I have been in complaints and counter-complaints process with them since Gregor Murray in June 2019 accused me of "abuse" for two tweets, calling me an "anti-trans bigot" and Transgender Trend a "hate group" which they took up
In the Scout Association's latest response (before the judgment) they said that the fact that I defended myself by saying that I would, where appropriate call a man a man, meant that I might not be suitable as a scout leader.
This is my defence of myself to the Scout Association that the employment tribunal (now overturned) said made me "absolutist" and "not worthy of respect".
The same defence was judged by Scouts to make me suspect as a Leader
Dozens of media outlets carry the same statement that "High Court Judge" Mr Justice Choudhury said my views "may well be profoundly offensive and even distressing"
.... but he doesn't say that in the judgment at all.
The ability of the public to bring JRs is important.
And there are permissions hearings and cost orders to deter the vexatious and frivolous.
I do think @CrowdJustice has been unwise to flex its own self-regulation for the Good Law Project.
Normally the rules require the "case owner" is the claimant and their lawyers sign off on the case page. But for GLP these constraints and quality control are removed.
The purpose of the Freedom of Information Act is to keep information about our relationship with public bodies that could cause reputational damage out of the public domain
The purpose of the Charities Act is to allow people to organise together for the public good.
We get to define what the public good is.
Disagreement with us is not in the public good
The purpose of the Equality Act 2010 is to support "our community".
The EHRC should not intervene to support other people's rights.
You can quote from Bev Jackson's excellent speech at @LabWomenDec Stonewall and co see as the kind of thing that should get you ousted from your job and from the public debate