I've been live tweeting all day for #beyondtheroom from #quality2021 (internationalforum.bmj.com/europe/program…). In the thread below are links to the threads of my tweets from each of the talks and workshops on quality improvement I attended if you want to read back at your leisure (1/5)
Welcome back to my live tweeting from #quality2021! The final session I'm covering today is "The Role of Leadership in People Wellbeing: Addressing Front Line Burnout Through Culture and a Systems Approach". It runs up to 17.30 (18.30CEST). I'll be tweeting throughout
Our speakers for this session on burnout and how to avoid it are Ingrid Gerbino, Virginia Mason Franciscan Health; USA and Wendy Korthuis-Smith, Virginia Mason Institute; USA #quality2021
And we're off! Gerbino and Korthuis-Smith are explaining the approach that the Virginia Mason Institute method takes to people management and to prevention of burnout. Korthuis-Smith is asking the audience about factors they recognise in burnout #quality2021
Welcome to the next session at #quality2021 (internationalforum.bmj.com/europe/) "Optimising the medication pathway: Meeting the WHO 2022 target of 50% fewer medication errors and clearing patient backlogs through automation". It runs through to 14.15GMT. Thanks for joining me
Kirran Walsh of BMJ is introducing our session. First up: Rachel A. Elliott, Professor of Health Economics at the Manchester Centre for Health Economics; United Kingdom. Elliot is setting the scene in terms of economic impact of medication errors #quality2021
Hello! The next session I'm live tweeting for you from #quality2021 (internationalforum.bmj.com/europe/) is "Creativity as core in QI - using the Arts to empower and build co-production". It will run until 13.00GMT. We're hearing from Polly Bowler and Leanne Sedin about work at @NHS_ELFT
Amy Price is introducing the session. Says we'll be hearing about the East London Foundation Trust's #ELFTin1Voice projects. Polly Bowler is Head of Arts Therapies for ELFT’s Bedfordshire & Luton. Says improving lives is the aim of what they do. #quality2021
Bowler is talking about the 1Voice choir project, which is run in partnership with Sing Tower Hamlets community Choir. She stresses that the project is open to all, and helps to bring together people and provides a way to discuss difficult things #quality2021
Right, first session of today at #quality2021: Quality Improvement at National Scale: The theory and results of two national collaboratives using QI to address human rights issues and safety in mental health. Amar Shah is welcoming us to the session.
We're being joined for this session at #quality2021 by Ajibola (Aji) Lewis, Sal Smith and Kate Lorrimer. Shah says patients in hospital for mental health reasons experience same risks as other hospital patients, but with other risks to their safety related to their mental health
Shah says that there is relatively little work that's been done about patient safety in mental health settings. Says there is a tension between autonomy and reducing risk which is often present in mental health situations #quality2021
I'm live tweeting for next three days from #Quality2021, International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare Europe 2021 ofr #beyondtheroom. I start at 11GMT with "Quality Improvement at National Scale: using QI to address human rights issues and safety in mental health"
For wondering what QI is, it's not the smug telly programme about telling people they're wrong about stuff. QI stands for Quality Improvement. Here's a good intro to the whole approach in health health.org.uk/sites/default/…#quality2021
Other sessions I've got for you today are
12.15GMT Creativity as core in QI - using Arts to empower and build co-production
13.15GMT Optimising the medication pathway: Meeting the WHO 2022 target of 50% fewer medication errors and clearing patient backlogs through automation...
Sitting outside in the dark. The fox cubs have been and gone. There is a cat on the roof.
The fox cubs are back. They move on tip toes. The vixen is grumbling to herself. She looked at me through the gate and we nodded at each other in a most neighbourly fashion.
Last week I stayed in a youth hostel on the South Downs and, honestly, I've seen more wildlife and stars since I got back. The world can be quite remarkable, really. Even during all of this horror.