Move at the speed of `trust`! What a great mantra for data science team leads internally and data science groups in bigger organizations! @stephhazlitt gives a recipe for success in incorporating R into BC government. #cascadiaRconf
@k8hert says: facilitate participation by all in a distributed tech product....
It is tech and people and you have to pay attention to both.... #cascadiaRConf
Next up is @kdillmcfarland on being the first bioinformatician in a department.
R users know how wonderful it is. Marketing it internally is important: @kdillmcfarland discusses the importance of getting buy-in through workshops, office hours, and making things accessible and obviously useful. #cascadiaRConf
Experts have to model vulnerability and learning because no one knows everything. So true. #cascadiaRConf
Next up is Chante Davis presenting her work with Emily Markowitz and Diana Dishman on teaching colleagues to use R. #cascadiaRConf
LiveThread of #cascadiaRConf afternoon session [with apologies to @tladeras for missing the first lightning talk; my dog needed food]. Now building a college basketball simulation by Kevin Floyd.
@reikookamoto1 lightning talk about bringing analysts and technical writers together through internal packages to support teams. #cascadiaRConf
Understanding the teams needs, not just your own... #cascadiaRConf
Today, I'll fulfill a long-standing goal to visit the only football ground in England with pubs on all four corners. Brentford's Griffin Park is in a farewell year.
First, a pint of Fuller's London Pride at the Griffin, corner of Brook Road South and Braemar St.