sooo attaching a strap to the head of the violin made a much bigger difference than I expected! this is awesome!
this is what I did:
I used an elastic shoelace with a fastener,
and a strap with a clip that's the right length to wear around my neck.
wrap the shoelace around the scroll three times with the strap in between, and done! it is very stable and doesn't touch the pegs at all.
I've found that wearing it like this allows for a better sitting position.
this was my previous position, I was very leaned back and let the violin rest against my breastbone and on top of my knees. it's very horizontal that way which is playable but honestly exhausting.
my new position is this, it's much more upright and I let the violin slip down between my knees a bit.
head of the violin rests where my clavicles meet and the strap keeps it in place.
this is much easier on both bow arm and fingering hand.
and with the strap I can also play it while standing! sorta, I'd still need to attach it around my belly somehow so it doesn't move sideways, but considering that I will never in my life play it while standing, I'm not even going to try
I am fully losing my shit trying to sand / file / scrape this piece perfectly plane. it has to be PERFECT I just don't know how to achieve that because the art of filing an area perfectly plane by hand is something I will never master
I was considering a plane (the tool, somehow the word "plane" means a trillion different things) but the piece isn't large enough and a decent plane costs at least 70 € for the tiniest version, more like 100+ for a regular one and just. no.
(this is a venting tweet. do not give advice unless you know from personal experience EXACTLY what I am talking about and how to get it done.)
Einkaufen wenn du arm bist macht echt gar keinen Spaß mehr. Alles ist so krass teuer auf einmal. Tüte Chips ist jetzt 70 Cent statt 40. Klopapier kostet 20% mehr. Schlagsahne einfach mal mehr als doppelt so teuer. Und Grundsicherung? Immer noch 150 € für Lebensmittel pro Monat.
Ich weiß echt nicht, was ich da noch machen soll. Von Strompreisen reden wir mal gar nicht erst.
Ohne dir zusätzlich irgendwo Geld zu besorgen - was verboten ist und als Betrug zählt - kommst du damit einfach nicht mehr durch.
Hatte unsere liebe Bundesregierung nicht versprochen, da mal was zu verbessern? Was sollen wir dann solange machen, bis die das auf die Kette kriegen, falls sie das überhaupt tun?
this is not my trash. this is my collection of free plant containers, food containers and storage for various other things.
no plastic container gets thrown out without being reused at least once.
you all know the problem: plastic lasts decades, and yet most of it is single use.
i say fuck that. I reuse EVERYTHING. my entire household is being taken over by "single-use" plastic containers - and they last, they are practical, and they are FREE.
let me show you.
these here are amazing for storing food, craft supplies, and lots of other stuff.
they contained food, so they're food-grade. if they held frozen food, you know they're freezer-safe.
if they close tightly, they are good to keep moths and other crawlers out of your food.
we've had very spring weather. ice cold nights, pleasant days. the plants know what's up.
these are the lupines, wasting no time at all.
I'm raising seedlings indoors at the moment. this is my bedroom windowsill.
the Datura finally gave me a second seedling after the first one sprouted weeks ago - and then a third, and a fourth. the first isn't looking so great so I'm relieved to have more of them.
I managed to get my doctor to help me and now I have new meds. go me!
the last few days were a severe health crisis again, same thing that put me in hospital last time. but this time I knew what was coming so instead of taking every medication that I have in an uncontrolled fashion I took only a few and went to a doctor.
I know that doctor visits are rarely this helpful and they don't hesitate to turn you away. but the stars aligned, etc
I have 3 days left to clean the living room and too much to do in addition to that and oh yeah still doing medication withdrawal and in a depressive episode
maybe it's okay if I don't advance my life goals for 3 days