Recently tenured and planning for full professor? I am. A thread of what I find the most useful outcome of participation in @IASatIU's Recently Tenured Working Group Program. @iuimpact 1/…
@IASatIU@IUImpact A quick disclaimer. This is my plan for my school as I see it at this moment. Any and all could change tomorrow, for your circumstances and goals, etc. I’m sharing because I found the exercise useful, not that my ideas are complete nor correct. 2/
@IASatIU@IUImpact What does it take to go up for full professor in your school or college? Actually go find the documents and copy the language out from them. Example for a case based on ‘Excellence in Research’ from @IUONeillSchool below 3/
@IASatIU@IUImpact@IUONeillSchool Now read that, discuss it with peers, and try to translate that language into strategic goals. The idea being to turn the guidance given AND any norms you can uncover from some conversations into actionable items. Here’s mine for excellence in research: 4/
@IASatIU@IUImpact@IUONeillSchool I also grabbed the language I could find on who the external letter writers will need to be for my case and did the same thing. Plus I added my own category of things I want these external letter-writers to represent. 7/
@IASatIU@IUImpact@IUONeillSchool Finally, I added some goals that included formal training in diversity, equity, & inclusion, as well as some leadership development because I am interested in growing in this space. These didn’t show up in any categories, but I found them important enough to add into my plan. 8/
@IASatIU@IUImpact@IUONeillSchool Now you have a list of goals. If these are complete, you’ve got a punch-list. You can weigh new commitments against these goals. If it doesn’t advance these goals, is it a strategic place to invest your time and energy? Maybe, but at least you have to consider opportunity cost 9/
@IASatIU@IUImpact@IUONeillSchool But wait. There’s more! Now that you know the goals, how will you get there? What are the actionable items that you will undertake to achieve each goal? Here is an example of some actionable items for research and how they map to my goals: 10/
@IASatIU@IUImpact@IUONeillSchool It was amazing to work on this as a group. Not only did I get lots of good ideas from others, but gained an appreciation for how unique the path is for each of us. The research all-star, the future dean, the community-builder, the mentor, .... 12/
@IASatIU@IUImpact@IUONeillSchool In contrast to this plan, as an Assistant Professor my plan included things like publish a few papers a year, attend meetings, get funding. These were not actionable, strategic goals. I was just trying to keep the wheels on! 13/
@IASatIU@IUImpact@IUONeillSchool My hope is that this is helpful as a template in your own planning. I hadn’t ever taken the time and space to do this, and found it really helpful to clearly articulate goals, how I’ll get there, etc. What do you like and dislike about this approach? Questions? Thoughts? 14/
@IASatIU@IUImpact@IUONeillSchool (again, this is v1.0 for my Associate-to-Full plan. My goals, my career, my work-life balance, etc. – a strategy shared as an example, not a checklist for every person out there) 15/15
Faulty - @zoom_us failure got you down? You can get live and instructing with Google Hangouts. Here's a quickstart guide you can download, and I'll also post the individual steps in this thread. Lets all do our best to help our students! @IUONeillSchool…
Step 1: Go to and sign-in. You can use whatever account you want. I'll show how this looks for an @IndianaUniv account. Click 'Sign in'
Step 2: Finish the sign-in process. Here you can see a screenshot of what my authenticaon looks like. Your might just be a google log-in or maybe your institution has a custom interface like this. Doesn't matter. Just get signed in.
Join us in just 45 minutes for our undergrad panel - hear from students how the transition to online education went for them. Our panelists are ready to give honest feedback to help instructors prepare for next semester. #hydrology@CUAHSI…
Plus - have a question you want answered? Tweet it at me or @skuylerherzog - we'll ask the panel and report back on this thread!
What are we learning so far?
1 - Professors are trying. Even if it hasn't been perfect, the effort is noticed and appreciated.
2 - Synchronous meetings are helpful. 100% asynchronous is lonely and doesn't help students isolate key points from 'noise'