Toy Faces is a fun diverse library of 3D avatars for your design mockups and commercial use. Add these 3D illustrations to your UI and make it stand out.
7 Awesome Design Tools for Web Designers/ Developers.
A Thread 👇
1⃣ Da Button Factory
A simple button design tool that helps you create high-converting call-to-action (CTA) buttons for your website, blog post, social media post, or email.
The Pattern Library is a project by Tim Holman & Claudio Guglieri. The library is made up of tiles upon tiles of patterns which are free for you to use.
The scroll-behavior property will make the scrolling experience smooth and a lot better for the user.
Add this property in your code and see the difference.
2⃣ Center Anything
To center anything horizontally and vertically inside a container element, you just need these three lines of code and it will make the desired element centered.