What an appalling organization.
What an appalling CEO.
The best course of action would have been to recognize the court's judgment, acknowledge failings, and settle compensation for discrimination and wrongful dismissal.
One of Maya Forstater's lawyers, @peter_daly, on @amnesty , the @fawcettsociety, the organised Trade Union movement, the political parties: "All have ignored these women, or been positively hostile"
"Amnesty Ireland went furthest of all by putting its name to a statement calling for people with Gender Critical beliefs to be “denied legitimate political representation”. Even typing that sentence feels implausible."
Maya Forstater's lawyer says in the light of today's judgment, @theSNP need to review their proposed hate crime legislation, and national police forces need to stand down from thought policing.
Previous thread on the wondrous and surprising fact that artificial intelligence cannot detect esoteric beliefs which contradict physical reality on the faces of people who hold them:
Lavery pops up in ghoulish delight at his fantasy that a male could have a uterus implanted from a dead or living woman, only to abort the fetus that was presumably was the point of the operation.
A vanity womb, with a vanity abortion, top points in the Great Validation Game <3
Lavery clearly derives pleasure from offending women, as many such misogynists do. Here Lavery takes an event that is often traumatizing for women and sets it as a goal for trans validation.
So yes, it's a fetish for these people, like menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding.
Notice the slur & the deliberate "misgendering".
Lavery knows it's women objecting to his fetishistic fantasy of trophy abortions when he says "Real feminist activists, these GUYS".
Weird to claim to be a woman when you hate them so much, isn't it?
Two sexist men briefly interrupt chanting the misogynistic cult slogan "Trans women are women", as they suddenly remember they require actual women as reproductive workers for the human commodities they wish to acquire.
For the record: Here is the archived version of that exchange
"Like many activists consumed by this issue, Chase Strangio is uncompromising in demanding strict adherence to a set of highly contestable orthodoxies, and merciless toward anyone who dares question them." tabletmag.com/sections/news/…
"Strangio is of course perfectly entitled to his views about the fairness of allowing natal males to compete against natal females in high school sports, and to advocate for an “information climate” suppressing books he doesn’t like..."