First: I find this from Mervyn King for Bloomberg annoying. Yes, the risk of inflation is “real”—as it was not in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, in all of which we were assured that it was very real... 1/
...indeed. But the risk that the recovery will be anemic is real as well. If inflation risks turn out to materialize, the Federal Reserve has a straightforward way of handling them. If anemic-recovery risks materialize, there is no path to easily handle them. Given the... 2/
...immense uncertainties, an ability to do the math of option value under asymmetric risks mandates that the sensible thing to do is to prioritize rapid recovery now, and to wait until early 2023 to see where we are with respect to inflation. And, no, we are not... 3/
...“reluctant to criticize the Biden stimulus plans because we share his concerns about [America’s] social and political problems”. We are reluctant to criticize the Biden stimulus plans because they seem sensible ways to (i) provide relief, and (ii) guard against the... 4/
...risk of an anemic recovery like the one that Mervyn King and his peers presided over from 2010–2013. I would be very interested in what Mervyn King would have to say about how to avoid policy mistakes in the future like the ones he played his part in making over... 5/
... 2010–2013. I am much less interested in reading him making false claims about why I and people like me think that insuring against another anemic recovery is job #1 right now, with control over inflation expectations best reserved to be the concern of central banks... 6/
We have come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the Constitution and the declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall... 1/
...heir. This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of... 2/
...honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check which has come back marked "insufficient funds."... So we have come to cash this check -- a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. We have... 3/
@jfeckstein@Noahpinion Don't think I haven't thought about it! Wiþ 1 ideogram per syllable—or, actually, more like 0.7—& 2 syllabus per word, 280 characters translates into 200 words. A full op-ed column þen becomes a three-tweet tweet storm.
I favor: "the complex Involved Ideography of Captain... 1/
@jfeckstein@Noahpinion ...Yuan.... Yuan’s Ideography was based on the notion that writing had greater impact the more senses it evoked. Old-style European script... had to work hard to achieve the kind of psychic resonance that Yuan desired.... The Involved Ideography... were intricate... 2/
@jfeckstein@Noahpinion ...hieroglyphs based on the First Aristos’s own ideas about the wiring of the human mind and its relationship to information, were another step toward complexity and many levels higher in symbolism. Looking like a peculiarly convoluted incorporation of baroque Mayan... 3/
@zachdcarter How come back in 1993 Michael Levy & Jack de Vore, Bentsen's Asst. Secys. for LA & PR, were **very** **very** insistent that, even then, things would only pass (a) if they were also Republican priorities, (b) via Reconciliation, or (c) if you were very clever, under... 1/
@zachdcarter ...credible threat of Reconciliation followed by a bargaining-back, & only then if enough Republican senators to get to 60 decided that bipartisan comity was a better look than boob bait for the bubbas?
If this was the view of Bentsen's staff in 1993, 27 years ago, a group... 2/
@zachdcarter ...that actually staffed things that passed via a bipartisan majority, what excuse does Biden's staff and Manchin's staff have for not knowing it now and singing bipartisan kumbayah?
The velvet glove is worn over the steel gauntlet, it is not a substitute for it... 3/END
@FiringLineShow@LHSummers@Harvard@PBS For example, John Cochrane in November 2008, when private construction spending was at 40% of its peak and only 60% of its average share of spending, calling for a further fall in aggregate demand & higher unemployment to push even more people out of construction employment... 1/
@FiringLineShow@LHSummers@Harvard@PBS ...Unless I am fundamentally mistaken at a very deep level, that's not intellectual excellence. Yet neither his colleagues in the finance group, his deans, nor U. of Chicago President Zimmer uttered as much of a peep or pulled John aside to say: "you should count how many...
@FiringLineShow@LHSummers@Harvard@PBS ...people are employed in construction before you go raving off as some kind of right-wing von Hayekian social justice warrior".
@IrishPhilosophy@lastpositivist It's a Roman thing: When you surrender, you give your captor power of life and death over you. If he decides to enslave you, you have agreed to it: if you were not the kind of person who would agree to become a slave, you would have... 1/
...continued to resist, and so died.
The questions in this framework are (a) what if it was not you but your parent that surrendered (easy answer for Romans: you live at your paterfamilias's sufferance, so you have no rights other than those he gives you; easy answer... 2/
...for us too: no, your father's surrender does not bind you in any way); and (b) can you—morally—revoke your surrender and resume your war against your captor-enemy under more favorable conditions. I think the answer for Hobbes is: yes, you can, for you are still in a... 3/
First: We economists observe the very broad sweeps of data generated by firms and governments accounting systems. They arise out of human propensity to cement social bonds and deepen our societal division of labor by entering into reciprocal gift-... 1/
...We economists observe the very broad sweeps of data generated by firms and governments accounting systems. They arise out of human propensity to cement social bonds and deepen our societal division of labor by entering into reciprocal gift-exchange relationships. We... 2/
... have both extraordinarily amplified yet also narrowly focused these by mediating them via through the social fiction of “money“. Thus gift-exchange gets divided into one-shot cash-on-the-barrelhead quantified discrete episodes. And from the counted-up totals and... 3/