A multi-billion dollar industry is keeping society sick.
First they sell you the poison, then they sell you the antidote.
Know your Enemy.
A thread 🧵
In 1961, U.S. President and former 5-star general Dwight D. Eisenhower warned his people of the unwelcome influence of the ‘Military-Industrial-Complex’.
He was referring to the powerful conglomeration of corporations that profited from manufacturing and industrial output the previous four decades of war.
Today, there we are facing a similar threat, from a corporate entity I have called the 'Medical-Pharmaceutical-Agricultural-Complex' (MPAC).
Instead of selling guns, bombs and planes, these corporations profit from selling industrialized food products and their pharmaceutical ‘solutions’.
These companies span the length of the processed food supply chain:
- Agricultural seed growers of corn, soy, wheat, etc
- Agro-industrial seed and chemical manufacturers (Monsanto, Bayer, Syngenta, etc)
These grain-based industrial food products make humans sick. Despite this, there has been 50 years of nutritional gaslighting telling you otherwise:
- Eat polyunsaturated oils for heart health
- Eat wholegrains
- Eat a plant-based diet
- Saturated fat causes heart disease
- Red meat causes cancer
- Eggs are bad for you
- Calories In Calories Out
- Eat Less Move More
All wrong.
When you inevitably fall sick on the industrial sludge and herbicide contamination of your food, what happens?
Don’t worry, there is another immensely profitable industry ready to sell you the ‘antidote’.
Big Pharma.
The Pharmaceutical industry profits from medicating the symptoms and signs of your chronic disease.
- pills to reduce blood pressure
- pills to reduce blood sugar
- pills to reduce cholesterol
- pills to reduce inflammation and painkillers for when your body starts to break
All the while downplaying or obfuscating processed junk food as the root cause of disease.
Which, if removed, would obviate the need for medication in the first place...
Big Agriculture and Big Pharma exist in an unholy partnership of profit and illness, junk food and medications, fast food joints and pharmacies.
Many, like Bayer and Johnson&Johnson, are one and the same.
They sell you the poison, then sell you the antidote.
Bayer, a German multinational pharmaceutical and 'life sciences' company
- sells farmers GMO soybeans
- sells RoundUp herbicide on the seeds
- sells oncology and cardiovascular medications
100s of millions, maybe billions of people are caught up in a tragic cycle of overfeeding and chronic disease.
- Obese, diabetic, depressed and in pain.
- Continuously feeding on processed carbs, seed oils and sugar.
- On a laundry list of long term medications.
How was this possible?
For the past 50 years, the Medical-Pharmaceutical-Agricultural-Complex influenced
- government policy
- nutritional guidelines
- medical practice
- public opinion
Away from preventive health and towards junk food and ‘prescription pad’ medicine.
They used
- Regulatory capture
- Corruption of science and evidence based medicine
- massive amount of marketing/advertising
The Medical profession bears a heavy burden of responsibility.
Today, the average MD has become a credentialed prescription bot of Big Pharma, whether they realize it or not.
Sticking bubble gum in the cracks in cracks of our patient's illness the form of prescriptions.
The longer the life of the prescription, the better.
Collectively, we have abdicated our duty to healing and by ignoring the #RootCauses of disease.
What can be done?
You have to free yourself from this sad cycle of sickness.
If you are very ill or medicated, see a physician that specializes in dietary reversal of metabolic disease.
But most of you can start TODAY.
- Reject the hyper-processed foods made of carbs, sugar and seed oils.
- Replacing them with fresh, real food, mainly animal meat and fat.
- Be aware of the quality of your food and how it was grown.
- Pledge to buy your food from local farmers markets, farm-door shops, and organic/regenerative farms.
- If you can, raise animals, grow vegetables, keep chickens and work towards food self-sufficiency.
- Look after your physical health by resistance/weights training, and exposing your skin to the sunlight.
These are all radical acts of resistance in the face of a corporate behemoth hell bent on enslaving you through addiction to industrial junk food and a lifetime of prescription medications.
Every purchasing decision is a vote placed, a shot fired and a battle fought.
Like a child stealthily replacing a half-empty ice cream container back in the freezer, the mainstream medical establishment is increasingly admitting saturated fat does not contribute to heart disease or risk of heart attack... THREAD
This review article was recently published, and follows the 2019 Annals of Internal medicine meta-analysis which suggested low to no evidence of red meat contributing to cancer or heart disease.
Grassroots, community action is and always was the most meaningful and effective solution to an industrial food system making people sick and diabetic.
❌Refined foods made by multinational conglomerates
✅ nutrient dense animal foods from regenerative ranches
@modernTman's @beefinitiative project is helping you channel high quality animal foods straight from farm to your table
If you live stateside, attend the upcoming Food Intelligence summit in the home of regenerative agriculture- White Oak Pastures in Bluffton, Georgia
We have a very long way to go before widespread adoption of ancestrally appropriate diet and lifestyle reduces demand for healthcare...
For the foreseeable future, the health of the majority will continue decline with continued consumption of ultra processed foods, protein deficient plant-based diets, and repeated doses of outdated mRNA tech for a circulating cold virus.
There is an ageing population and a boomer generation who have spent the past 2 decades consuming seed oils as their primary fat source, addicted to sugar and carbs and dosed on statins.
Insight into a future of low cost, fee-for-service healthcare on a #Bitcoin standard
What if I told you the reason health care is so expensive, inaccessible, and at times poor quality, is because of a LACK of competition?
Government intervention reduces free market competition, which would otherwise force hospitals, health services & physicians to compete for your business and provide you a better product...
Just like cafes, restaurants, gyms or any other business in the economy.
The more you understand, the harder it is to call this anything other than a multi-billion dollar scam orchestrated by Big Pharma and funded by the taxpayer.
@MaryanneDemasi It would almost be funny if it weren't so serious. Recommending the mass injection of young children with genetic material instructing their own cells to make a viral spike protein for no appreciable clinical benefit is a recipe for widespread iatrogenic harm.
@MaryanneDemasi It's a whole new level of grift from Pharma. Seems like they whipped together a steaming pile of 💩for research (under lower EUA burden of evidence) and pulled all the favors with captured govt. bureaucrats to get their product passed off as 'safe and effective'. Diabolical.