1/Well this is embarrassing @JimWatsonOttawa@VeraEtches@OttawaHealth. Imagine implementing something as uncomfortable and intrusive as being forced to breathe through fabric & having your face cancelled without any backing science, data or assessment of risk.
2/You say this was a decision made by the province of ON. A quick reminder that the province wanted to stay out of mask mandates originally. cp24.com/mobile/news/on…
4/@VeraEtches added section 22 orders beyond prov req'r for masking around outdoor amenities both in the winter & the spring, clearly without any evidence of effectiveness or evaluation of risks such as the effects from exercising outdoors with a mask on.
5/Here is the "increasing scientific evidence" that was presented to the rubber-stamping Ottawa city clowncilors last summer to justify forced masking. "Sure looks like a graph, approved!"
6/OPH stated that they were following the advice of @CDCgov@WHO on masks. Studies cited on their websites include "the two hairdressers story", "laboratory mannequins w/ taped down masks" & @jeremyphoward's bunk, ignoring decades of pre-2020 mask studies.
7/Since that time @ONTatwork has stated that cloth masks are non-protective as PPE (though they still require them?), & we know from the massive Wuhan Nature Magazine study (and the Fauci emails) that asymptomatic transmission is a nothing burger.
8/As was shown in the FOI Fauci emails, @OttawaHealth had the correct science on masks in the beginning too (before the politicisation of the C19 response). capitalcurrent.ca/face-mask-no-d…
9/ON and Ottawa have failed to analyse the real-world data since mask mandates infected the western world last year. Clearly, masks did absolutely nothing to mitigate the spread of C19 in the community. At least many US jurisdictions have come to their senses.
10/As we enter into a heat wave, I see many Ottawa workers & residents outside in masks needlessly. If @OttawaHealth cared about public health & city workers, they would immediately address well-known low risk of outdoor transmission & recommend dropping outdoor mask wearing
11/Indoor masks are currently under the scope of prov. regulations. FOIs are coming for @OntarioHealthOH & @ONTatwork who are more interested in politics than the H & S of ON workers. Of course @CBCOttawa@ctvottawa@OttawaCitizen have no interest in telling you the truth.
12/Thanks to @coachmiketweets@GovGone for submitting these FOIs and others. I encourage all to take the time to submit FOIs to hold gov't to account for their baseless and harmful decisions surrounding C19. The mainstream media certainly won't do it. #masksoff
13/Addendum: Unsurprisingly @fordnation@celliottability@Sflecce haven't done due diligence on all-day masking of kids at school either. They're clearly out of step with proportionality requirements in emerg charter exceptions. Lawyers, start your engines
1/OK. Let's see who truly "won" this debate between non-subject matter experts @billmaher & @SethMacFarlane🧵
Maher: Natural immunity was not considered.
MacFarlane: Natural immunity has been debunked.
Winner: Maher. Natural immunity does not prevent you from catching seasonal..
2/respiratory viruses, but prior infection does protect against severe illness, much as mRNA shots were supposed to do, however, natural immunity also provided better outcomes than mRNA shots.
3/Maher: Probably because the vaccine gave you Covid (weakened immune system after vaccination)
MacFarlane: That's anecdotal
Winner: Mayer. The Ontario data show that the more mRNA shots you get, the greater your risk of infection.
(No wonder they took down the data).
1/As Covid era memories start to fade, I would like to tell my workplace mRNA mandate story as a reminder of what was done to individuals by our gov't, media and 'experts', buoyed by a fearful/hateful populace who were ripe to fall victim to an industrial propaganda campaign.
2/I have had a spotless, multi-decade career at a gov't agency. I worked my way up from an entry level position to senior leadership without a university degree. I am well liked and well respected by my managers, peers and employees. I have done much heavy lifting over the years.
3/When I consider taking pharmaceuticals, I look at the risk/benefit carefully. With most non-politicized drugs, this is easy. Side effects are generally reported honestly. As with Google reviews, the trial results & vast user experiences reported online show clear patterns...
1/In the end there will be no accountability. Not for nudge units or journalists. Not for Jinping, Gates, Tedros, McKinsey or Zuckerberg. Not for Fauci, Bourla, Tam, Biden, Trudeau or Andrews. Not for Ferguson, Drosten, Fisman, Gonsalves or Ding. Not for Ford, Legault or Devilla
2/They diverted the eyes of the masses with collectivist slogans:
"2 weeks to slow the spread"
"Healthcare heroes"
"Do your part. Stay 6 feet apart"
"Your mask protects me & mine protects you"
"Safe & effective. Do your part to protect the community"
3/All along, they blamed everyone's favorite selfish, anti-social villains:
- Racists/misogynists
- Alphabet-phobes
- Anti-lockdowners, anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers
- White conservatives & the conservative-adjacent (critical thinking Liberals, LGBTQ2+, BIPOC First Nations ppl)
1/We seem to be reaching the stage of the Covid debacle where all of the authoritarians are trying to memory hole all the awful things that they did. We need to make sure that we never forget. Remember when they arrested people for sitting in a park or going to the beach?
1/ Early thoughts on #DoffDay from Covid crazy central (urban #Ottawa). Drove past my child's former elementary school. Looked like about 85-90% masked walking to school and in the yard, though some of the staff were not wearing them. Interesting.
2/First trip to the grocery store. Out of around 10 customers in the store, I was the only one not wearing a mask. The maskers looked even more frightened and outraged than usual. I saw one woman sanitize her hands 3 times. Store staff were 50/50 masked and unmasked. Interesting.
3/Ottawa will remain heavily masked for the first week or two. Even those who want to take them off will find it intimidating at first. Seeing people not wearing them in greater and greater numbers will give people courage to finally let go. We need face ambassadors.
1/#WearAMask if you want. It's your personal choice, but stop trying to coerce/guilt people into keeping theirs on to "protect the vulnerable". It has been clear for quite some time in the real world data that masks do not interrupt community transmission in any meaningful way.