Failed -- and fascist -- Kraken lawyer Sidney Powell is about to speak at the QAnon conference in Dallas.

I'll keep you updated in this thread.
They're opening with a video clip. Powell is saying, "People need to come forward now and report the fraud they know was created in Dominion voting systems, because that's what it was created to do... a very foul mess.... I am gonna release the kraken."

She enters. Standing O.
Almost everyone in the crowd is recording this or photographing this. PROLONGED hooting and hollering.

Neither of these applied to aaaaany other speaker, of course.

These Kraken enthusiasts can't get enough fascism!!! They DEMAND more of the Big Lie!
Is that a JFK patch down there on the lower left? Someone with sharper eyes should tell me.

Anyway, she's gonna have a Q&A where her friend is going to "ask some of the hard questions."

Folks, I don't think these are going to be hard questions.
UPDATE: her friend, who is conducting the Q&A to, remember, ask her the hard questions, leads off by saying something along the lines of: it's the greatest honor of my life to be sitting next to Sidney Powell. (I almost... did I REALLY hear that?)

Real pull-no-punches stuff.
Powell: "I just try to speak the truth in love. Sometimes that's difficult to say and sometimes that's difficult for people to hear. And those words," meaning the Dominion speech that is absolutely going to get her sued to smithereens, "just flew out of my mouth that day."
"I was so angry," she says, "about the failure of anyone in law enforcement to do anything about [the 'massive, widespread fraud' she claims to have seen in the election.]"

"Our institutions... failed. They knew what was going on. Many of them, in both political parties."
The ellipses there covers a LONG list of institutions, none of which took her bullshit allegations of fraud seriously *because they were bullshit,* which I guess hasn't occurred to her.
She then goes on, with incredibly naive energy, to say that, WOW, it *turns out* the Kraken is actually a supercomputer that does all of these things!"

No, that's bullshit that QAnon people created after she talked about "the Kraken," JFC. Because they're full of shit.
Wow, these questions actually ARE getting tough.

Current question is about military tribunals. Were you going to be a member of military tribunals? Are you? DON'T SPEAK IN CODE.

"No military tribunals going on... no magical solution. All of you have to" get involved politically
Next question: "Why didn't President Trump do anything to stop this?" That's what I meant by actual tough question.

"That's one of the toughest questions." She rehashes the QAnon myth about one of Trump's executive orders, which... does not do what she says it does.
C'mon, Sidney, tell us about the December meeting at the White House. Give your story. Give papa his historically valuable narrative. He needs a new pair of shoes.

Wait, no, she IS getting to the night of December 18th when she and Byrne and Flynn tried to get Trump to do a putsch. OK.

"Everyone else in the WH was telling him to just pack it up and go home. Jared and Ivanka had already gone home... his WH counsel and... all the lawyers...
were telling him there's nothing you can do.

I vehemently, VEHEMENTLY disagreed with that and I guarantee you, if the same thing had happened when the Democrats were in power, they would have used the law..." there are no laws allowing the president to stay in office by force 🤷
According to Sidney Powell, Biden is "a demented old pervert who can't even tie his shoes" and Kamala Harris is... I don't know what she said before "Harris," but it sent the crowd into cheers and whistles.

Now she says you have to "hold elected officials accountable...
bird-dog your city council members." A group of 10 or 15 people attending council meetings and "calling bull feathers when you see it" can "make a difference."

Now they're back onto Trump worship: "Imagine what he could have accomplished without his hands tied behind his back."
But wait, why DIDN'T Trump do a big fascist putsch like she wanted? (This is actually one of the great historical questions, I think, to emerge from the period between the election and January 6th. And I think the answer is: the military wouldn't have followed his orders.)
Or at least he wasn't convinced that they would and wasn't willing to risk the humiliation -- and liability -- of issuing those orders and having them refused.

But who knows what was going on in his shitty little head?
Next Q is about the Arizona goat rodeo or, as @KaleighRogers accurately dubbed it, the "partisan inquisition."

Republicans claim that these "audits," run by 100% unqualified partisans who fervently believe the Big Lie, will "help We the People have confidence again." Bullshit.
And more than that, profoundly dangerous bullshit. The election WAS audited in every single place Republicans cry "fraud" over. There were recounts -- public, visible recounts with access for Republican and Democratic observers and, frequently, livestreams. Same for the 1st count
Guess what? Trump did in fact lose. Biden did in fact win.

Sidney Powell and her ilk don't like that fact. They can't accept it. So they're ignoring it, and holding these other "audits" in an attempt to make it look *respectable* to believe the Big Lie.

It's not respectable.
It never will be.

But it IS destabilizing, and lays the groundworks for Republicans to try to overturn the NEXT free and fair election.

And why shouldn't they? Absolutely nothing has happened to any of them for the LAST attempt, except for the foot soldiers. GOP elites are like
Sorry, I got way off on a rant there. Anyway, Sidney Powell says she expects the AZ goat rodeo to "reveal" 400K-500K definitely fake votes for Biden.

On a follow-up question, she rambles that China and Cuba (Cuba????) have "invested in every port city," and adds:
"They have a plan for world domination."
To be fair, MANY words were between those two areas. But like. JFC, these fucking people.

OK, now we're on to a true blue-sky question: Sidney, let's dream a little. Imagine the election is overturned and Trump declared the winner. What happens then?
Powell: The election (which, again, was free and fair) was a "coup."

Love to get you on record about what January 6th was, Sidney.

Interviewer's question: would Trump get credit for time lost? For the time he wasn't in the White House?

Powell: No. No constitutional mechanism.
Interviewer: But he should get 4 years. Which he won't have. Unless he runs in 2024.

Powell: Right, unless he runs in 2024. But if we don't fix this right now there won't be a 2024.

Interviewer: Who's involved from what I call the "commie socialist" side of this?
Interviewer: Because there are no Democrats anymore, at least not elected Democrats.

Powell: "I don't have direct evidence" -- YOU DON'T SAY.

But maybe it was "the usual suspects," like -- of course! "George Soros."
Powell is now rambling along about "multiple mechanisms" for switching votes, recapping a bunch of patently false claims.

And here's the thing: she read, or should have read, a great many legal filings that explained what actually happened and why her claims are bullshit.
She was, after all, involved in litigation that MADE THE BULLSHIT CLAIMS which were promptly refuted (and which were thrown out of court for various procedural *and evidentiary* reasons).
"And then they thought they could shut us all up," she says. "They thought they would be dealing with election-law lawyers, and only with traditional election-law challenges. I don't think they realized that some of us litigators were going to catch on and hold their feet...
to the fire and expose what really happened.... (short snip)

They sent out, I don't know how many hundreds of cease and desist letters to people who even retweeted a tweet about Dominion voting systems."

She is collapsing a LOT of time and "theys" together there. A LOT.
"They also sued [my] nonprofit... the cases should definitely be dismissed, but if they're not, then we will get discovery against Dominion." Wild cheers and hollers.
Interviewer: "It's amazing that there is a man in this country who's built his career and livelihood making sheets and pillows, who has done more work than the federal government, not that we would expect the federal government to do a lot of work, but... shoutout to Mike Lindell
Interviewer: How closely do you and Mike work together?

Sidney: We talk often. I can't really say more than that.

Interviewer: Q & A time. We have a few minutes. There should be members of the staff with wireless microphones going through the crowd.

-- Oh boy. First question:
A guy named Steve says: "Consider, hypothetically, there was an open position for chief justice of the supreme court. Would you have any interest?"

Sidney: Um... I think I could better serve somewhere else. If the right president asked, it would be hard not to say yes.
A Californian (Cameron? Cannon?) has more of a comment than a question. Come on, buddy.

OK, NOW he's getting to his question. "This Dominion lawsuit against you [might] be a great place to inject evidence in discovery," then something inaudible that gets a laugh.
Sidney: The judge should dismiss because the law requires it, "but if they don't, we'll get discovery and that will be Biblical." (A key QAnon phrase.)

Many cheers.

A lady in a tiger-stripe shirt gets the next question.
She wants to know, essentially, why Trump keeps traitors like Mark Meadows around him.

She adds, "We like Jeff Sessions... why doesn't he get those people out? ... it's ridiculous. And I don't understand."

Powell: "It's ridiculous. I don't understand it... it's like he was...
a hostage in his own presidency. It's crazy."

Next question references the JFK assassination (hi, @pokerpolitics).
Holy shit, this question involves "the Israeli lobby." Sidney does NOT look best pleased.
Question-asker says: "Bolshevism, Communism, Zionism" are all the same something, I didn't catch the words.

Question-asker ends with something about Zionism and "the power in the Middle East."

Sidney has been sitting stock-still lookin' like this the whole time:
Powell responds curtly, "I have no idea," with a shake of the head.

It really did NOT take long for the whole "Judeo-Bolshevism" angle to surface in the Q&A, did it?
She's now suggesting that people remember that "your county commissioners live among you," so they should pressure them for paper ballots, WHICH EXIST BUT WHICH REPUBLICANS WON'T ACCEPT THE RESULTS THAT ARE ON THEM UNLESS REPUBLICANS WIN, YOU FUCKHEAD
She then lists a bunch of other conditions WHICH EXIST AND WERE SATISFIED BY THE 2020 ELECTION, BUT GUESS THE FUCK WHAT



A woman from Atlanta is now saying that "anons and many others" have suggested that the loss of the election was part of the Plan, to light a fire under blah blah and reveal the fraud to the public blah blah

Sidney: "I'm sorry, but no I don't see a benefit to that."
Sidney Powell: "I don't have any evidence that there's some grand underlying plan pursuant to which all this is going to be made right. I don't want to give anybody false hope that this is happening."

WHOA. @travis_View @PokerPolitics @dappergander @rothschildmd
Powell goes on to say: it is incumbent on all of us to work locally and personally to make it right. "No one else" is going to do it for us.

This is a strong, STRONG statement against QAnon and the idea of Q. Response was very muted, not much applause.
Next question is about when and whether someone will face criminal consequences for the Definitely Real Theft of the Election™.

Powell rambles for a bit and then says "The Chinese Communist Party will do anything to remain in power." They have "blackmail" on Congresspeople.
Powell: "They have no limits. Life means nothing to them."

The idea that Dems are somehow bought and controlled by China is not a front-burner issue for QAnon people right NOW but can bubble back to the foreground at any moment.
Powell: "More evidence" will be available "in a month or two." I've heard that shit before, Sid.

Powell: "We had enough evidence... there's enough evidence." Not what any of the 60+ judges said, but sure, you lying fascist fuckhead, you had the evidence

holy fuck I hate her.
Powell: "We have the American media running propaganda for the Communist left... trying to convince the American people that Biden won. No way that happened."

"Everybody around the world knows that. We're the laughingstock of the world right now. They know. But...
"they're terrified. They can't speak because of consequences" due to "all the power of the American presidency."

Again: reality inversion field here. Trump was soliciting aid from foreign gov-- you know what? Fuck it. I'm just gonna get to the next question, if there is one.
Sounds like there might not be one, though. She's hyping her newsletter and her, uh... anti-vaxx billboard ads????
"Arm yourself and all your friends with the correct information," says Powell. "There are more of us than there are of them.

This country is not really divided. Americans stick together."

Much could be said about this rhetoric, but fuckit, I'm livetweeting, can't say it.
"Arm yourself and all your friends with the correct information," says Powell. "There are more of us than there are of them.

This country is not really divided. Americans stick together."

Much could be said about this rhetoric, but fuckit, I'm livetweeting, can't say it.
Oh, there IS one more question. It's echoey and I can't really make it out.

Something, something, Texas, "For 22 years, I've watched every..." something... "election," and poll workers "asked everyone do you have a driver's license, do you have a registration," but never
about citizenship, and now claims that "Mexicans laugh" about voting in US elections "because they have drivers' licenses," and, IF I heard this correctly (which I may not have!) something like "most of Mexico votes in elections"???? Not 100% sure she said that, don't quote it.
Question is going on and on and on and on. Oh my God, lady.

"I would be screaming, almost, we have got to get citizenship cards that are almost like driver's licenses."

Now complaining: "they are watering down our citizenship."
Host is like, "Thank you, ma'am. For everyone else, if you have a QUESTION for Sidney, ask the question."


Next question is from a much younger woman, who wants to "learn about the action steps we can take when our federal laws are violated....
"I love the Great Awakening," says the question-asker, "and I would say the Bible [something] and the Constitution [inaudible]....

When I see children abused in masks, I feel so upset..."

Interviewer: Ma'am, we need a question.

"How do we get kids out of the masks?"
Sidney Powell: "We're gonna have to litigate, I would say, the airlines" and the masks and so forth

"the majority of the population has already acquired herd immunity" (this is not true)

she spews more vaccine misinformation, boring and bog-standard stuff. But then, WHOA:
"frankly, there should be no emergency authority for anything" -- bold stance!

oh never mind, it gets boring again right after that: "on a disease that has a 99% cure rate." No, sorry, too dull, don't care.

Sidney makes a bunch of vaporware promises abt litigation.
Sidney Powell ends her final question by claiming that she "has a team of 7 lawyers working obscene hours" on lawsuits over the, once again, ALREADY-DECIDED 2020 election, "at greatly reduced pay."

Bully for them, I hope they can't even pay their mortgages because of it.
Powell is done. Host is up, chiding the audience for not cheering her hard enough.

They... don't really cheer much harder the 1st or 2nd time around.

"Monday she speaks again," says the host. Oh goddammit, I don't wanna cover that. "You're gonna have plenty more."
"She knows things that we don't," says the host.

Yeah, um, she knows Q isn't real. For starters.

• • •

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31 May
In case you wondered what kind of person would *host* the QAnon convention,

Eddie Deen, who owns the venue, is on stage right now. He is giving the world's most confusing presentation, which he claims he also gives at homeless shelters (WHY??)

Come with me on a voyage thru it. Image
As I type this, he has said "does that make sense?" or "does that make any sense?" 3x in the last 90 seconds.

Absolutely none of does.

"What I want you to do," he says, "is now turn around to the left. My brain is now calibrated."
He's talking to a guy who's riding a bike around the stage.

"What's happening right now, you're 5 years old again."

"We got five minutes and eight seconds," he says. Oh boy, I don't think I can transcribe -- even partially! -- for that long. I might literally die. Image
Read 7 tweets
30 May
I've written several times about Q's first superfan, a 4chan user (who I suspect was a sockpuppet for Q) that posted 60ish times about Q on 10/29/17, Q's second-ever day of activity.

What was Q's appeal for this user -- or, alternatively, how did Q try to drum up interest? ImageImageImageImage
That's right: raw fuckin' antisemitism.

Antisemitism has been a key part of QAnon culture *literally since the first moments that QAnon culture was a thing.*

So when Q people claim that Q isn't the least bit antisemitic, remember the sewer Q crawled out of.
Also, it's reasonable to ask why I think this is a likely sockpuppet.

Two reasons: first, 60 posts is a LOT of goddamn posts. 4chan anons tend to have the attention span of a HEY, LOOK AT THIS SHINY NEW THREAD.
Read 6 tweets
29 May
If I'm not mistaken, the next speaker at the QAnon conference will be Michael Flynn.

They're running a clip showing Flynn's "Digital Soldiers" speech, and -- yep, it's gonna be him.

OK, guess I'm live-tweeting this too! Image
There's a LOT to unpack in this image. I urge you to ignore the "hed iz pastede on yay"-level Photoshop and soak in the surroundings, like the...

backwards alphabet chart on the wall??????? Image
We have transitioned to a music video.

I think this is the "We're Not Gonna Take It" video Q linked to in the last drop. (Except for the possible new drop today, which is a whole thing I'm not going into ITT. @pinealdecalcify is working on gathering reactions; follow her!)
Read 51 tweets
29 May
Current speaker at the QAnon conference goes, "According to the press, this is a crazy QAnon event... all because some of us read a few posts on a message board. I gotta tell you, I got a lot of good reads from those posts."

Not a very convincing denial that you're a Q follower.
Speaker goes, "Find me the post that calls for violent action. You can't, there is none. This was an information-based operation that gave us research leads... to expose the underbelly of our government and Hollywood and everything...."

Video's back. I'm not gonna transcribe this because I just did the Sidney Powell thing, but if anyone wants to, DM me and I'll RT it for sure. Image
Read 8 tweets
29 May
OK, there's an hour-long break at the QAnon convention. They're showing a video clip on the stream, complaining that "they took away our bloodlines and means of reproduction... instead of the British diluting our bloodlines through sexual force, they have vaccines."
"Much like the American Revolution, the Scottish clans were forced to unite in war against infiltrators who planned to destroy their freedoms... the tyrannical elites were forced to change their tactics from invading countries to infiltrate them. The common man will fight."
I need to go do paying work for a bit, but in case you were wondering, yes: of COURSE they're playing long clips from Braveheart.
Read 5 tweets
29 May
Alert: Rep. Louie Gohmert is talking about January 6th at the QAnon Conference.

He got as far as "January 6th, a day which will live in infamy" before he veered off into talking about how racist Democrats are.

But I'll let you know if he comes back to the subject w/quotes ITT.
He's now talking about spending a summer in the Soviet Union as an exchange student.

Starting to think he doesn't WANT to really talk about January 6th, but just wanted to mention it so people could go "yes, SO UNFAIR that libs blame Trump supporters for January 6th." 🙃
OK, now he's back onto the subject:

"I'm taking flak for" opposing the January 6th commission. "Pelosi... appointed a general who has called the Republicans excrement, and other things."

You just claimed Dems want young girls to get raped by Mexican immigrants, my man. 👞 fits
Read 5 tweets

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