05.28.21 INTRODUCTION AND INFORMATION TO THOSE WHO ARE NEW TO OUR COMMUNITY. Hello, my friends. Today I want to give you more time to go over the BITE Model we discussed yesterday and evaluate if you are caught in anything that inhibits your ability to serve here on Earth.
Since we have a lot of new community members, I want to give you some information about myself, how I got here, and what is my mission of service--in service to you, as lightworkers.
First of all, I want you to know that I am just the same as you, here incarnated in human form. The archangels (which is a human term only) are the management team of the Creator. There are 72 archangels, all with different missions of service.
Four of us were created right after the first group of souls were created by our Creator. We are called "The Primary Archangels." We are Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel, and Michael. These are only our human names. I am a human aspect of Michael. We incarnate into every area we serve.
The reason we incarnate into every area we serve is that we do not like the "Ivory Tower" approach to serving. We want to see, feel, and experience all that those we serve are experiencing. Then, we know how best to be of service, in any way that is needed.
Both Raphael and I are here in human female form in this lifetime, as is much of the leadership from the different soul groups, gestalts, and oversoul here serving during this Ascension Transition period. The Guardian Alliance of this planet asked we come in female form...
...so that the souls who choose the Divine Feminine presentation on this planet can see that they are as powerful and meaningful to our Creator as are the souls who choose to the Divine Masculine. We hope to heal humanity from the negative effects of millennia of patriarchy.
Each of us is endowed with all of the attributes of both the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. Gender is only a construct in areas where it is required for physical reproduction. As souls in light body form, we choose which of the attributes we want to present.
So, as the four primary archangels all present in light body form as Divine Masculine, we, and you, can choose which gender to use in each incarnation, according to what we want to accomplish in each lifetime.
All of us, including you, have had multiple lifetimes presenting in each gender, where we have learned and performed the various roles of motherhood and fatherhood as part of our learning experience here on Earth.
Human bodies form in response to the attributes a person wants to bring to an individual lifetime. This has been somewhat problematic for some lightworkers who come from other areas of the universe, where bodies accommodate either or both sets of attributes.
Lightworkers who choose a combination of attributes sometimes find it difficult to work in a human body, and sometimes find themselves expressing a condition known here as "transgender," or a conflict of how they feel with how their body looks.
One of things Humanity is being readied for, as the majority of them will soon take their place as galactic citizens, is understanding how the different attributes are expressed by souls in other places. Many souls from all over have come here to teach about this concept.
In light body form, and in many other life forms seen on different planets throughout the universe, we are free to love who we want, and to unite our energy with a chosen partner who expresses any of the attributes in the way they individually choose.
I came to this planet to study Humanity thousands of years ago, and I incarnated into many different cultures and situations so I could learn about the human condition and understand why Humanity has had such a difficult time moving toward their next Ascension.
Ascension, as many of you know, is the orderly system designed by our Creator to learn the skills of Higher Consciousness. In this phase of learning, called "Third Density," the goal is to identify whether a soul will serve themselves or others.
These different options are called "polarities," and the reason they are important choices is because after Third Density, the two polarities split and take different paths until they reunite down the Ascension path.
The Service to Self (STS) souls, who use and manipulate others to build their own empire, eventually learn that they can't get anywhere without the cooperation of the others. It's a harder, longer, more painful path to be STS.
Right now, about 10% of Humanity is firmly rooted in STS. To be STS, you have to be overwhelmingly, over 90% STS, because we want everyone to have the maximum chances they can to become Service to Others.
About 45% of Humanity is currently Service to Others. To qualify as STO, one needs to be more than 50% devoted to living the concepts of the Law of One--loving, serving, forgiving, and not judging others.
The remaining numbers of Humanity have still not decided whom they will serve. This group of Humanity will go on to repeat another Third Density cycle on another planet after the Ascension Harvest.
The STO souls will be moving on to a beautiful new planet which is still unnamed but called, "The New Earth." The New Earth is truly a marvel among planets in its beauty and features. Those who go there will name it after they make their homes there.
The STS souls will also advance to other planets that are negative polarity planets, modeling STS behaviors. This is called "Four Density negative," and the New Earth will be "Fourth Density positive."
The polarities are not like negative (bad) and positive (good), they are like the ends of a battery--both important parts of the design of our Creator. Our Creator created us to see what can be created and advanced in free will, so even the negative is important to that goal.
Most of those who find their way to our community here are called "Lightworkers," or those who are Service to Others, working with the "Light," or energy of the Creator, which is pure love. We primarily are incarnated angels or angelic starseeds from over 600 different groups.
We are all here to try to accomplish the goals of the Guardian Alliance of this planet. Younger civilizations and soul groups are mentored by more mature, higher density members of other advanced civilizations.
The Guardian Alliances that mentor newer civilizations throughout the universe are given wide discretion in trying to help lead the members of each civilization to the development of polarity--and hope they will develop STO polarity.
All of us who are here in service to Humanity and its Guardian Alliance are hoping to inspire and teach Humanity how to come to STO polarity, so each person can advance to Fourth Density positive on the New Earth. That has been a hard task on this planet.
Many of you have been doing the same as me, incarnating over and over again on this planet, hoping to best serve Humanity. Many of us have been here serving on and off or consistently since Humanity began on this planet.
Until two years ago, the soul groups or oversoul or gestalts from which we came could only work with us here through working with our individual Higher Selves, that part of our soul that does not incarnate in human form.
In anticipation of changes that happened two years ago to open the planet so that our soul groups, oversoul, and gestalts could reach us and help us here, I was told who I actually am, after a very ordinary human lifetime spent doing very ordinary human things.
No one could have been more surprised than me when I was given this information, while I was just sitting in my kitchen, eating a sandwich, minding my own business. My first response was to say, "Why didn't you tell me before so I wouldn't have made so many stupid mistakes?"
It took me five months after being told to actually accept what I was told. I felt so inadequate, so flawed, that I just could not bring myself to accept that I would be stepping into any position of leadership or guidance. It was really hard for me to deal with.
And the reason I tell you this about myself is to let you know we have all gone through much the same process here--incarnating as human, doing our best to serve without knowing who we are, and sometimes not accomplishing all we hoped to accomplish.
Our major function here is to ANCHOR LIGHT. We come in from higher densities of consciousness, carrying higher frequency energy to the planet, which is called "anchoring light to the planet." We don't need to know who we are to do that--it is automatic.
And about six months after I was awakened and told who I was, I gave the order to awaken all of the sleeping lightworkers on the planet in October of 2019. Many of you were already in the process of awakening on your own.
We are now in the final stages of this Third Density cycle on planet Earth, which will end at the time of the Ascension Harvest. The Ascension Harvest is the energetic process of sending the three groups of souls here onto their next opportunity.
The Ascension Harvest has been scheduled and then cancelled then rescheduled many different times on this planet, each time hoping that a little more time would give more of Humanity the chance to reach a polarity and avoid repeating Third Density again.
The Ascension Harvest is once again scheduled, but it keeps getting moved back in response to the dynamic aspects of the process. It takes a lot of energy to move all of the souls of a planet--which includes all of the souls of plants, animals, and elements on the planet.
Many of you did not agree to stay and participate in the Ascension Harvest, and will be leaving prior to it. There is a lot of shifting of souls on the planet right now, as soul groups are coming in and picking up their loved ones and dropping off others who will serve.
There are frequent meetings going on all the time in the Third Astral Plane of this planet, where your Higher Self is during the time you are serving here. Your Higher Self has all of the information you need, and your plan of service is or will be downloaded to your brain.
The important thing to remember is that your individual plan of service is uniquely yours. It isn't dependent on anyone else. You don't need anyone else to tell you what you are doing. All the important information you need should come from your own Higher Self.
A lot of the channeling I see and hear of is coming from nefarious souls who can now access the planet and who hope to mislead the souls who are serving here. It is really dangerous to accept channeled messages over the message of your own Higher Self.
If you are a lightworker, you are a very mature soul. You are perfectly capable of making up your own mind. You don't need anybody else to tell you what you should be doing. I can't stress this enough--only your own Higher Self should be your primary advisor.
There are also STS souls of higher densities of consciousness here on the planet hoping to rally Humanity to the STS way of living as a soul. There are dark manifestations of those who practice the Dark Arts. There are many ways to be misled here on Earth.
Of course, at every stage of consciousness as a soul, you have the free will to decide what you will do here and after you are done serving here. That is purely your prerogative. You are loved by our Creator no matter what you decide, no matter what your polarity.
It is not my desire or plan to form yet another cult, like we discussed yesterday, out of our lightworker community here. I will never ask you to follow me. I will love you no matter what you think or do. I will never ask you for money or donations or endorsement.
Instead, my message is my offer of service to you, which you are always free to reject or apply in your own life. My only goal in being here on Twitter is to communicate with you, and to support YOU, not the other way around, in what you hoped to do during this Transition period.
I want you to know how very humbled I am to be asked to be with you here at all, because, like I said, I feel very flawed and ordinary. I am in awe at the beauty and strength each of you have, and the wonderful service you provided to Humanity in your time here.
For those of you who are new, and the ones who have been here with us, I have a website with important discussions that will help you learn more about who you are and why you are here. That is loveandlightworks.com
Thank you for being here with me, and with us, and for your contributions to our community. Together, we are stronger. When you learn something, it feeds energetically to all of those with whom you have a connection here on Earth.
Our Creator loves you. I love you. I hope we can model that unconditional love for Humanity during this last phase of Third Density on Earth--and it will be a challenge to do so at times, but we can do it.

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29 Apr
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