Van Duyne has actively fought against the issues that are important to Texans: education relief in public schools, minimum wage increases, protecting working mothers, and more. True to form, she hasn’t addressed the latest crisis we’re facing.
This has taken off! If you're nothing like my former opponent and are interested in helping Texans suffering under some of our worst leadership, consider donating to the following orgs.:
Metrocrest Services has been providing food, housing, and job assistance to my community for nearly 50 yrs. They were a huge help during the power grid failure.They also provide kids in my son's school with supplies and food on weekends and summers.
@JoltInitiative is devoted to year-round canvassing of Texas Latinos and training Millennial and Gen-Z Latinas in activism and civic engagement.
@GroundGameTX, founded by @JulieOliverTX & @SiegelForTexas, is devoted to solving our state's most pressing problems with year-round deep canvassing, and focusing on popular issues like expanding Medicaid and a $15/hr minimum wage.
I've been social distancing with a feverish toddler. He has a cough. He's been vomiting. I'm also sharing my home with my Mother-in-law, who is vulnerable right now.
We took our tot to our pediatrician, and she tells us they're testing nearly no one for COVID-19 in Texas. And even if Texas was testing, his lack of international travel disqualifies him from testing.
We know that Coronavirus doesn't check your passport before infecting.
(2/) The Trump presidency is further exacerbating income disparity; while many working americans are having a harder time surviving on a single job, there are Americans who work at most a single job and get paid for hundreds.
(3/) That they are asked to reinvest in the infrastructure that got them to where they are is what we would call economic maintenance. Capitalism and Democracy take require maintenance.