Bevelyn Beatty and Edmee Chavannes are back and doing a Q&A session. Popa is begging the audience to actually ask questions this time, not tell stories.
First question is not a question, it’s a lady saying they are inspirational.
Another lady (presumably white) is asking how to effectively engage with the Black community.
Chavannes is saying to not treat Black people any differently. She’s telling a story about how she saw a white mother at an airport wearing short pants that showed a bit of the woman’s behind, and how she approached that woman and told her that her butt was hanging out.
They’re recounting their story of painting over the “Black Lives Matter” mural on the road, and how they went to the police station before.
A woman is asking about police review boards (such as the one in Dallas) that are made up of people that work for non profits “that are really gangs” that come into the cities and get tons of funding.
She’s talking about how behind these boards and the non profits is George Soros.
One thing that I would like to say about the Dallas Police Review Board (actually called the Community Police Oversight Board) is that it is not new at all. It’s been around since 2005 at least. It’a not a new thing, it’s just more in the news because of BLM.
Popa is saying that the CIA has infiltrated churches, talking about how Joel Osteen is protesting with “LGBTP” groups (I assume P stands for pedophile).
Chavannes is saying her sister told her to come back to France because Biden appointed a transgender person to some education position.(I think she means Rachel Levine, who is assistant health secretary, not in an education position).
They’re now saying a prayer.
Popa is having to tell the crowd to either be quiet and listen to the stage, or to take their conversation outside.
There was a video, I’ll be posting screenshots in a bit. Right now Popa is giving out presents to the children in the audience I think they’re tee shirts.
New Kid up on stage. Popa asks him why he’s here, kid says his parents drove him out here from one of the Carolinas.
Video screenshots! It was war images with famous people’s faces photoshopped over soldiers with classical music in the back.
More screenshots
6 way Q&A panel with (in order) Kate Awakening, Jason Frank, Ben Chasteen from Edge of Wonder (has not spoken here before), Jordan Sather, RedPill78, and Brad Getz.
My screenshotting ability is getting progressively worse, I apologize.
Jordan is bringing up the alternative media infiltration/fake news in QAnon/conspiracy theory circles again in his introduction. He just can’t stop himself from complaining about clickbait.
One of the best parts of the conference is Popa *begging* the audience to actually ask questions and to not tell stories or their opinions.
First question is for Paine (and everyone) about how to tell the difference between the truth and disinformation in conspiracy circles. Paine says that you probably shouldn’t trust things that seem too good to be true, but it’s always case by case.
Paine says you should check to see if they have back up for their claims. Kate is saying everyone makes mistakes in what they share, and that’s okay, but to watch out for people that repeatedly share disinfo and build up hope for stuff that doesn’t pan out.
Sather says to keep emotional attachments to people on the internet in check. He brought up the metaphor/saying “believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see.”
Sather says you can trust certain people on certain topics, and reject what’s useless. He says look at both the message and the messenger, because the messenger might be compromised.
Frank says wait to see if the info that seems dubious is trending/spreading later on, if it spreads it’s more likely true.
New question, what the panelists think need to happen to get to the precipice where everyone wakes up.
Kate says we’re already there. To her, the 4 people who voted for Biden have buyers remorse.
Getz said that the election of Biden needed to happen to wake people up. Biden is proving everything they said, he’s the “ultimate redpill”.
Getz says stay away from dates, no one knows dates. If someone gives a date for when Biden is coming back they are lying for clicks.
Frank says the children are the thing that will bring them together. He says as people get more involved in the PTA or the CPS that’s when we’ll get to the precipice.
Paine is talking about how China has nukes pointed at us, and how the true origins of Covid are coming out. He says we’re “Looking at potential thermonuclear annihilation” and that means we’re close.
Chasteen says we need faith, and that you should talk to people near you like the person ringing you up at the grocery store to spread the message. This spreading of the message is gods plan.
Woman is not following Popa’s advice and is telling a story about protesting in DC in September 2009. She says she was honored when the messages came out in 2017, because she woke up in 2009 but now she was getting direction.
Her question is how to be a digital solider.
Sather is talking about IRL activism. He says that every day he makes a point to talk to 1 stranger, such as when he’s out running and sees a masked person he’ll make a comment about their mask “to rustle their jimmies.”
New lady is asking about earthquakes. “Are they what we think they are? Are they saving the children? Are they blowing up the tunnels?”
Sather is going to crush her, he says he believes in DUMBs, but that a lot of the info about them is click baity. He’s telling her to be careful.
Chasteen says we all want it to be true. Sather says he doesn’t because he doesn’t want children to be being held underground, but if they are he’d want the rescues to be true.
Frank says they don’t have to know all the information to participate, that you just need to get involved in your local CPS. It’s enough that they know it’s happening.
Woman asking about whistleblower safety, and where they should go. Kate says 8kun.
Paine says you should post only if you have evidence to back it up.
Frank says bring the info to the “Autists” on the boards because they will tear it apart.
Getz says go to Project Veritas.
Next question, how to bring the people out of the 10 days of darkness.
Getz says keep your cool, but drop little pieces of information like the Biden Crime Bill stuff. He emphasizes real life interaction.
Paine says make sure you’re on alternative platforms to follow them, that way you can get the information.
New question, asking about the statistics of where the influencers viewers come from. Everyone is saying that the analytics they get is really bad or non-existent.
They’re saying when they were on YouTube and such most were from the US, but there are big followings in India, Germany, Australia, UK, and Canada.
Woman is asking for elevator pitches about what each of them cover and why.
Chasteen says that it’s a mission for him to bring people to the light. Talks about how he wants to help others learn the truth.
I didn’t say it before, but the woman said that there’s some edge of Wonder content that might rub people the wrong way before she said the question. Paine says it’s okay that everyone has their niche, and that it’s impossible to not have content that might turn people off.
Frank is asking Popa to correct himself from when he called him RedPill77 last night, because people have been coming up to him and telling him they can’t find him. Popa says it was just a joke.
Powell is coming out again.
She’s going to have a conversation with/be interviewed by Sullivan. The crowd before this was asking for a lunch break, and so am I.
Powell’s talking about the Fake News distorting Flynn’s statements about Myanmar!! She’s saying that Flynn did not encourage any act of violence or military insurrection.
She’s talking about the clip that was put on Twitter and has gone viral not being accurate.
That’s me! At least in part! I’m being subtweeted for helping to spread “fake news”!
Powell says honest citizens need to take over school boards precinct by precinct.
Also subtweeting @JustinGlawe who deserves all the credit for the story, he was actually there! Go follow him!
She’s talking about voting machines and how they messed with the votes and shifted them to Biden.
She’s explaining why Trump didn’t do more. As to why Trump didn’t fire people, she says that she doesn’t know. She would have done that, and recommended that course of action to Trump.
She has boots she calls the “attitude adjusters”. What’s with the camera person an zooming in on feet?
Powell is telling the audience to do something kind for a stranger (like hold a door open for them) when they leave the conference.
She says that we have to bring light to the truth, no matter how painful it might be.
Sullivan’s talking about casino rules for making sure that slot machines aren’t tampered with, using it as an example of what we should do for voting machines.
Sullivan’s talking about how voting machine companies should be vetted more before their machines can be used.
Powell is calling for a return to paper ballots and says that there needs to be voter IDs.
They’re talking about the colonial pipeline hack now.
Powell’s brought up the documentary Kill Chain again. This is the 3rd time this conference (once by Powell before, and another time by Flynn referring to what Powell said)
Powell says she thinks Trump won California.
She’s talking about how George Soros used his money to help choose which district attorneys were elected. She’s complaining about people being sent to jail for simply stepping onto capitol grounds.
She says the response to Covid was a cover for mail in ballots.
Billings is on stage, he’s talking about a call he got from Flynn who told him clarify that he did not call for an insurrection. He says this was the fake news media, and is saying that the question asker was a media plant.
Sullivan is telling the crowd to open up their social media and post that they were here and that Flynn did not endorse a coup.
He says the opposition is “depraved”.
Q&A time. Lady is asking about what happens to Biden’s executive orders and appointments. Powell says that it should act like a new president got inaugurated, so that Trump could choose his own new appointments and overturn the executive orders.
Powell is saying that there is going to be a big case fillies this week, though it might not be obvious that Defending the Republic is working on it.
Sorry, I looked away for a bit. Some guy named Duncan McGregor is having Happy Birthday sung to him and has a bit of cake.
He’s going to play a video soon I think. I hope it’s another proposal.
More missing credit cards! Michael Andrew Jones lost his whole wallet. A woman come up on to get it, they made a transphobic joke about her “identifying” as Michael Jones.
They’re playing the same soft rock QAnon song that plays during lunch breaks now. IDK the song artist or name. I’m sure I’ve heard it before though. Some chorus lyrics are “We may fall, holding the line. We may fall, but we’ll be fine.”
If you know which song this is please let me know, I’m like 99% sure I’ve heard this before. I’ll post screenshots in a bit if that helps.
Abby Cooke! Patriot Transition Voice! They said it, and it was on the screen and I somehow missed it last time, lol.

*Abbey Cook, sorry.
Up now is Vicki O’Brien. She’s an actress lady and is making movies with traditional values. She’s coming out to that big Star Wars song that happens during the opening scroll.
I can’t see her, this is the only thing on screen right now.
To her the two biggest lies in Hollywood are that they are there to entertain you, and that you can choose what you watch.
She says Hollywood is at the center of everything evil because they’re the center of how the canal spreads their message.
She has a PowerPoint.
I’ll drop the slides in batches. They’re gonna be in order. She accidentally showed some of the future slides, and boy they’re a doozy.
She says that Hollywood’s goal is to convince people that traditional values are bad and archaic.
Freemasons are a Luciefrian occult that deals with witchcraft and more, according to her. She’s talking about bohemian grove, sex trafficking, and secret messages.
She’s talking about a push of the Transgender narrative.
She say’s adrenechrome is real.
Website crashed, I hate my wifi soooo much. I probably missed a load of slides I’m sorry!!!
Her solutions to the problems in the film industry are prayer, stop giving these evil empires money and give her money.
She’s crying reading this. At the bottom is a link that says she says the crowd should watch it.
Judy Mikovits is zooming in soon. She’s famous for Plandemic.
Popa again claiming this is being live-streamed to millions. I do not believe that.
A woman is up on stage, she said’s Shelia Hemphill. Her website is
She also isn’t on the speaker list. She’s talking about alternative medicine right now. Her website boats using ozone to treat Covid.
She’s talking about frequency therapeutics and the “power of water”. I need to brush up on my alt health stuff.
She’s talking about some biblical healing stuff I think, specifically saying looking up how “virtue” is used in King James. Wound healing using frequency therapeutics, too. And smart meters.
She’s talking about non-ionizing radiation that comes from wireless frequencies and harms people.
Eddie Deen, the owner of the venue, will actually be coming up on stage soon apparently. After Mikovits.
They’re playing a video from her website.
This video. Also noteworthy that it’s not being played for me on the stream like the other videos, they’re filming the screen as it plays.

You’re blocking the screen!!
Mikovits must be late, because it’s Eddie Deen speaking now.
He’s talking about his experiences taking to people in prisons and homeless shelters. He’s taking about theta waves and adverse childhood experiences that make people criminals. He says he teaches people how to be a child again.
There’s a slide behind him that’s a chart of something. He’s blocking it and the camera angle sucks so I can’t see it in full.
He’s using the cooking a brisket to explain the chart? It literally makes no sense. Like this is the most confusing thing I’ve seen so far at the conference.
He has a bike on stage, he’s trying to explain why it’s up there and I think it’s because traumatic events that make people criminals happen at age 5, you also learn to ride the bike at age 5, so he actually modified an IRL bike to turn different and that rewires the brain.
He’s pulling people up on stage to ride the modified bike.
If you have ever seen this chart before, please tell me I am desperate to know what it means.
Mikovits’s Zoom call did not work.
The conference was supposed to have ended at 2 btw.
Amy and John are on stage, I think they’re closing out the conference. They’re looking at September possibly for another conference.
They say that they’re getting attacked by the media for what they’re doing.
Wait they also didn’t have a lunch break today what the hell
They’re mostly just thanking people. EyeDropMedia is based in the UK, but he was ranked for making all the intros/videos.
Oh they’re talking about how the media is attacking them for high ticket prices, but that those prices are necessary.
Court Griffin is talking about how he wears January 6th as a badge of honor. He’s telling the audience that if they were there they should not let anyone shame them for that.
They say their next conference is going to be in Vegas, and is going to be called the “For God and Country Patriot Double Down”.
Audio has been turned off, but there’s still videos. People are taking pictures up on stage in front of the screen.
And that’s a wrap! That was a ton of fun, and I’ll probably do some more stuff like this in the future. I’m also going to write a little summary about the conference, so look out for that.
Also, I am by no means an expert on QAnon or extremism. I’m an 18 y/o college student. If you want actual analysis and news on extremism, here’s a list of just a few people who look at this stuff much more in depth than I do. Follow them!!!…
If you have any advice, feedback, or complaints my DMs are always open.

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31 May
New Thread for Day 3 of the Dallas, Texas For God and Country Patriot Roundup!

Mute this thread or me if you don’t want to see a bunch of QAnon Conference livetweeting on your timeline.
They say they’re going to be starting soon. Right now there’s no video of the conference only audio. They’re playing a bunch of copyrighted music like Plush by Stone Temple Pilots.
Audience is complimenting Andre Popa’s pants, but I can’t see them because the video isn’t up despite Popa speaking right now.
Read 48 tweets
29 May
I’m going to be livetweeting the QAnon Conference here in Dallas (I am not attending, just watching the livestream).

Mute this thread or me if you don’t want to see QAnon stuff in your timeline all throughout today.
Good graphics so far.
Had some trouble getting the livestream up, along with some of the people in the official forums.
Read 445 tweets

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