Anytime something is done to us, a moral gap is opened that needs to be equalized.
Eg. You stump your toe on a coffee table & you will tell at it. A flood washes away your home, you yell & curse the universe....
Moral gaps means you see yourself as righteous & undeserving of
The actions that you receive. Therefore you react based on emotions to equalise the act done to you.
Eg let's say I punch you. You feel a certain pang of anger (emotion that will cause you to want to equalise) such treatment meted out to you. If I quickly apologise & give you
N5000, (let's pretend my apology gesture bcms satisfying to you) then the moral gap that was created due to the punching hv become equalised. We are now Even. I have made up for it.
But what happens if I am an all powerful force that its actions cannot be equalised.
Eg Buhari
Is dishing out several injustice & desecration to our economy & way of life. Moral gaps hv been opened. But we cannot equalise such treatment. The brain does something fundamental.
Our brain begins to give excuse that maybe we deserve such treatment since we cannot equalise.
For if you do not deserve it, then you should be able to equalise such moral gaps. Hence you begin to hear statements like
"Nigerians deserve the kind of leaders it gets"
Equalization is present in every experience because the drive to equalise is emotion itself.
It underlies
Our sense of justice & hv been codified into many religious text - Hammurabi (An eye for an eye, & a tooth for a tooth), bible golden rule (do unto others what you would have done unto you....)
Finally, many Nigerians are hurt, in pain & feel sad about this govt but cannot
Equalise such treatment(since they project themselves as an all powerful untouchable force). When moral gaps persist for a long time, it bcms normalised. They become our default expectation. If someone hits us & we cannot hit back over a certain period, then our brain starts to
Say we deserve it. For the fact that we couldn't hit back shows how inferior we are or something inherently superior to the person that hits us. Eventually how we come to value everything in life is a sum total of our emotional over time.
Finally, we have to find a sure way to
Hit this brutal, tyrannical govt whenever it hits us. We have to equalise those moral gaps caused over the years by Buhari govt. We should not accept we deserve this kind of leaders or we are inferior, or it is a hopeless situation.
The difference between Shia & Sunni brand of Islam was really all about leadership tussle.
Who would succeed as the next prophet of Islam.
Islam was a powerful religion probably mixed with State monopoly of Power in ancient medieval times. Whoever controls Islam controlled the
The leadership tussle between Ali (Cousin to Prophet Muhammed) & Abu Bakr to succeed prophet Muhammed after his death started the differentiation between these two sects (since 632AD) of religion that hv continued to plague us till this very day
The failure of Muhammed to
Explicitly name a successor led to the confusion, religious interpretation & power tussle within the theocrats in that era
Also when Uthman was killed by rebels(who supported Ali ascension) to the leadership post & the refusal of Ali to punish them, only led to a Muslim civil