"Most students felt that the relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) they received at school did not give them the information and advice they needed to navigate the reality of their situations."
On today's damning report from @Ofstednews.
At every school Ofsted visited young people reported a significant problem, "it wasn't in some, it was in all of them" - Amanda Spielman.
"The Department for Education says teachers and school leaders will be better supported to recognise sexual harassment and abuse and teach confidently about issues of consent, online pornography and healthy relationships."
'Consent' cannot be taught if girls are forced to share toilets and changing-rooms with male pupils, without their consent. Schools must be consistent in their messages to pupils: consent is a principle that cannot be compromised in school policies.
Action schools take to address sexual harassment must be preventative. Mixed-sex facilities do the opposite, they increase risk and take away girls' rights. The school must unequivocally show respect for girls and their right to establish their own personal and sexual boundaries.
'LGBT inclusive' RSE resources promote porn as a bit of fun, and introduce extreme sexual practices as normal. These resources disempower and pressurise girls further and reinforce the entitlement of boys. This is the opposite of preventative action.
Finally, in this article Peter Wanless, head of @NSPCC refers to 'children' and 'young people' rather than 'girls.' Gender neutral language covers up the problem, which is that it is overwhelmingly girls facing sexual harassment and violence from boys. #nametheproblem
The Ofsted report reflects the findings of the 2017 UK Feminista and @NEUnion report "It's just everywhere." Why has nothing been done in the four years since this report was published? In fact 'trans-inclusive' policies have made things worse for girls. ukfeminista.org.uk/wp-content/upl…
We cover all of these issues in more detail in our report 'Inclusive Relationships and Sex Education in Schools.' You can buy it here (free download also available from our shop): transgendertrend.com/product/inclus…
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"The advice being given to schools by Stonewall is dangerous and unlawful" - Naomi Cunningham, barrister.
Stonewall School Champion schools need to re-assess Stonewall training, or lay themselves open to legal action for indirect discrimination. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9…
For more information on how the Stonewall School Champions scheme puts schools at risk of legal action, read our blog post here: transgendertrend.com/stonewall-scho…
The updated Allsorts trans inclusion schools toolkit must be scrutinised as Stonewall's guidance has been. If schools do not consider the needs and rights of girls they lay themselves open to legal challenge for indirect discrimination. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9…
"Councillor Hannah Clare, chairwoman of the committee, said 'This is an important element of work to ensure all pupils in our city's schools feel safe and supported."
'We want all pupils to feel comfortable in their own skin."
Except girls?
"A consultation with trans children and young people prior to the guidance being published found that many will choose gender-neutral toilets for 'fear of bullying or harassment'."
But no consultation with girls who are disproportionately disadvantaged by such policies?
Evidence of Stonewall's attempt to get @BluskyeAllison sacked from her Chambers is revealed.
"Judge Stout refers to a “threat” from Stonewall to “remove” the barrister from Garden Court Chambers."
Garden Court is a Stonewall Diversity Champion. telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/06/0…
“[It] plainly seeks to put pressure on Chambers to take action against the Claimant, indeed to the extent of urging Chambers to remove the Claimant from Chambers..."
"...and accompanies that with a threat about the ongoing relationship between Chambers and Stonewall itself if Chambers does not take action.”
Workplace LGBT networks have such power over workplace policies. But they haven't just sprung out of nowhere. It is also no coincidence that there are suddenly pupil-led LGBT clubs in schools.
One of the conditions for achieving a Stonewall School Champion secondary school Gold award is that pupils are "actively involved in school anti-bullying work and supporting LGBT young people eg. through LGBT groups." transgendertrend.com/stonewall-scho…
This is what happens when children teach children. "In a statement, the school said the newsletter, written by the LGBTQ+ student society, aims to “inform and promote understanding of LGBTQ+ issues”." thetimes.co.uk/article/913e7f…
This is very welcome news and we salute @trussliz for taking a stand and making the right decision. No government department can be truly impartial while tied to a political lobby group. thetimes.co.uk/article/a49372…
We have been pointing out Stonewall's misrepresentation of the Equality Act and guidance that contravenes the latest government RSE guidelines for a long time now. Read our Stonewall report here. transgendertrend.com/product/stonew…
We have written about how Stonewall School Champion schools put themselves at risk of legal challenge if they follow Stonewall's advice, and we have provided a letter for parents to take into their child's school to help them challenge Stonewall's advice. transgendertrend.com/stonewall-scho…
Listen to this excellent interview with David Bell, by Julian Vigo @_JVigo at @SavageMindsMag. There is so much to quote in here, we will give you a taster.
"This isn't really about affirmation it's about collusion."
"You've colluded with the terror in the child and colluded with a kind of disgust with their changing bodies."
(These children) "are highly disturbed...and the way they've come to believe to get out of the terrible state they're in is not to think about their minds but to change their bodies."