day 8 of #PoemsMayForm – A May, 2021 31-day writing challenge. All most welcome to read, write a poem, write a bunch of poems! Doff of the cap to creator @flightofsand
Moe (Maureen)
Abalonia! Homeland of Limpid Haliotis
Borage and Barley Bread, Saffron Catalanius
Crown to the Pate of Pere Dumas The Glorious
Davidson’s Tome Most Historicus!
Esoteric Homespun, échaudé and Eccles Cakes
Ful and Fugu fatale, Flour and Florentines
Ground Cherry Cheddar, Charcuterie and Sausage Bakes
Haloumi, Hamburger, Gumbo with Roux and