Please and Thank you! Why is this illiterate, Putin-devoted, CRIMINAL BUFFOON not behind bars?!
Had he been anyone else? Please!
He met with GOP leaders to strategize? WTF
Good GOP Boy!
O.M.G. the guy is just so EVIL and these people quoting the BIBLE of all things to justify his actions, including members of the CHURCH. WTF, Bozos. We got your number.
COME OUT AND SAY YOU ARE A RACIST @GOP and stop the dumb charades. You want to vote against Asian Hate Crimes and Lynching Bills? You want to let your team compare wearing a mask to the HOLOCAUST? ...BE HONEST and stop hiding behind a BOOK.
THIS IS A DARE! Will you accept it @GOP. Get a spine and come out and say what you REALLY represent.
When Isiah Washington (MAGA) and Mel Gibson (MAGA) did their 'thing', they went to some hate rehab and were absolved? If anyone is from LA remember the late Hal Fishman? He did a bit about just owning what you are and it was brilliant.
Spelled Mr. Washington's name wrong..please forgive me lol
HE is the reason for the ATTACK ON AMERICA'S CAPITOL
Keep stalling, DOJ and see where that gets you.
Anyone feel as if the DOJ are afraid to start a war with the GOP by holding them accountable for their crimes?
Don't they realize that they've already waged a war on us?!
Read it Twice!
Screw Apple!
Apple says it didn't know Trump's DOJ was asking for Democrats' data when it complied with subpoena…